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The situation we face... (Copied post from PM Subreddit)

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Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
I think you guys might want to take a look at this as it sums up the situations we are facing in this community today.
I'm not talking about the TLoc snafu. That is a symptom. We can yell at TLoc and feel betrayed all we want, but that didn't change what happened with VGBC and it won't change this either. That's because our problem isn't our big streams deciding to abandon us. It's worse.
I'm not an irrational guy. I'm not one to point fingers and make assumptions. When Gimr dropped PM I did what I could to understand both sides. I disagree with his decision, but I did not join in any of the "Gimr is basically satan" nonsense. I mention this only so that when I say the word "conspiracy", you know I do not say it lightly.
Nintendo is heading a behind the scenes conspiracy to shoulder out PM. They have to be. We can look at TLoc, VGBC, D1, TKBreezy and everyone and say "oh hey they sold out on us. How could they?! They're bad people making bad decisions!" But does that really make sense to you? Do you really think that almost every community leader that rises to the challenge of supporting PM suddenly turns sour because they just happen to be lousy people making lousy decisions? They say that once is a tragedy, twice is coincidence, and three times is a conspiracy. We have definitely passed three times. We passed it back during the VGBC debacle. We are facing an organized, covert effort to quietly silence PM until it slowly dies off. And whoever is heading this effort has to have clout, and a lot of it. The thing is, not only are these large and successful streams and figureheads suddenly dropping or sidelining PM, they are unanimously staying quiet or vague about it. They are clearly being forced to not say certain things. They must be under the threat of a very powerful legal team backing NDAs. The only thing with the motive and means of accomplishing this is Nintendo.
"So what? We already suspected this!" Well we aren't handling it as well as we need to. And we need to realize some things. First, it isn't really accepted by everyone that this is happening. Every time we get dropped we immediately backlash and blame the one who dropped us. But at this point it's pretty clear that there are forces so strong at play here that they have next to no choice.
In respect to TLoc specifically: it seems they are doing the best they can. They aren't dropping PM entirely. It seems that they're being forced to keep PM off their mainstream, but they've found a way around it. You can't possibly look at all the production they've put into events like Aftershock and Infinity and Beyond and say that they just decided to burn all the work they've done because it's in fashion now. They've spent the past year building a new home for PM, it must have been so painful for them to burn it down. The best they can do is make another one elsewhere for the time being. We have to give them our support still. If we turn on everyone who does their best for us but is forced into so difficult a situation, no one will help us.
The Situation - once we realize and accept the conspiracy that threatens us, we must figure out how to deal with it. A lot of people are comparing our current situation to what melee went through a couple years ago. In all honesty our foe is even greater. Melee was pushed to near extinction because it wasn't so easy to stream and communicate about it, and then Nintendo openly opposed it. Melee' community was dedicated though, and Nintendo made a mistake by openly fighting it. It made it possible for everyone to unite against so clear an enemy and there was specific goal that could be achieved: "force Nintendo to change its policy on melee". But now Nintendo has learned from that experience. They have become craftier. They now split the smash community by supporting the official games, making it seem like a friend, and not making any public or obvious moves against any parts of it. It's not obvious what's going on, so there is no obvious reaction for everyone to take and unite behind. Nintendo learned that it cannot withstand the force of the united smash community, so this new approach is intended to keep us split, caught up in the controversy. But we have tools the smash community of old did not. We have a much larger community. We have much easier and wider spread communication. And we have a team dedicated to our game as if it were their own child, because it is.
The point of this post may not be clear, for which I'm sorry, I'm not the best writer. But the point is that we all need to realize what is going on. It's difficult because no one can come out and say it who's in the know, and so it seems like speculation. But it's literally the only possibility left that logically explains the events of the last year. And we have to act appropriately. We have to stop being so short sited as to backlash against sections of our community that feel the pressure of Nintendo that we don't directly see, and we have to be unwavering in our support of each other, our community, and our game.
In Summary Nintendo is heading a conspiracy to shoulder out PM. We need to realize this. We need to not fight ourselves and attack our community leaders who are but victims of the conspiracy. We need to refuse to quiet down. They shut down our stream? We make another. We must stand together, and stand strong.
( I give credit to reddit user Greidam for this post. Original Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/SSBPM/comments/31yx8w/the_situation_we_face/ )
Project M is a game like no other. It is made by a community full of dedication and has had a labor of love put into it. To see that go all away would be like seeing a tower of Legos crashing down by your mean big brother (I know its a bad analogy...). It is a game that is well-loved and should be preserved for years to come so we can continue to have the hype experiences we have already have down the line. Now this is just my opinion, but I believe that we shouldn't lash out at the leaders of the community. I think we should understand that other people have different things going on in their lives that might effect others (like GIMR dropping PM because of Nintendo's pressure). Now, I do also understand that it was bad the way they went about it, but you don't know what goes on behind the scenes. They could be under heavy NDA's for all we know. Even though we are are lacking in information, we should just continue with our one main goal, strengthening the community. Also to those who are hating, I completely understand why you are upset. It's due to PM being pushed aside with absolute no explanation as to why and I'm even still upset about it. But when you look at the other side of the spectrum, you can see that GIMR and/or Tourney Locator is also victims as well (but it's still wrong with how they went about it.) So hopefully that gives you guys an insight on what is going on in the community and my opinions on the matter. Now my opinion might not matter, but this is still an issue that we really need to come together and cooperate on. Again, I thank the user on Reddit who made the post above. I'm sorry if the post is long, but I had to get the info out there. For those who don't want to read all of this, I'll post a shortened version in the spoiler tab below.

SUMMARY: With Tourney Locator and GIMR dropping PM, it has caused many cries of Conspiracy that Nintendo is behind it. The main thing the post said above and what I sad was that the community should stop backlashing the heads of the smash Community and focus on strengthening it as a whole. Kind of like the Melee situation with Nintendo, accept ALOT worse.
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