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The sign of a yoshi nub: double jumping too much...

Meta Dude

Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Pittsburgh, Pa.
this is my biggest mistake with yosh. while i don't consider myself a nooblet (or even a nublar for that matter) this is what costs me matches. most of the matches i lose are when i have my opponent at high KO'able percents and i'm caught trying to make it back to the ground.

thoughts? advice?

Meta Dude

Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Pittsburgh, Pa.
those are some good strategies veehelm, but i'm referring to characters who's u-air/u-smash will outprioritize yoshi's down b. you're right, it is a character dependent issue. basically, playing battleground against a chracter with a good u-air/u-smash i find pretty difficult. down b to the ledge is most def the safest thing to do, or just air dodging their u-air. but with the disjointed hitboxes of some characters air dodging isn't really an option (lucas). while yoshi is indeed strong in the air, his d-air is atrocious as far as priority and down b used too often becomes predictible, even on the ledges.

so the real question is: how do you return to the stage safely against someone abusing a strong u-air? i actually find egg rolling in the air down to the stage to be a solid option. it's about as unexpected by most people than maining yoshi ; ) .

"there better then you?"

at the very least i succeed in grammar of my native tongue, which i'd rather be better at than smash. wow.
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