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Smash Wii U The Ultimate Smash 4 Character (just-a concept)


Smash Rookie
Dec 11, 2015
Vancouver Washington USA
If you have any questions or change suggestions, let me know & I'll speak about it, Especially if it's about the Miscellaneous section.

Rules: Varying Mii Sizes are Elegible to be selected in the Stats, but no stats from final smash transformations are allowed

Basic Specific Stats
Walk Speed: Marth
Run Speed: Sonic
Dash Length: Captain Falcon
Jumpsquat: Sheik
Short Hop Height: Jigglypuff
Full Hop Height: Falco
Air Jump Height: Mewtwo
Air Jump Count: Jigglypuff
Air Speed: Small Mii Brawler
Air Accelertion: Peach
Air Deceleration: Game & Watch
Air Friction: Marth
Fall Speed: Jigglypuff
Fast Fall Speed: Fox
Gravity: Fox
Weight: Bowser
Traction: Luigi

Advanced Specific Stats
Shield Size: Yoshi (see Miscellaneous)
Spotdodge: Duck Hunt (Bat Within on Frame 1)
Roll: Duck Hunt (Bat Within on Frames 1-3)
Airdodge: Mewtwo (Bat Within on Frame 1)
Ledge Getup: Pac Man
Ledge Roll: Dedede
Ledge Jump: Lucas
Ledge Attack: Lucario or Wario
Get Up Normal: Wii Fit Trainer
Get Up Front Roll (Face Up): Toon Link
Get Up Front Roll (Face Down): Bowser
Get Up Back Roll (Face Up): Toon Link
Get Up Back Roll (Face Down): Jigglypuff
Tech in Place: Duck Hunt
Tech Forward: Mega Man
Tech Backward: Mega Man

Tether (See Grab)
Wall Cling + Wall Jump
Peach's Float
Bowser's Tough Guy
Yoshi's Egg Shield
Yoshi's Air Jump Armor
Luma (unable to Launch Luma without proper Copy Ability (See Special Moves))
Little Mac's KO Meter
Link's Hylian Shield
Kirby's Copy Abilities (See Special Moves)
Ryu's Different Levels of Jabs & Tilts
Ryu's Classic Motions (Hadoken, Fire Hadoken, Tatsumaki, & Shoryuken are all avaliable via the true inputs despite none of them being in the Special Moves List)
Bayonetta's Bat Within (see Advanced Specific Stats)
Bayonetta's Varying Specials (It'll be 1 special on the ground, but a different special in the air. Even though for Bayo it's only Side Special, decided to give the porperty to all specials)
Bayonetta's Angled Afterburner Kick (Again, it can be used despite not being any of the selectable Side Specials, but this means that you have to press A instead of B to use any of Ryu's True Specials in the Air (except maybe Shoryuken)
Customs: Will have immediate access to custom specials & can use every equipment in the game

Jab: Little Mac
Strong Jab: Ryu
F-Tilt: Bayonetta (All 3 hits included, Bullet Arts not included)
Strong F-Tilt: Sheik
U-Tilt: Ryu
Strong U-Tilt: Mario
D-Tilt: Cloud
Strong D-Tilt: Peach

Dash Attack: Ryu
F-Smash: Kirby
U-Smash: Mewtwo
D-Smash: Cloud

Nair: Luigi
Fair: Mewtwo
Bair: Corrin
Uair: Cloud
Dair: Ganondorf

Grab: ZSS
Pummel: Samus
F-Throw: Kirby
B-Throw: Ness
U-Throw: Mewtwo
D-Throw: Sheik

N-Special 1 (Grounded): Shulk
N-Special 1 (Airborne): Kirby
N-Special 2 (Grounded): Villager
N-Special 2 (Airborne): Pac Man
N-Special 3 (Grounded): Robin (With Limited Use)
N-Special 3 (Airborne): Mewtwo

S-Special 1 (Grounded): Diddy Kong
S-Special 1 (Airborne): Lucas
S-Special 2 (Grounded): Pit
S-Special 2 (Airborne): Falco
S-Special 3 (Grounded): Wii Fit Trainer
S-Special 3 (Airborne): Ganondorf

U-Special 1 (Grounded): Yoshi
U-Special 1 (Airborne): Sonic
U-Special 2 (Grounded): Bowser
U-Special 2 (Airborne): Bayonetta (Bullet Arts Included, Resets with ALL air Jumps)
U-Special 3 (Grounded): Palutena
U-Special 3 (Airborne): Pikachu

D-Special 1 (Grounded): Villager
D-Special 1 (Airborne): Ryu
D-Special 2 (Grounded): Bayonetta (Bat Within Included)
D-Special 2 (Airborne): Sheik
D-Special 3 (Grounded): Pikachu
D-Special 3 (Airborne): Pac Man
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 5, 2017
I didn't know small mii brawler had fastest air speed. Should he really have 2 kill throws if ness back throw is better than mewtwo upthrow like 98% of the time


Smash Cadet
Apr 2, 2017
Is there a reason that a Wario's bike isn't a special move? Because that attack does everything.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2017
Why Samus' pummel? Doctor Mario's does the most damage per second (apart from aura Lucario)
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I didn't know small mii brawler had fastest air speed. Should he really have 2 kill throws if ness back throw is better than mewtwo upthrow like 98% of the time
Actually, it's Giga Mac who has the fastest air speed. If you take into account custom special moves, however, then Hyper Jump Art Shulk would be #1 in the air speed department.
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