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Theoretical Choir Kid's Moveset


Smash Cadet
Sep 27, 2014
With the new Tower of Smash leak looking good so far, it seems like the Choir Kid's from Rhythm Heaven might actually be added to the Smash Roster. It's no secret that Rhythm Heaven is all about Rhythm. But how does one make a fighter based around Rhythm. I know the leak said the Choir Kid's would work like Rosalina and Luma, but I think there is still room for Rhythm based attacks in their Special Moveset. I think I know how it could work. Now this is just theoretical, and probably won't be their final moveset in the game. I just wanted to show that rhythm attacks could work out in a game like Smash. I'm basing each attack (and custom variation) on the various games from Rhythm heaven, and I'll post a video to each one.

Default: Karate Man
Summon's Karate Joe, who has 4 different attacks depending on how long you charge him up. No matter what attack you use, they all send various projectiles from the foreground. You need to tap the special button as the projectiles fly in front Karate Joe if you want to launch them forward towards your opponents. The 4 attacks he can use are:
Default: Tap once without charging, sends one pot to hit in.
!!: Short charge, sends 2 pots in in rapidly one after another.
Hit 3!: Long charge, sends in 2 pots then a powerful bowling ball.
Combo!: Full charge, sends out a stunning light bulb, a barrage of pots (hold special button to hit them all), and a barrel that leads into a devastating uppercut at close range.
Custom 1: Karate Bomb
Only has 2 different attack variations that take longer to use.
Default: Same as before, but slower, and maybe more powerful.
Punch-Kick!: A quicker full charge, sends out a stunning lightbulb, then a barrel with a bomb that is launched forward.
Custom 2: Boxing Man
Replaces the projectiles with powerful punch attacks. Has 4 different variations, and is performed and charged much faster than the default variation. A voice calls the attack, and even though it is performed automatically after, you need to tap the button again in rhythm in order for it to have maximum power.
Jab: Tap once without charging, one quick punch.
One-Two: Short charge, two powerful punches, makes falls fall to the ground.
Fast One-Two: Long charge, same as previous variation, put much faster and more powerful.
Go! Go! Go!: Full charge, the most powerful variation, 3 rapid punches that send foes flying.

Default: Samurai Slice
The Samurai is summoned and can perform 3 different attacks depending on how many times (Up to 3) the special button is pressed in a short time. Each variation summons demons that lunge at the Samurai. You need to press the special button at the right time in order for the Samurai to slice them and maximize his attack power. If he doesn't hit the demons, he, and the Choir Kids will be shortly stunned. If a demon hits an opponent, they are shortly stunned, making it easier for them to be hit by the Samurai's sword.
Single Slice: One tap, summons one demon.
Double Slice: Two taps, summons two demons.
Whirlwind Slice: Three taps, summons a swarm of demons (that are easy to get opponents caught in), and allows the Samurai to perform the multi-hitting Whirlwind Slice, which holding down the special button activates.
Custom 1: Samurai Dance
Similar to Marth's Dancing blade, except with only 2 slices, and a Whirlwind Slice finish. No demons are summoned.
Custom 2: Samurai Stab
The Samurai quickly stabs his sword forward. If rapidly tapped twice, he quickly stabs forward twice. The more the move hits, the more powerful the Samurai's attack becomes, which is indicated by a blue flame that forms behind his back. Once his misses, the flame goes away and the power resets. No demons are summoned.

Default: Launch Party
The length the special button is held decides what type of rocket the Choir Kids fly up on. Each rocket has a countdown box under it, and the special button needs to be pressed at the end of the countdown in order to launch it. They are suspended in the air and have super armor as the rocket is chosen, but if the countdown is failed, they go into helplessness. Each subsequent rocket increases in distance traveled and power. In order, the rockets are:
White: Counts down from 1.
Red: Counts down from 3.
Blue: Counts down from 5.
Green: Counts down from 7.
Custom 1: Donk Rocket
Makes the rocket travel more horizontally, at a more constant pace, with each move caused by a rhythmical tap of the special button, up to 6 times. It always summons the Green Rocket and has no countdown. There are 2 variations of this:
Donk Donk: Uncharged, moves at a decent pace.
Di Di Do: Charged, moves at a fast pace.
Custom 2: Shoot-'Em-Up
Always summons the White Rocket, but has the ability to lock onto enemies in a short proximity and blast lasers their way. The longer the button is held, the more it lasers that are blasted. Up to 4 lasers can be blasted, and once all opponents in proximity are locked onto, the closest one gets an extra laser locked onto them. Once the button is released, the rocket gets launched, and the lasers are homed into the opponents.

Default: Monkey Slap
The Choir Kid's turn into monkeys (the one in the front turns into a yellow one, and the back two turn into pink ones). The front monkey (depending on which way they are facing) slaps directly in front of it. It the slap hits an opponent, the other two charge forward and also slap the opponent. The opponent is immobile for the duration of the attack. In order for the last two slaps to be effective, the special needs to be hit as the pink monkeys slap the opponent.
Custom 1: Baboon Slap
Works the same as above, except that instead of two monkeys, a single large baboon charges forward and does a more powerful, launching slap. It's slower than the default, but has a bigger hit box on the start.
Custom 2: Tambourine
Summons a monkey that bashes its tambourine in rhythm you decide by tapping the special button before hand. You can tap up to seven times, and the monkey will always perform the rhythm three times. The monkey stays in place even if the Kids move around, and will damage and stun any enemies who come in contact with it. At the end of each rhythm, the monkey would make a happy face that has the same effect of a sweet spotted Rest.

So what do think of this idea. Do you think this is a plausible move set for the Choir Kids?

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2012
Shouldn't this go into the character discussion.
Also I thought they were chorus men not choir kids unless thats a region thing


Smash Cadet
Sep 27, 2014
Shouldn't this go into the character discussion.
Also I thought they were chorus men not choir kids unless thats a region thing
It says I don't have sufficient privileges to post there. Since the Kid's would probably be unlocked on the Wii U version, I decided to put it here.

And about the name thing. Their trophy in the 3DS version calls them Kids, so I'd say that's their canonical name now.
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