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ThyCheshireCat's totally accurate ratings of character's chances of appearing in Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate.

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2018
The Former British Empire of great Britain.
I've decided to start my own little thread series based on what I believe to be the chances of difference characters from getting into Smash, I've looked into evidence for and against certain characters and I've tried my best to be as unbiased as possible. If you are wondering, the reason I decided to make this thread despite this existing is one simple rule in the page "Please do not discuss a character after their day has ended." A lot of the characters I want to discuss have been rated and rerated before and I really can't be bothered waiting like two months, the game will probably be out before I get to rate the ones i'm planning on rating today.

I will be giving three scores, A chance of appearing in base, A chance of appearing in DLC, and my want score for the characters in question. I will try to do three characters per week but understand that sometimes this is not possible.

Today I will be discussing; Marx (from the Kirby series), King K Rool (From the Donkey Kong Country series), and Dark Samus (from the Metroid Prime subseries).


The main villain of Kirby: Super Star, Marx is a pretty well known and beloved character from the Kirby series, possibly being its most famous villain alongside Dark Matter (Dedede and Magolor really don't count as villains do they.), and the inspiration for Magolor's story and even Tabuu's moveset. Marx has a surprising amount going for him, for one Super Star has gotten content from every Smash game since Brawl, while patterns are usually unreliable when it comes to Smash.... wasn't The Great Cave Offensive a weird idea for a Smash stage? Milky Way Wishes is also the only Kirby Super Star minigame to get no representation in Smash, even the SSU minigames now have representation in them in the form of the GK skin for Meta Knight and Dedede's new Masked Dedede Final Smash, and even Dyna Blade has trophies. However the final minigame, Milky Way Wishes, current has nothing so Sakurai may see this and add Marx into the game. While not helping him in the base game he also has the Star Allies DLC on his side, he's easily the most requested DLC character, and while that could change if Magolor comes (let's face it, he probably will) Marx might still have the edge. He has moveset potential that literally no other character in Nintendo history has, you tell me someone who has black holes, arrow storms, shadow attacks, balls, the ability to split in half, vines, and cutter blades in one moveset... While there could be a problem with him having no way to hold things or grab, having his clawed wings out will change that. his only problem is irrelevancy and that only counts for the base game.

In total i'll give Marx a 15% chance in base
He seems like he'd be that one character that's really left field but at the same time makes so much sense for Sakurai to do, i would give him higher but he is irrelevant to 2015 and definitely was not planned to come back at the time.
A 70% chance at DLC
Marx seems like the most obvious Kirby character for DLC, he's got everything a good DLC character would need, relevancy, popularity, demand and moveset potential... only reason I don't give him a higher score is that demand could soften down once DLC is under way.... but i'm sure he'll appear in Smash some day.
And a 100% want score
He's kinda my most wanted character... I love Marx and I think his complex moveset, cute design and role in the Kirby series makes him the perfect Kirby villain for Smash.


Do I really need to introduce this guy, everyone in the Smash community should know this guy by now. but yea King K Rool is the main villain of the DKC series and was once a regular part of the series, DK's Bowser you could say. But sadly he has been absent for about a decade now and it doesn't look like it will change... or does it. King K Rool has a A LOT going for him, he is very popular, DEFINITELY scored high on the ballot, is one of the few main villains left for the Original 10 series in Smash, he has great moveset potential, and he definitely has legacy behind him. his only problem is irrelevancy but does that matter then the whole Smash community knows you anyway.... maybe so.

I give King K Rool a 90% chance at base
In my opinion he's the likeliest character even with Verge's leaks of Simon and all that i'd still rank K Rool higher, K Rool is an iconic villain and one I see many requests for in Smash.... and I feel now is the time for the requests to be answered.
A 75% chance at DLC
The reason his chances are lower in DLC than in base are legitimately due to the fact that chances are he's already going to be in the game at base.
And A 90% want score.
What can I say.... I love crocodiles, I like the DKC series and I think K Rool is a great character.


Dark Samus is a villain from the Metroid series, specifically from the Metroid Prime subseries. Being a reincarnation of Metroid Prime itself she's obviously going to be a dangerous foe, she is formed from phazon taking on Samus' form, and uses phazon in many of her attacks, Dark Samus doesn't have too much going for her but what she does has should not be underestimated, for one we have no trace of her AT, we also don't have a trace of Samus' skin based on her, and we also have the new echo fighters for which she may potentially be a part of, being like Samus but having phazon based effects to her moves. She's not as iconic as Mother Brain, or Kraid but she does have evidence to support her being added over them.

I'l give her a 60% chance at base
The three reasons above are why she's as high as she is... but there is the argument that her unique attributes could make her being an echo unfair, since she has more potential than that.
A 5% chance at DLC
Simply because at this point Sylux is likely to be more relevant as he is confirmed to have a role in Metroid Prime 4.
And a 55% want score
I like Dark Samus but i'd honestly rather have Kraid or Sylux.

Thanks for looking at this weeks edition of ThyCheshireCat's totally accurate ratings of character's chances of appearing in Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate. next time well.. i'll wait for the Direct to come out before deciding.

0-10% Nigh Impossible / Against Addition
11%-40% Unlikely / Meh
41-60% Moderately Likely / Happy with Addition
61%-94% Likely / Would enjoy
95%-100% EXTREMELY LIKELY (probably won't use it for this TBH)/ would ADORE
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Deleted member

Insert overly insulting and emotional argument because I want one character over the rest and you dared giving them a low chance percentage here.

That said, I kinda agree, though I find Dark Samus to be more likely than K.Rool here. K.Rool is very suggested, but with the echo's being so prevalent and no Dark Samus assist, I just feel like she's very likely to happen.

As for Marx, it'd be a dream come true, but incredibly unlikely as you mentioned. If Star Allies helped inspire future DLC or a fighter for the next game, I'll be happy with that too.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2018
The Former British Empire of great Britain.
I still think Marx is overrated (like, actually overrated). I’ll have to rate the other two later.
Marx's absurdly high DLC chance rating comes from the fact that there really isn't anything against him being DLC, like in base he's got a lot against him but for DLC I don't see anything that prohibits his chances, except that his demand may lower a bit. Maybe i did give him too high in some peoples eyes but the same points lead to different results with different people.
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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
I think Marx’s ultimate downfall comes with the fact that Bandana Dee was a much more requested character, and definitely appears in more games than he does.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
I still think Marx is overrated (like, actually overrated). I’ll have to rate the other two later.[/QUOTE

Still second to bandanna dee but it’s getting tied

And they are like the only two Kirby characters with love,

Dark mater has a few fans
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