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Thinking about what I have done before 21


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Link to original post: [drupal=1336]Thinking about what I have done before 21[/drupal]

I get to thinking about all i have done in my peach community. And it makes me feel good about myself. When I first came into smash, it was in may of 2006. I never thought in nearly three years I be where I am now in terms of smash. ( I could say life too, living pretty damm sweet right now.)

Back then i was just some Peach player, trying hard to get good and be known, but doing it the wrong way. I got into alot of fights, went through so much crap, and I even cost myself to actually be pro at the game. I played in my state only and 2 times I traveled out of it for big tournaments. which had pools and I only made it to round 2 of them.

Then brawl came out, and I said to myself (I'm not gonna make that mistake again, then time I'm gonna make something of myself and actually be up there as a player) Now I am one of the top Peach players in the USA. But I still had some of the same problems I did in melee that caused so much trouble. (you guys already know all the crap, I don't even need to say it.)

My year of brawl was tuff and really annoying. Had some haters, idiots, and I am sure there will be more of them. When you become known or somewhat famous on something, people will hate or get on you. test you to see if you are really bad azz. But I did one thing that you should not do to haters. Fight back. I always wanted to prove a point I'm not to be messed with with my own character. And that stopped me from advancing to skill levels I should already be at by now or should have hit a while back.

Then I look at these kids (teens) that come into smash and get into Peach. Some of them know about me before they even get into maining Peach. I have to set an example. I can't have them seeing me go through all this crap. Cause Peach is a tuff character to do damage with. Only Peach mains would really know what hell we go through, even if the match up is in our favor. They will start to think it is not worth it. Also some look up to me so it be like "wtf?"

I hit 21 now. Soon people like me or at my age won't be around to show these boys/girls the ropes. But while I am around, I wanna do all that I can to help others. I don't treat this as helping people. I treat this as my job that I enjoy doing. I say one of the best jobs I could ever have and I don't even get paid for it.

I have done alot of thinking since I hit 21. a Year where I could have really hacked it as Peach kinda wasted on BS. Time flies. So I rather not waste it when I am giving it. But people will still be the same. Hate, etc. I'm not gonna fight with them. I tell them straight up if anything "Do better than I have in tournaments and also don't come asking me for tips and etc if you really are better and lets see how you do" Thats about it. I have a few Peach players that think they are better and I am like "wait.what? And they ether just started into the tournament world or find how I play boring and w/e so not impressed and think how they play is cool or w/e. Lots of reason why some thing so. I got nothing to say upon them. One needs to work hard. You are not just giving good things or rep without working your butt off for it. Really if one work and did more than you.

Things like this I would fight for. and its not worth it. I just say prove it and thats the end of that. I also been hearing this alot since I retired for a while. So now that I am out of the picture, people wanna open thier mouths. I just sit back and say "this is your moment of glory, your time to shine, don't waste it" Cause once Dark.Pch comes back, I'm gonna beat the **** out of you all for getting so cocky and all. ( I don't mean this in a mean way) Still, I have to be a role model to those players that see me as one. I'm even known to People in japan (freaking awsome) and europe. I can't be on this high school crap. Can't ***** and cry for rep and status or just wanna be flat out better than the other. You work for it and train hard.

I actually got rusty. Play smash on Tuesday and oh man. Like I had the Dark.Pch flow in there but I was just not that great. getting 2 and nearly three stocked. Hardly won any sets there. So it is tuff. But now I have to work to get back to how I was (when I have time) or get even better.


Pretty much what I am saying is,when I hit 21, something hit me. then I look at these Peach players that I have help. Hell, I even helped non Peach players. I don't think i am all that but as many times as I say it, some still think I am. I just do what I can thats it. People will look up to me. People will still ask me for help (PM box on smashboards is hardly empty) People will still want to challenge me and try to surpass me (in a good way, to help them get better) So if I stay on that crap I was on for a year, Not only will I be insulting them, I'll be insulting myself cause of them. When I come out of retirement, I'm gonna have to work really hard to get back into shape. Then go back to my goals for this game. which is 2 things.

-Be the best Peach main in the USA (might go for the world after that)
-Place far in tournaments going all Peach ( yes even those big national tournaments and etc.)

And while in the process I will keep helping people and still be role models to current or upcomming Peach players. But i think helping Peach players and all comes with a price. I care more about them then myself. So this seems to hold me back from a Player I can really be at this monent as this blog is being made. Sounds wierd but thats how it feels. it's nothing bad, but something I am struggling to handle equally. Well see what happens.

I don't really like the smash community. Find it annoying and filled with idiots. But thats not everyone. There are still legit people. And supports. Guess I'll say thanks to those people even after all the crap I caused or been through. it's time I returned the favor and made things right. And I'll start by beating peoples azzes once I come out of retirement in tournaments.

Nelo Vergil

Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Where you aren't
Weve never met before, and after reading that, I regret only just meeting you, so much of what you said (the before 21 stuff) sorta defines me now (tho Im very discrete as a player and in a few months will go to my first tourney). Its great to see that someone is so inclined to help their fellow mains, even if you sucked, your willingness and attitude, that makes you a great role model (though being great helps XD). I hope people stop hating on you just because your that easy target, but it sounds like you wont let it get you down anytime soon =3.

That was an excellent read, and if Im not as big a ******** parasite as SWF norm, Id like to be friends ^^. Keep up the great work Dark.
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