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This huge dino rocks the throne! It's ya boi, His Majesty, Tyrantrum!


Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC

Universe of Origin: Pokemon
Game of Origin: Pokemon X/Pokemon Y <3DS, 2013>

You know what I like about Pokemon X and Y <With the full disclosure that i've yet to actually play X or Y extensively ;_;>? Tyrantrum, the Despot Pokemon, and an awesome T.rex besides! Before the Tyrunt line's extinction, it was said that Tyrantrum were such powerhouses amongst ancient Pokemon thanks to the species' jaws, that they were considered INVINCIBLE during the time period despite relatively poor defenses, leading to it's arrogance and kingly behavior. Man, Tyrantrum were straight bosses back then!

You know what I like about Smash Bros? The large, bruiser characters! While I personally don't main them <aside from subbing Brawl!Ike and the loophole of maining Pokemon Trainer meaning I main Charizard along with Squirtle and Ivysaur>, they are always my darkhorse-favorite character types! They may not always have mobility on their side <DK being a mutual exception>, but their raw power more than makes up for it.

You know what I DON'T like about Smash 4? The lack of heavy newcomers! Sure, Rosalina is definitely large but she's not very weighted in her moves, and Bowser and Charizard's refurbished movesets may be awesome what with Bowser's almighty dropkick and Charizard getting Flare Blitz and them newfangled Mega Evolutions, but they still are the same old characters at heart.

Time for that to change.

Enter Tyrantrum, the perfect next large, heavy character for Smash Bros! In fact, given his position as a kingly Pokemon, combined with his 8'2'' height, He can most definitely be the one character to be even larger and heavier than Bowser without items, with the moveset to emphasize the fact! <Not too much bigger, as he still needs to conform to the rest of the game of course, but a noticeable edge on Bowser on height and width would be cool.>

The Royal Battlegrounds - posted Tyrantrum movesets will go here!
Game of Origin: Pokemon X/Pokemon Y <3DS, 2013>

Universal Stats:
-Number of successive jumps: 2
-Wall Jump: No
-Crawl: No

Tyrantrum is a huge, aggressive dinosaur of a Pokemon, and his attacks will most perfectly show that. His speed and air options are severely limited outside of techniques, but if he connects an attack, it'll hit like a freight train. His size and weight would also surpass even Bowser, so good luck trying to knock this titan off the stage.

Don't let his massive frame scare you, though. Not only would his stage recovery be abysmal like Little Mac's <if not more so>, but most of the moves are as ancient in speed as they are in strength, so you can almost assuredly get a counterattack in before Tyrantrum can land a hit. He also would have his size betray him in the air; His jump height is laughable compared to most characters, and he sinks like, well, a rock if he gets taken off-stage. Grabbing a Metal Box as Tyrantrum would be comparable to a do-or-die strategy in regards to his extra durability vs. the added fall speed.

-Neutral A: Tyrantrum takes a hearty bite out of crime his opponent using his trademark jaw. Only hits once.
-Side Tilt: Tyrantrum flails his arms around to scratch the opponent a few times. Kind of a piddly attack in range, power and utility, but it's his de-facto fastest attack.
-Up Tilt: Tyrantrum takes a chomp straight upward.
-Down Tilt: Tyrantrum stomps a foot straight down for a curbstomp. Can Meteor Smash at higher percentages if used off the ledge.
-Dash Attack:
Tyrantrum does a frontflip and kicks out with both feet, similar to Riptor from Killer Instinct.
-Grab Pummel: Tyrantrum's grab holds opponents in his hands. Pummeling has Tyrantrum crunch down on them with his teeth.
-Forward Throw: Tyrantrum tosses the opponent forward, then headbutts them away.
-Backward Throw: Tyrantrum slams the opponent down on the ground, then kicks them back behind him.
-Up Throw: Tyrantrum grabs the opponent with his teeth and tosses them upward.
-Down Throw: Tyrantrum turns around, slams the opponent down, then gives a powerful curbstomp. Think of it like Chief Thunder's hit-grab in Killer Instinct '13.

-Neutral Aerial: Tyrantrum kicks both feet forward.
-Forward Aerial: Tyrantrum tries to grab the opponent with his arms.poor reach as to be expected, but if he grabs you, he brings you down for a powerful frog splash.
-Backward Aerial: Tyrantrum swings his tail down for a Meteor Smash.
-Up Aerial: Tyrantrum chomps upward.
-Down Aerial: Tyrantrum stops in the air, readies his body and shoots downward with both feet extended. If it connects, opponents will be hit twice; Once for the kick that causes a untechable Meteor Smash, and again when Tyrantrum slams into the ground.
-Side Smash: Tyrantrum swings his tail forward with a golden aura emanating off of it.
-Up Smash: Tyrantrum jumps straight up for a powerful headbutt.
-Down Smash: Tyrantrum slams his foot to the ground, pauses, then stomps again. Only hits in front of you, but the first hit buries opponents <no damage>, while the second hit deals a great deal of damage, and sends opponents flying.

-Neutral Special <Roar>: As Tyrantrum would be so big in the fight, it's just so that most people would try and fight him almost exclusively just for being the elephant-er, dinosaur-in the room.Naturally, he's gonna need a way to get some of that pressure off of him. Roar is a chargeable move that, when unleashed, lets Tyrantrum belt out a ferocious roar, sending out a windbox from around his entire character, the size and power of which can be charged indefinitely. That said, getting any overbearingly-powerful pushback takes an almost comically large charge time, so you should mostly just use it to get others off of you rather than actively going for enough power to KO a person just from Roar.
-Side Special <Rock Slide>: In a slight sendup of Hulk's Gamma Wave/Tsunami in the Marvel vs. Capcom series, Tyrantrum plants his foot inside of the ground, then kicks up, sending a group a stones flying up like a small concrete wave in front of him. Great power if it hits, and each individual sidewalk piece deals damage if hit from close up. That said, the stones count as physical projectiles, so watch out for reflect characters or a Villager. Using this move in the air will have Tyrantrum simply kick forward rather pitifully, but for nothing to come out from it. No damage from the air kick, either.
-Up Special <Ancient Power>: I stone spire made of golden aura erupts from under Tyrantrum, shooting him upward. The move has great upward range, but down right terrible horizontal recovery, similar to a Zelda using Farore's Wind upward.
-Down Special <Endure>: Tyrantrum steels his body for a full second, then is buffed with 1 hit of hyper armor that is a guaranteed flinch nullifier, no matter the opposing attack's damage. However, as Endure can fail after repeated usage, in Smash Bros., the startup window on Tyrantrum's Endure increases by an extra half second after every time he can get a successful hit of armor. If he is hit out of the startup, he is dealt extra knockback, but the startup for Endure resets back to its default. You cannot stack Endure uses to get multiple armors.

-Final Smash <Rock Polish>: Tyrantrum coats his entire body with a golden aura, making him impervious to flinching. His attack speed is also greatly increased, making all attack animations twice as fast, though there is no buff to walk speed, air speed or attack power. However, a Rock Polished Tyrantrum can still receive damage, so your main goal as Tyrantum is to get your strongest attacks out with the attack speed buff, and not worry about any move having snail's-pace animations.

King's Court - list of Tyrantrum supporters will be here!
myself, TechPowah

Let's give our T.rex Pokemon a warm welcome back to his kingdom for Smash Bros. 4 DLC or beyond!
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