I've recently gotten into competitive melee, and one of the biggest things that I'm learning right now is getting rid of bad habits that have been with me for a long time.
I just found out from someone that apparently having your thumb on the control stick at all times is better then just flicking it. But someone else gave me the opposite information. I was wondering if any of you can tell me what is better. For example, after I do something like a wavedash, I let go of the control stick so that it goes to neutral position automatically, instead of placing it back there with my thumb. Since I do this so quickly I hear a satisfying flicking noise, but at this point my thumb is not touching the control stick. Also, are there certain times where this is the preferred way?
I just found out from someone that apparently having your thumb on the control stick at all times is better then just flicking it. But someone else gave me the opposite information. I was wondering if any of you can tell me what is better. For example, after I do something like a wavedash, I let go of the control stick so that it goes to neutral position automatically, instead of placing it back there with my thumb. Since I do this so quickly I hear a satisfying flicking noise, but at this point my thumb is not touching the control stick. Also, are there certain times where this is the preferred way?