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The Son of Stone, Turok for SSB4!

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011

While the Turok series is much less relevant these days, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil remain as two very fondly remembered games on the Nintendo 64. In the late 90's, these games stood next to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark as the staple shooters for the Nintendo 64, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil even saw release in Japan as Violence Killer: Turok New Generation.

Turok himself isn't as deserving of a spot in Smash as many other characters requested on these boards, but would still be a cool addition. I'll try to list all the legitimate reasoning for and against his inclusion that I can think of below.

For Inclusion:
  • Several games across Nintendo platforms: 4 on Nintendo 64, 4 on Gameboy Color, 1 on Gameboy Advance, and 1 on Nintendo Gamecube. Many of the games were very successful.
  • Large variety of weapons has possible moveset potential.
  • The early Turok games served an additional marketing benefit to Nintendo by displaying the full power of the Nintendo 64's graphic capabilities very early on in the system's life.
Against Inclusion:
  • The most recent installment in the series, a reboot simply called Turok did not appear on a Nintendo console.
  • The character is associated with extreme graphic violence.
  • Disney currently owns the rights to Turok.
  • Turok, as a 3rd party character, is not important to Nintendo as a company. Nor did the Turok games generate enough revenue to be important to Nintendo like the Megaman games did.
  • Turok originated from comic books.
The purpose of this thread is to further discuss the various aspects of Turok's chances getting into Smash, which of the protagonists in particular should be chosen to represent the series (more on this below), moveset ideas and so on.

If Turok somehow got into Smash, which Turok should it be?
For those unfamiliar with the series, the protagonist of the individual games is not usually the same person. Turok is not a name, but a title given to members of the Fireseed family who are charged with defending a world called the Lost Lands, where time has no meaning and all manner of demons, aliens, lovecraftian horrors, dinosaurs and various other nasties live. Here is a list of the various Turoks and their roles in the games they appeared in:

  1. Tal'set - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Protagonist), Turok: Evolution (Protagonist), Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (multiplayer character), Turok: Rage Wars (Final boss, unplayable), Turok: Battle of the Bionosaurs (Protagonist)
  2. Joshua Fireseed - Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (Protagonist, multiplayer character), Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion (Supporting character, unlockable playable character), Turok: Rage Wars (Playable character)
  3. Danielle Fireseed - Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion (Protagonist)
  4. Joseph Fireseed - Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion (Protagonist)
There is also Joseph Turok, the protagonist of Turok (2008). As that game has almost nothing to do with the rest of the series and was not released on a Nintendo console, he will not be considered.

Tal'set and Joshua Fireseed are the two most likely, with Tal'set having the most appearances and Joshua being the most recognizable character of the series, being the protagonist in the (arguably) best game in the series, and having the largest arsenal of weapons. I personally would choose Joshua Fireseed.

What could be worked into a moveset for Turok?
Despite the fact that all the characters rely heavily on firearms, they do possess projectile/explosive weapons and melee weapons. This would allow for a moveset similar in style to Solid Snake, focusing on a mix of ranged weapons and melee attacks. Please feel free to post any moveset ideas you have and I'll try to add them to the post.

Personally I would love to see Turok in Smash 4, though I am not disillusioned. I understand that it is unlikely to happen. Regardless I will give my support.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Played the PC version. Loved this game, but the controls took a while to adjust to. Although I wish Turok would get more love, I doubt he'll be in Smash, of all games.
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