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Thoughts on what style of game to play?


Smash Cadet
Nov 25, 2013
Queensland Australia
So first off the bat!
I apologize if this isn't in the right thread/section I just couldn't think of where to put (so if it needs to be moved please do) also apologizes if this has all been talked about before in a different topic/thread.

Now that I guess the pleasantries are out of the way, what do people feel is a solid or firm way to play, by this I mean;

Is it aggressing and trying to make your opponent feel overwhelmed?
Is it playing it calm and waiting out attacks to counter?
Or is it a solid mix between the two?

To give this question some context I've lately been playing Roy and a lot more Lucas (I usually play Lucas but had him in my pocket for a while ever since 3.5 was released, not related to any of his nerfs btw) While previously I had played falcon and with the nature of falcon I wanted to aggress make the first move, the typical kind of thing I guess a falcon player might want to, now whether it be due to poor techs/set ups I usually got bodied trying to use him even when I tried to slow it down.

But I changed over to Roy and Lucas and decided to see what could come of just assessing the situation and wave dashing back baiting out attacks and in light of my change things actually came favorable for me.

Now it could just be due to the nature of the characters (however I'd exclude Lucas due to him being very strong in getting in) but the calm/chill game was and continues to be helping me.

What style of gameplay do you think is best? Is it based around the character your matched up against or is it based around the style of gameplay your opponent is throwing out? or do you feel one form of gameplay strongly out weighs the other.

Just wanted to get some thoughts as I have a tournament coming up and wanted to get a grasp of what generally works out better.

Thanks for reading if you did :)


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2013
the 4th Dimension
In my opinion, I think gameplay is a mix between the character matchup and the opponent's personal playstyle, with a bigger emphasis on the latter.
In terms of a Roy and Lucas, they both get a lot of milage with a DD wait and bait game. From what I've seen with Lucas, you can fade from a wait and bait to aggro once the opportunity presents itself. Once Lucas gets in he's tough to get out.


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2015
You're almost always better off playing the wait and bait game...and this is true considering pretty much every character has a solid punish game if you get over-aggressive. Being aggressive can easily become a recipe for disaster. You should still aim to harass and control space as best as you can in neutral, though, since those can open up windows where you can be more aggressive.

That being said, it is still somewhat a mix of the two because you want to wait and bait until you can convert a hit into a larger combo or kill. When you can convert, then you should be reasonably aggressive in pushing through until you need to disengage. It's primarily going to be matchup-based, with a decent portion concerning how your opponent is playing. Sometimes you can stick your head in and pull out a 0-death because they're combo fodder or are overcommitting, but sometimes you might have to disengage partway through your combo and reset to neutral until another opportunity to finish off a kill presents itself.
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