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Play more defensively. You were constantly walking directly into his attacks. Going for bairs and DIing into him and then getting owned by something of his own before your bair came out, stuff like that isn't good. Also, PKF spam.
1 word: defense
none whatsoever throughout the whole vid...
you never once shielded or aerial dodged the whole match
like when your opponent wall of pained you off the stage at 2:22-you never once tried to aerial dodge or DI out of his combos
also-PK fire spam...do it
short-hopped PK fires for spacing-works wonders
never rush in without a plan...always play smart and keep 'em guessing
I get why you felt the need to rush in, though. Rob has the advantage at really long ranges.
Learning to bstick pk fires will help you take the advantage at medium range, and he'll have a hard time camping you then. In fact, it should go the other way, with him going on the offensive.
Two notes on tops:
1. they dissappear if they hit a shield.
2. you can bat a top that's on the ground, it won't move, but it'll hit them if they walk into it. It's also easier for you to pick up then.
You need to learn how to b-stick and short hop, i don't think i saw you short hop once? And like everyone else said play more defensively, you get rushing in or trying to land on top of ROB and getting punished. Stop DI'ing towards him and start DI'ing away from him while air dodging to avoid his combos.
lucas here
i hate how my friend uploaded the ONLY video i got owned by him
also i spam pk fire and use thunder to edge guard
ill put an updated video in a couple of mins
The second video was much better, but you still play Lucas too much like a rushdown/aggression character like Mark or Sheik. Lucas can do that, but not every time, and trading and getting countered really adds up to getting pwnt by a good solid smash at the wrong percent.
A couple of things:
1) You're diminishing your stick. Why not use f-tilt when they're at like 50%? Safer, and sets up for PK fire and N-air approaches for more damage in the long run.
2) Down air sucks, you know this to be true.
3) You miss a LOT, don't miss (just don't).
4) You subscribe to the no condom theory of ****, it's more fun but if you just keep ramming it in every time you get the chance you're going to get caught much sooner rather than later. It's always better to be safe rather than sorry, and if you'll indulge me, I'd like to go into the psychology of this style for a moment.
Did you know that a rat, trained that he will be given cheese when it presses a button or lever, has the reward removed and is only given cheese 1/50 of the time, and is given a slight shock the rest of the time while being fed on a regular interval, will continue to press the lever, approximately 200 times, admittedly hesitantly, before he decides it isn't worth it and gives up on the lever?
Imagine Lucas up-smash or forward air is the lever, and the cheese is hitting someone, and the buzz is getting hit. Even if something is a clearly bad attack, we get beat out or punish a lot, most of the time we'll find ourselves continuing to do so even though it's risky, because we want that cheese and we might get it this time.
Watch your videos? See the cheese? See the buzzer?
Mentally, you can "tell" yourself what you want to do, but if you don't take the time to reinforce your good habits with some kind of cheese, and avoid your bad habits, even if they are partially successful, you won't improve. A few targets might be not down-airing every time you're coming from above (or really ever if you can avoid it), recovering more safely (don't PK Thunder into the sky like you do, you'll get upsmashed), and approaching at appropriate times (that's for you to figure out).
As a side note, scientists often studying rat thought patterns have noticed a pattern of thought when getting buzzed by the lever, indicating that the rat often blames the wood chips he's standing on, or the timing of pressing the lever, or the fact that the cheese doesn't like him much anymore.
I think that the crux of playing Lucas is realizing that all of your attacks can be launched from the same approach (short hop forward). These are:
1) Wavebounced (retreating) pk-fire
2) Nair, fair or bair (use fastfalling! I am still practicing this one)
3) Airdodge to tilt,
4) DI back and grab (if you know they are going to shield.)
The beauty is that all of these start out looking the same, so you force your opponent to guess. If you can stay one step ahead, you'll do well. Whenever I play someone good at this game it always comes down to mindgames (except maybe Toon Link, who, well, darnit I can't figure out how to camp this one... gotta rush-- this is how my whole airdodge approach game was born, actually (+ you can catch his bombs!) sorry for getting sidetracked...) to decide who wins.
I don't see this in any of your approaches, you just float around a lot and get punished. Practice this, and pick your approaches carefully. Space your smashes (especially forward and downsmash). Use the jab combo more in tight situations to knock them back and regroup.
man you got owned by your friend. that wasn't even a game; pitiful.
if you don't take sarcasm then i recommend ignoring that comment.
but anyways, you need to short hop constantly (strategy) and try to spot dodge his top(works for me) shpkf also works a lot. You can't be aggresive or you will just fall into his traps. Frustration and nervousness are also key issues that you probably don't have control over. try to relax and make him fall into your traps.
The second video was much better, but you still play Lucas too much like a rushdown/aggression character like Mark or Sheik. Lucas can do that, but not every time, and trading and getting countered really adds up to getting pwnt by a good solid smash at the wrong percent.
A couple of things:
1) You're diminishing your stick. Why not use f-tilt when they're at like 50%? Safer, and sets up for PK fire and N-air approaches for more damage in the long run.
2) Down air sucks, you know this to be true.
3) You miss a LOT, don't miss (just don't).
4) You subscribe to the no condom theory of ****, it's more fun but if you just keep ramming it in every time you get the chance you're going to get caught much sooner rather than later. It's always better to be safe rather than sorry, and if you'll indulge me, I'd like to go into the psychology of this style for a moment.
Did you know that a rat, trained that he will be given cheese when it presses a button or lever, has the reward removed and is only given cheese 1/50 of the time, and is given a slight shock the rest of the time while being fed on a regular interval, will continue to press the lever, approximately 200 times, admittedly hesitantly, before he decides it isn't worth it and gives up on the lever?
Imagine Lucas up-smash or forward air is the lever, and the cheese is hitting someone, and the buzz is getting hit. Even if something is a clearly bad attack, we get beat out or punish a lot, most of the time we'll find ourselves continuing to do so even though it's risky, because we want that cheese and we might get it this time.
Watch your videos? See the cheese? See the buzzer?
Mentally, you can "tell" yourself what you want to do, but if you don't take the time to reinforce your good habits with some kind of cheese, and avoid your bad habits, even if they are partially successful, you won't improve. A few targets might be not down-airing every time you're coming from above (or really ever if you can avoid it), recovering more safely (don't PK Thunder into the sky like you do, you'll get upsmashed), and approaching at appropriate times (that's for you to figure out).
As a side note, scientists often studying rat thought patterns have noticed a pattern of thought when getting buzzed by the lever, indicating that the rat often blames the wood chips he's standing on, or the timing of pressing the lever, or the fact that the cheese doesn't like him much anymore.
This is the most one-sided, 100% opinionated thing ive seen, and should be ignored entirely. Lucas has very good aerials, dont refrain from using them. Although you should try to cut down on the Dair, and mix up for Fair with some Bair more often.
One thing i noticed in the first video but not so much in the 2nd, i realised you got punished, every. single. time. you u-smashed. Yet you kept going for it. And quite frankly the timing was off by alot. You definately cut down on this in the second, but if this is a habit of yours try to tone it down. Alot of times i saw you u-smash i wouldve expected an utilt or an aerial instead.
Being your friend, play his weakness. By watching 2 videos only, i was able to predict most times he shot his neutral b. Learn his style and try to absorb them a little more. You will either:
A. Get alot of health off of him or
B. Teach him the hard way to stop using that move entirely.
Either way it works out of your favor. Your down b has very little lag time, and he always shoots it a good distance away, so you have no harm in throwing one up just to be safe, its not like hes in your face about to punish you for it.
no lucas' aerials aren't very good, especially compared to ROBs, i completely agree with technomonster.
in the first vid there was a point in the beginning where ROB hit you up and you DIed right back into him planning a dair and got destroyed with his usmash. Dont go for revenge like that immediately after someone hits you, ROB had utter priority in that situation. in the second vid from 1:16-1:20 you stood on the edge and did absolutely nothing while ROB was approaching. that would have been a perfect opportunity to short hop pkfire spam back and forth to keep him from coming near you.
also Robs "top" can be picked up, and if you dont throw it again (using other attacks like specials to keep holding it), he wont be able to use it again until you get rid of it. his laser can also be absorbed with magnet.
1:42 - 1:46 on the second vid was a great execution of pk fire approach. do it more often.
2:20, and 2:32, when you were recovering it would have been MUCH safer to use the tether.
for the love of god do the dair at least 3x less, it is just not good.
3:45 was an excellent bair spike.
4:10-4:20 pkfire spam while not perfect is something you need to do a lot more, replace the dairs with that.
no lucas' aerials aren't very good, especially compared to ROBs, i completely agree with technomonster.
in the first vid there was a point in the beginning where ROB hit you up and you DIed right back into him planning a dair and got destroyed with his usmash. Dont go for revenge like that immediately after someone hits you, ROB had utter priority in that situation. in the second vid from 1:16-1:20 you stood on the edge and did absolutely nothing while ROB was approaching. that would have been a perfect opportunity to short hop pkfire spam back and forth to keep him from coming near you.
also Robs "top" can be picked up, and if you dont throw it again (using other attacks like specials to keep holding it), he wont be able to use it again until you get rid of it. his laser can also be absorbed with magnet.
1:42 - 1:46 on the second vid was a great execution of pk fire approach. do it more often.
2:20, and 2:32, when you were recovering it would have been MUCH safer to use the tether.
for the love of god do the dair at least 3x less, it is just not good.
3:45 was an excellent bair spike.
4:10-4:20 pkfire spam while not perfect is something you need to do a lot more, replace the dairs with that.
So wait you agree that you should avoid aerials all together just because maybe his Dair doesnt beat an upsmash???? Perhaps he should appraoch from another angle, and possbile fair, bair, or nair him to his left/right where he doesnt have a hitbox. In no way should you do whatever aerial you want whenever you want. You have to learn what to do when, and that will only come with time and paying attention to what does and does not work in what situation. Anybody who gives up on aerials because they dair into an upsmash is just a complete moron. As good as ness's aerials may be, you dair into an upsmash with him, betcha the same thing will happen. So hey heres an idea, no matter what character you are, lets just give up on aerials all together!! No? Didnt think so. Its called strategy, which is what people are saying this guy needs to improve on. I think we all agree dair into robs upsmash isnt very good strategy.
I didnt say to give up all aerials. I said to do the dair 3x less, because it does suck. Nair out of a shield is an alright aerial, but ROB is well known for his good aerials so that's why I would not want to challenge him in the air.
I didnt say to give up all aerials. I said to do the dair 3x less, because it does suck. Nair out of a shield is an alright aerial, but ROB is well known for his good aerials so that's why I would not want to challenge him in the air.
My apologies, i got my screen names mixed up. Technomaster had the insightful post, not the very shallow, "Don't use aerials unless you are ness." However, i still stand behind my point. His aerials are just fine, i didnt say they were godly 100% more priority than somebody elses. It goes back to the strategy thing.
Also, you bring up a decent point with the top, but please TC don't listen to that without thinking. You elimate your entire 'a-arsenal' for his down-b. Thats normally not a good trade off.
However, if youve got the oppurtunity to pick it up and spam some PKF or something, then by all means thats one less thing he has at his disposal and is an awesome idea. But dont hold on to it like its your job lol. When your ready to close in just chuck it at him and possible set him up for a good combo.