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The Rate My Dedede Thread


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
I figured we could use a thread like this, seeing as there's a constant flood of "How is my Dedede" threads running rampant.

-You must have played with Dedede for at least a week (I realize there isn't a way to enforce this, so I'd ask that you don't lie). Reason being is you aren't going to be good after a day or two of playing the big guy. Read the threads on the Dedede board so you can get better in the meantime.

-You may only request a rating every two weeks. This is so people do not spam requests. If people aren't rating you immediately, just be patient.

-Be nice, people are taking time to help you out, be grateful that they are.

How This Is Going To Work
If you wish to be rated, post in this format, or you will be ignored. Copy and Paste it if you have to.

-Your Alias
-Up to THREE links of a video of you playing, preferably the best ones out of ones you have played
-Additional Comments

So it should look like this, if I were to make one:

This is an old video, you don't have to rate it, but you can if you'd like to. I'm using it as an example.

Now, for people that are going to rate things, anyone can rate anyone else. I'd ask that you be polite about it, if you could refrain from going "Olol u suk so bad plz stop plaeng Brewl" I would appreciate it greatly. Stick to just giving out advice on what they could be doing, what they shouldn't be doing, etc.

There's a format for this too. You would post the alias of the person you're rating, the video if you are picking parts from seperate videos, and then your comment. It would look something like this:

Your performance was okay here. You shouldn't grab so often, because that would lead to getting punished. I'd also suggest you use more of your moves. All you were really using was Chains and Ftilt, with some assorted throws. I saw many opportunities where you could have Utilted, Dsmashed, Dtilted, etc. However, I did like that you perfect shielded quite a bit.

Alright, I think that just about does it, I'll add things when necessary. Please thank whoever rates you, and keep in mind that no one HAS to rate your videos, they're doing it because they want to. I'll stick people that haven't been rated yet in the next post, so people can help them.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
This is where people that want to be rated will go.

On a side note, at about 2:20, I threw a Waddle Dee and it landed at the edge, then kinda went down following the stage. I'll see if I can do anything with that.
Those That Wish To Be Rated
The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight)
The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight) 2
These are my most recent videos, so they're a pretty accurate representation of my skills. I was still a little rusty from my four-day vacation from Brawl at the time, however.
I'd love any and all advice, even if it ends up being redundant!

CO18(Dedede) vs Mk18(Metaknight)1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hpwtDkD1fk
CO18(Dedede) Vs Mk18(Metaknight)2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcvQGdCIFmo
CO18(Dedede Vs Mk18(Metaknight)3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZwFWJH7lI

Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Ike): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy5rDNsvY7g&fmt=18
Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Pit): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y18pm-URa7Q&fmt=18
Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Pika): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ttBt6JBFaE&fmt=18
A few notes:
-First of all I apologize for the video quality. It's the best I can do. You have been warned, so I won't be held responsible if your eyes bleed.
-Second, you may notice that we goof around a little, but I still think it's a good over all representation of my skills. (Ex: Lots of F-smash in some vids)
-And third, two of the videos have several matches in them. Feel free to rate as few or as many as you want. I'm hoping to find some patterns rather than individual mistakes.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
It's a nice idea, but I don't know if this is necessary.. I'd say having the guts to publicize your gameply and taking the time to record your own video is enough to grant yourself your own thread. But that's just my opinion.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
It's a nice idea, but I don't know if this is necessary.. I'd say having the guts to publicize your gameply and taking the time to record your own video is enough to grant yourself your own thread. But that's just my opinion.
In short, I'm tired of seeing everyone wanting to be rated all over the place. If we can put everything in one organized thread, it would work much better, in my opinion.

Things wouldn't get drowned out by the flood of threads created by people that have played as Dedede for a few minutes and expect to be good. That results in less repeated threads, so we can be more efficient in finding other intricacies of Dedede's wonderful playstyle.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
Clutter is bad, but who are you to make these rules?
3 videos, a week of playtime? lol. There really isnt much gameplay clutter on the ddd forums,
there are far worse pointless topics present. Nothings wrong with people making threads for their own videos,
as long as the thread is bumped again when they upload more matches.
(edit: If anything, this is another video thread, not "rate my dedede". We already have a vid thread)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
As I said, whut?, the rules can be negotiated.
Who am I to make the rules? I'm not anyone of importance, I just think things can be done a little better.
Sure, this may be "another video thread" but is it really that much worse than having "Rate My Dedede" threads everywhere?

We'll just let it live its course. If it catches on, great. If it doesn't, oh well I've tried.

Thanks for your comment though, I appreciate it.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
I like the idea. Might get me more feedback.
I'll post again this Saturday, if no one is too bothered. I do not intend to spam the thread with my posts, but I'd like to get two full matches up there.

The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight)
The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight) 2
These are my most recent videos, so they're a pretty accurate representation of my skills. I was still a little rusty from my four-day vacation from Brawl at the time, however.
I'd love any and all advice, even if it ends up being redundant!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008

The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight)
The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight) 2

Overall you have a really good DDD, In the first video you do the same as i do when recovering (getting back to the stage really fast with upB) which as stated in the comments section for the video, you need to work on stopping yourself from doing that as its a nasty habbit to get into. The after lag for that move sucks.

The second video was more entertaining to watch as you basically ***** MK. 1:20 was that luck? Haha very nice ledgehogging. And Inhale suicide kills never fail to make me laugh. Virtually no critisisms for the second vid

Good matches, Good DDD, Good videos :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Well thanks! I appreciate it.
I don't know if you would call it luck, but I didn't exactly expect that to happen.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight)

I liked the end, that was pretty sweet. I'd suggest perhaps varying how you move more often. Kind of an obscure comment, I know. But like, if you can just dash a little out of the range of that Meta, you can punish him easier. You spotdodged a little too often, but most of the time it helped more than hurt, so it's good.

The Gun (Dedede) vs. Lil' Smokey (Meta Knight) 2

Another good match, I always like seeing Regicides.:laugh:
Only thing I'd really have to say about this one is for all the great advice you gave in the chaingrab thread, you really didn't mix it up. With all the times he rolled at you, you could have Fsmashed and potentially killed him.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Thanks for the comments and the advice. Not "mixing it up" is my biggest problem, always has been. Even in games other than Smash!
I can only mix it up by having mastered different moves and actively remembering that I have those other moves available, which is why I become extremely predictable when I'm not really paying attention. I usually have to fight myself more than my opponent when I'm not paying attention.
Anyway, I'll work on it.

The spotdodging isn't worrysome for me, only because it works. I have been wanting to implement more Down Smashes in my game, though.
Again, thanks for the help.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
i use the big man as a third now. mk is too good. dont give up tho spaced tilits and patience lets d3 beat a good mk.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
lol, I wasn't gonna bother making a thread for these, well I mine as well post them now since this is here.
Some recent vids

CO18(Dedede) vs Mk18(Metaknight)1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hpwtDkD1fk
CO18(Dedede) Vs Mk18(Metaknight)2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcvQGdCIFmo
CO18(Dedede Vs Mk18(Metaknight)3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZwFWJH7lI

Also, Nice DDDD qwerty, there wasnt really much Id do differently, I just like to play a little more agressively is all. Nice matches, great penguin.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
I added you to the list CO18, and I'll review you in a few minutes.
qwerty, I have the same problem, if I'm not careful I fall back to just Ftilts and chains, like in the example video.

CO18(Dedede) vs Mk18(Metaknight)1

I'd suggest not running right into attacks and killing yourself with the JetHammer. :p
I like that you used pretty much every move from Dedede's arsenal, except... Nair I believe. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Also, nice kill when the MK was trying to drill you.

CO18(Dedede) Vs Mk18(Metaknight)2

Your aggressiveness got punished here a bit. At around 1:48 there's an odd moment where you're kind of just running in place, I don't think I've seen something like that before. Umm...here, I suppose you could have air dodged more, I saw a few times that would have really helped you had you air dodged.

CO18(Dedede Vs Mk18(Metaknight)3

Beautiful finish. I noticed a few times you had tried to use some of Dedede's slow attacks when you were really close to MK, and you got punished for it.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Actually, he used Neutral Air on a Shy Guy some time in that video.

CO18(Dedede) vs Mk18(Metaknight)1
CO18(Dedede) Vs Mk18(Metaknight)2
CO18(Dedede Vs Mk18(Metaknight)3

Very good, but I'm amazed at how not-defensive you people are. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but everyone around here (both skilled and not) plays very defensively. Wonder why.

Six main points I'd like to make about all three videos as a whole.

1. More back airs and downs airs! When you went after him off the edge, you almost always went face-first. This may just be your style, and it could work very well for you, but I simply prefer the high priority of the back air.
Also, it looked like you never used down air when off the stage. This is probably my error, not yours, so I'll leave it at that.

2. Moar beat-em-up. When you grabbed him, you never poundified him. Not too much of a problem here, of course.

3. More down. Better than all of his taunts.

4. Less silly suicides. :D


6. PROFIT!!!

And then your penguin will be perfect.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Thx guys,

To PPF: Yeah, I defintley saw alot of times where I could have airdodged, youre defintley right about that an yeah my aggressiveness does sort of backfire sometimes :p.

To Qwerty: I wasn't exactly sure what you're talking about because I know I almost always try to edgeguard with bairs, then I rewatched the vids to see if maybe I didn't this time, and there was only one time in each vid I went for a fair lol, and I usually do that when I know they're at a percent where the fair would kill them but bair wouldn't.

Also, It's not really an error on your behalf I sometimes use dair too to get to the ledge faster, just didnt see a time where I necessarily needed it this match.

Thx again for the feedback guys.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Alright, whatever works for you. If it was only one time in each game, then those were the times that stood out to me. :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2008
Considering that I absolutely blow with D3, that was awesome! (the first video)
You use his engulf move and jump so well. That Dededecide at the end was kick@$$!
Good work.
Honestly, though, I don't know if you should take my remarks as compliments yet because I suck with him so idk. haha


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
I have a few recent wifi videos, I may upload them and offer them up to this thread.

Thanks for the compliments mantlecore. I try to use inhale somewhat frequently, and I can usually tell when I'll get punished and when I won't.


Smash Cadet
Jan 1, 2008
Rolla, MO
Seeing as I don't get to play too many people (or anyone at all these past few months), this thread looks like it could help me fill in some holes.

Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Ike): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy5rDNsvY7g&fmt=18
Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Pit): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y18pm-URa7Q&fmt=18
Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Pika): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ttBt6JBFaE&fmt=18

A few notes:
First of all I apologize for the video quality. It's the best I can do. You have been warned, so I won't be held responsible if your eyes bleed.

Second, you may notice that we goof around a little, but I still think it's a good over all representation of my skills. (Ex: Lots of F-smash in some vids)

And third, two of the videos have several matches in them. Feel free to rate as few or as many as you want. I'm hoping to find some patterns rather than individual mistakes.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
Added you to the list, Konwukulups. Only times I'd complain about quality is if it were a montage or if I couldn't tell what's going on. Neither of those match your video, so it's fine. Your matches technically break the rules of the thread, but I'm not worried about it.

Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Ike)

You did pretty well here, using Ike's poor recovery to your advantage. You said you were looking for patterns, you mainly just went Waddle ->Throw ->Bair/Fair. The match was really simple, but if it works, go for it.

Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Pit)

First match, you should really use your Ftilt and Dtilt more, I saw a few times where you got punished, and you could have gotten damage by using one of those tilts instead.

Second match, pretty much the same thing. You seem to end with Regicides a lot, which is nice.

Konwukulups (DDD) vs Crazyboy (Pika)

I only watched the first match of this set. You threw Fsmash out a lot without hitting, you shouldn't do that, especially against faster characters like Pikachu.

Sorry I didn't watch all of them, I'm a bit tired.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
I have a few more submissions.

The Gun (King Dedede) vs. Alka (ROB)
The Gun (King Dedede) vs. Alka (ROB) 2
The Gun (King Dedede) vs. Alka (Meta Knight)
The Gun (King Dedede) vs. Alka (Meta Knight) 2
Some stupid things happen in the videos, but they're still reasonably accurate displays of our skills. I was in a bad mood during the first match (vs. ROB), and it likely affected my playing, but I didn't have time to record a second when I was feeling better. :D
As always, I appreciate all advice!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
First match, you played too defensively IMO, needz moar ftilt, but yeah, the shield thing was pretty funny, and spotdodge to dsmash is ghey. maybe try Dair OoS if you can shield his whole dsmash cuz it seemed like he would just go for another spotdodge, but dair lasts longer than a spotdodge. Yeah, ROB's a pretty fair matchup so good job. Approach from the air more, bair is very good, and it takes out the option of having to shield his gyro since he can't throw it diagonally, at least i hope not. Less dashing into shield it seemed to get predictable after a while, once you got the range of his dsmash you used it against him, but ftilt when he tries to do it like i said earlier if you space so you don't get hit w/ dsmash.


Beautiful first match, i luv uair off the ledge, amazing, and good use of dair in there too, good gimp kills also, what else, the only thing i see, and this might be just something i've learned to see, on the last stock there when you were on the left side off the stage and MK was edgeguarding, he was complete regicide fodder, is that what they call it these days, regicide, i still call it suicide, but w/e. I mean if you just wanted to kill him fair and square that's fine since you were up by quite a bit so it might just be me. Other than that, just a very good match. I wish i had that kinda practice on MK=)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
qwertyman, the thread has a three vid rule. However, you can mix them with what's already up there if you'd like. Posting more videos is fine, but I'll only rate and post three per person until ~2 weeks has passed. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
meh, maybe i can ask my friend if he can record our matches whenever i go to his house next time, i'm not really good, so it'd be nice to see what i did wrong and what not.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
That's fine, pinkpwnage.

brawlerbrad: Thanks for the tips, I appreciate any advice I can get for that matchup. Unfortunately, some of the things you suggested don't work against him. I've already tried. :(

I have NEVER successfully dededecided Alka at his current skill level. And I've tried. I've pretty much given up on that, given his crazy reaction time. I do realize, though, that it may work whenever he's not expecting it, so I haven't completely forgotten about it.

Forward tilt gets punished extensively. So does Back Air. I know from experience. 0_o
Still, I'll try what you suggest the next time I can.
Thanks again! :D


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2008
If anyone wants to know who Alka is, it is short for Alka Owari or alkaowari.
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