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The recent patch.

Fix Bayonetta?

  • Yes, please.

  • No, don't even.

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Smash Rookie
Aug 18, 2015
If this was posted in the wrong place, or not allowed, please let me know so i can the steps to rectify the situation :)

Now, before I begin, I do NOT think i am the greatest Bayonetta player, by a longshot, but honestly, I personally do think i am somewhat decent by some measure.
Now, on to the real topic of discussion, (And i hope i don't sound like i am complaining throughout the entire post):
The current state of Bayonetta.

"Oh my god not another Bayonetta thread QQ get good scrub, just like you told us to"
Quite honestly, i thought i would play less and less after the changes to Bayonetta and her mechanics, but i like her concept, gameplay and overall design too much to drop her, or the game as a whole.. That is to say, however, I don't 100% agree with the route then went about when it came to nerfing her.

"Do you think, seriously, Bayonetta was broken?"
To be fair, in some ways, yes. Zero-2-Deaths were alittle...over the top.
But taking away DABK (Downwards? After Burner Kick) As a whole was not a good way of taking away Zero-2-Deaths.
Reason being: While it was a SUPER SAFE approach option,(If it hit shield) it was the only REAL approach option she had out of her terrible, terrible neutral game, as well as an answer to approach opponents that can zone you out with projectiles (I.E - Toon Link)

"Then what, pray tell, would have been a better alternative to removing her Zero-2-Death combo(s)?"
It may not be the absolute BEST option, but this, in my opinion, would have been a better approach to the situation:
Up-B/Side-B/DABK SDI Multiplier - 1 -> 1.4(5?). Also removing the extra KBG added in this patch. (May be overbearing. Not 100% about it).
This way, you will have ample counterplay to escaping her combos in the event you get caught, without making it TOO easy to the point of not being able to chain into other moves reliably. (And, in my opinion, without being able to literally roll your face on your stick and getting out lol)
Returning DABK to it's original angle. A lot the move to do what it was intended to: Be a decently safe approach option while also being a combo starter if your opponent does not DI properly.
(This is may need to looked at more. It could be misinfo. If so, please let me know so i can put more thought into it.)
Damage reductions. Damage reductions everywhere. Less damage - less punishment so it does not feel overwhelming in the event you get combo'd to high hell.This also makes it harder to Z2D you because less damage = less knockback + higher SDI multipliers to SDI away. 50%+ is crazy. Even i think so. Most should be around 30% if you can successfully get a full combo off.
Up-Air - Lower KBG, so you won't die off the top as early, depending on how close you are to the Blast Zone. Less damage too, of course.
The current iterations of the hitboxes (D-Tilt. ABK/DABK ect) Can stay as they are currently. No issues here.

Honestly, If JUST DABK was returned back to normal, that would be 100% fine with me, and many others who like to play Bayonetta.

Now, I'm not saying it's exactly BAD for us Bayonetta players to try harder with our combo's, but at the very least we would still have reliable combos/approach options that we can convert something off of.
Also, i am NOT. NOT. NOT. NOT. Saying we should go back to THIS ->>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRY_iiv6OF4

I also have this one, if you are interested ->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRhmL-YPsno
This also shouldn't happen.
(Unrelated) He also had the saddest stage walk off I have even seen :(

While the DK did put himself open to get punished, he didn't really have a choice but to die since I hit him in midair with my combo starter, and the SDI values at that time were pretty nonexistant, so there was no escape after the Up-B.
Yes, after watching it over 100 times (Lol) I started thinking that it was alittle bit...dumb... :/

What do you guys think? Do you agree with anything i have said, or do you really think Bayonetta currently is fine as is?
I'm really interested to see what everyone thinks about it.
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