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The trip to Tip off 5 is officilay off


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Kissimmee, FL
I got my car a week ago and now I am happy and the likes! So, I can drive WATO to Tip off 5!...WROOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG SUPER SUPER AMAZINGLY WRONG!!!!

I told these kids a yesterday. "Hey, have a back up just incase something might happen to my car." Like, I feel like I have to do safety first, double check everything and ect before going to tournament, in WATO. Other members are like *Yo, let go and not care about double checking if the car is fine and etc." Here a tip. *ALWAYS have a back up plan, mkay?

anyways, got home, and learned that the bike pump thingy is broken plus i had to tell my mother the truth. She was fine and everything about it. However, she told me that the car is STILL not under my name, that the insurgence didn't went though among other things.

Two, I learned that listening from a good friend (I am not going to mention whom) Will get you out of trouble. But I wanted to analyzed and learn from my mistakes.

What's going to happen?

Once I get everything 100% there going to be new rules involve while driving because I went a bit soft this week.

To people that was going to ride with me to tip off 5:

I already warn you guys what was going to happen. Feel free to get mad at me even though I won't be upset. A tourney is a tourney that happen almost everywhere, I would understand if it was a One year ordeal. But anyways, yea I'll defensibly be going to Winter fest since I am going to be busy with collage this semester. For now, try to find another ride.

Goal before the year end:

-Take care of my car and make sure 100% ready, double check that everything is running smoothly.
-focus more on collage and go to less tournaments, aka one per month (Either brawl or melee)
-TO GET RID OF "MOM JOHN" FACTOR....You have no idea how bad I feel every time she calls me and among other things. The less the factor, the better I can do everything right.
-To organize my plans regardless what people say.

Nuff said



Smash Cadet
Jul 31, 2009
with uuaa
just get your stuff straight man. let me know.

sorry for the double post x.x

- uuaa on legions account


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
If you miss this tournament you will hate yourself forever and develop deep seeded emotional problems from years of self loathing. Trust me, be there.
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