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This is why we need stocks instead of timed matches on fg doubles


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2015
Your wife's bed
I was on a match and people would just kill you and start running away. It's annoying and makes the game alot less fun. It also causes reckless rushing because of timed matches. You can't take your time. There's one question I would like to ask. Are you willing to spectate when you lose your stocks?

David Wonn

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2010
Being evasive in teams is ineffective. If you have an opponent doing that, then just ignore that particular player, and double team the partner. They'll soon realize how futile such a tactic can be.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2015
Your wife's bed
Being evasive in teams is ineffective. If you have an opponent doing that, then just ignore that particular player, and double team the partner. They'll soon realize how futile such a tactic can be.
Yeah but sometimes your teammates don't get the memo. Also when we do double team them, the coward would go in for attack only to run away again.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
If it was stocks, there would be so many times where my ****ty teammate would be dead within seconds and then hed take my stock and die in another 10 seconds, and then i'd be left fighting two enemies at once with 1 stock left(with friendly fire off).

Maybe instead of timed, or stocks, there should just be a first to X number of kills mode. Then, at least if someone runs away, he has to eventually fight back to win.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Being evasive in teams is ineffective. If you have an opponent doing that, then just ignore that particular player, and double team the partner. They'll soon realize how futile such a tactic can be.
^^^^ Pretty much this.

I know how annoying people running can be. I really, really do. A friend and I run into that stuff all the time in 2V2s because they either want it to be a Sudden Death, or avoid a Sudden Death. I will say though, that sometimes it doesn't really work in their favor at all.

Someone can have 127% damage and run all they want for the last 30 seconds. They can go ahead and stay out of it all they want; however eventually they'll have to come to their partners aid. Then again, I've literally had people watch us wail on their partner and do absolutely nothing to come to their rescue all because they didn't want to get KO'ed. That didn't help them at all and allowed us to get an easy KO that way. I personally don't understand why people do this but whatever floats their boats I guess? I'm not going to complain.

I also find people who like to stay at the edges and spam attacks in 2V2 while their partner does all the work. That's fine by us. Again it makes it all the more easier to kill their partner when they're literally doing nothing to help. I must admit though sometimes those types require the most attention, such as Robin or Samus cause we can't allow them to full charge their attacks and spam them.

That would be bad. Annyyywaayyys...

Personally I would like both to be an option if it were possible. Either or works fine to me but I feel like Stock Matches would offer a little more of a challenge sometimes. It will force you to better protect your partner and/or work together or it may cost you.
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Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
I wouldn't mind if there was a stock option for local 2v2 or even the option of friendly fire at that. Since at least that way you can effectively communicate with your partner right next to you and execute strategies better. Whereas fighting with a random, your partner sometimes doesn't get the memo.

Or they'd just troll around and kill off their stocks (luckily friendly fire isn't a thing as you may get a partner who'd literally attack/betray you for no reason than just for laughs). So yeah sometimes I wish the local 2v2s were treated more as official doubles so that things could be more interesting and challenging while the single player team battle can be left with time and friendly fire off to prevent less dumb trolling.
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