Smash Ace
Toning it down does not mean that all of your posts should be fluff. You can make fewer posts, or shorter posts, or both and still maintain quality of posting. As you yourself said: Concision is pro-Town.Like this truthfully doesn’t even make any sense. There’s nothing telling about your case here at all other than you’re trying to force a reason to push me. It honestly makes me think of endgame midnight when you said I tried to make stuff stick to you but never could. This is even weaker. See this is why I was even afraid to tone it down cause I knew someone would try and attack it as scummy. Look at the paper trail and you’ll see that I said this even in a discussion with you. Maybe that’s how you thought of it though?

I'm also still interested in your Frozen read as I mentioned in #122.
bessie doesn't RVS.They basically claim that bessie voted Malak.
I have an iso spreadsheet you can try if you want.Is there a way to sort by author? Have we had only 1 post from the hydra?