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~The Smashing Word~


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Link to original post: [drupal=4944]~The Smashing Word~[/drupal]

What's good? Asage here, and I'm starting something a little different called the Smashing Word. Basically, we'll chat/discuss about a number of catergories, from Political troubles to the SSB times of peril and Meta Knight sorrow. It's like being a judge, but except I'm not a judge!

I'll be thinking of a topic soon, then I'll write down what I have to say about it. Til then, please, feel free to express your ideas of what needith talking about. And for reference, this idea was inherited by the Colbert Report, except there are some changes. There are three sections:
The Word: It breifly explains the Word, or the topic of what we'll be discussing.
The Tip of the Hat: I tip my hat to such and so, for example. In otherwords, I commend the topic for something.
The Wag of the Fingar: I wag my fingar to such and so, for example. In otherwords, I disregard the topic for something.

So, while we wait, send in an idea now. No, I mean right now. DO IT!
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