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The Player Compendium~Player Contact List & Match Maker

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Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
DMoogle edit: Old player compendium thread here.


To stop all theads containing lists of online players
this will also feature a compendium of all active 64 players on SWF
both online and offline.

If you want a match, find people near you
with online times that suit you and PM them.

The format of this thread is a bit bad. There is a planned overhaul to make it more neat and nice. For now, please use CTRL+F to quickly look up your region or maybe to be more specific, your state or city.

Submit your Name, Location, Server, Emulator, Contact
Preference (MSN/AIM/PM/HAMACHI) and Times you're
usually online (After 10pm EST/ Fri - Sat 9pm EST)



Name: Cartman
Location: Jersey City, NJ. Scranton, PA during school year.
Contact: aim: pav7300
Server: P2P or egx
Emulator: Projekt64k
Time: varies

Name : Chain-Ace
Location: New Jersey
Emulator: Mupen 0.7.9 n01.p2p v0r7 (Feb 11 2008) OR Project64K
Server: P2P preferred (Hamachi if necessary), Galaxy64, GodsWeapons, EmularenaGrounds, low ping EC servers.
Contact: PM me here, AIM - flameex6753, http://youtube.com/flame6753
Time: 3pm - 8pm weekdays, I'll be at Melee tourneys on weekends.

Name: clubba22
Location: Northern Virginia or Charlottesville depending on time of year
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy, or p2p if you host.
Contact: AIM - "Rbballwizard" no quotes (not used much)
Time: When I want to

Name: Compatible (Dan)
Location: NC/NJ
Emulator: Project6KVE
Server: Galaxy
Contact: PM, Aim - Compatible1120, Server Chat
Time: EST randomly between 10am-10pm

Name: Dansinyi
Location: Lansdowne,PA
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy 64 & P2P
Contact: williamrshurley@gmail.com
Times I'm online: Usually weekends

Name: Fireblaster
Location: Danbury, Connecticut
Emulator: Project64k and Mupen64k
Server: (In preferred order) P2P, EGX, Godweapon
Contact: MSN - Fireblaster@comcast.net, AIM - Fireblaster2111
Time: I'm usually online, but never on the server. Just contact me, if I don't respond I'm probably playing a fullscreen game.

Name: Firo
Location: New York
Contact: MSN: firo35@gmail.com, AIM: Firo32
Server: Prefer P2P, but I go on EGX a lot
Emulator: Project64 or Mupen, prefer Mupen for p2p, but can do either
Time: Varies, usually on at night, but whenever I'm on AIM or MSN I should be able to play so just ask (sometimes I won't respond, but I forget to put on my away message a lot)

Name: greenblob
Location: Manhattan (school year), Northeastern MA (summer/breaks)
Emulator: PJ64
Contact: AIM: frozengreenblob
Time: anytime in person or during breaks for online

Name: Hamburglar
Location: Binghamton, NY
Emulator: Project64k
Server: EGX
Contact: benfelten@gmail.com
Times I'm online: Weekday nights and Weekend afternoons usually

Name: hammerheart
location: chester springs, pennsylvania
emulator: proj64k or mp64k
msn: yumsteroids@hotmail.com
Time: varies

Name: Jimmy Joe
Location: NYC
Emulator: Project64k
Server: P2P, Galaxy, and IRL if you're down
Contact: jimmyjoe.mcgurl@gmail.com
Time: When my gf is sleeping..

Name: KeroKeroppi
Location: New York, New York
Emulator: P64k
Server: The Galaxy
Contact: Private message me
Time: most weekdays afterschool. most weekend nights. let me know ahead of time because i cant play home.

Name: kit
Location: upstate New York
Emulator: Project64k // Mupen64k
Server: EGX? / galaxy 64 / p2p
Contact: kitsparks@gmail.com / AIM - youwereamouse
Times I'm online: hard to specify

Name: KoRoBeNiKi
Location: Fair Lawn, NJ
Emulator: Project64k normal or P2P, and maybe Mupen
Contact Preference: AIM - goc6283@aol.com,
Time I'm usually online: Nights, weekends, whenever, i play randomly

Name: m3gav01t
Location: princeton, NJ
Emulator: i only play on console
Contact: pm me on here
Time: i never sleep, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death

Name: Maximuss

Location: NY
Emulator: mupen64k (i cant get project 64 to work on win7 64 bit
Server: any
contact: skype maximuss_77
times: always up for a match just let me know
other: im a noob to online play, i have been playing since the release but only really started to understand the game 6 months ago, so if anyone would like to help me get better that would be great

Name: Moocow007
Location: Catskills, NY
Contact: sorry homies only letting you talk to me on kaillera
Server: any
Emulator: Project64k
Time: whenever i feel like it

Name: Shade
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Emulator: PJ64K (i also have mupen), P2P
Contact: Scorpiofalife676 (AIM) MSN = the same cept "@hotmail.com"
Time Online: When im bored or have freetime

Name: thegreginator
Location: Washington, DC during the school year
Denver, CO during summer
Emulator: None. I only play console, so AIM me if you're nearby and we can play.
Contact: AIM: thegreginator84[/COLOR]

Name: Thief
Location: Princeton, NJ during school year. Northern VA (Reston, Fairfax County) for home.
Contact: by PM
Emulator: console


Name: BleachMan!
Location: Port Chester NY, (Orlando, FL during schooltime)
Emulator: PJ64k
Server: Wherever the smash guys are at
Contact: AIM - Bleachman064, MSN - Bleachman064@aim.com, Skype - Bleachman064
Time: Expect me to pop in at anytime around after 5PM, I may play a game from time to time.

Name: Bombastor
Location: Greenville, NC
Contact: pm or msn @ lord_teron@hotmail.com
Server: any
Emulator: Projekt64k
Time: Sometimes on weekends, just msn me if you wanna play.

Name: bphodges

Location: Chattanooga, TN / Tuscaloosa, AL (Univ. of Alabama)
Emu: PJ64K
Server: Galaxy 64
Time: Nights (EST) and other time varies

Name: ClobberThatKirbeh!
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Emulator: Project64k and Mupen(If you have it I'll use it)
Server: Galaxy
Contact: PMs are fine.
Time: I get on at about 1:00 AM my time, and random times during the day.

Name: DMoogle on forums, A$ ("A Money") on Emularena and IRL (nickname).
Location: Northern VA, Oakton specifically
Server: Galaxy 64/EGX
Contact preference in order: AIM ("A MoneyistheName"), e-mail, PM
Time: Varies a lot. Most often around midnight. I'm always logged on AIM, and I check my e-mail everyday.

Name: geebake
Location: Fredericksburg, VA (EAST COAST)
Emulator: PJ64k/Mupen64k/P2P
Server: Whatever
Contact: AIM - geebake, email: loungeact404@gmail.com
Time: All day every day, I'm trying to play a lot of Smash over my Spring Break. Someone hit me up

Name: Johnknight1
Location: Livermore, NorCal.
Emulator: Project 64k
Server: Mostly West Coast servers; I'll play any server in North America if I need a game!
Contact: PM me, email me at johncurtiswatson@yahoo.com (that's the best place to reach me), or leave a wall post or a PM on All is Brawl (I have the same user name there).
Time Online: I'll soon be on my summer break, so I'll be open to almost any time. Once I start school in the summer, usually I'm free on Friday to Sunday, and early in the day on Monday to Thursday.

Name: Kirbichu
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Emulator: PJ64K
Contact: kirbichu@gmail.com
Time: Mon-Fri 10am - 3pm

Name: MarioReincarnate
Location: Falls Church, VA
Emulator: Mupen64k or Project64k, any server or p2p
Contact Preference: MSN - MarioReincarnate@hotmail.com
Time I'm usually online: Nights and weekends

Name: MattNF
Location: Belleview, Florida
Emulator: Mupen64k or Project64k
Contact Preference: AIM - MattB22890
Time I'm usually online: Nights and weekends

Name: Michael
Location: SW Virginia (Virginia Tech)
Emulator: Nope, Console only
Contact: aim - uhamazing151, e-mail - baloghvt@gmail.com

Name: Mint "Good Grief"
Location: Tennessee
Emulator: Project64KVE
Server: Galaxy
Contact: In Galaxy Chat, Smashboards or Steam I guess Mint403
Time: all day erry day (late evenings)

Name: mitch
Location: Richmond, VA
Play on actual TV.
Let me know if you're in the area and want to play.

Name: Novakane
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Emulator: pj64k
Server: any server besides galaxy64 or p2p
Contact: gavinmac@yahoo.con or pm me on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/gavinmac18
Time: 2pm to 10pm on weekdays, anytime on weekends

Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Contact: tylers9182@yahoo.com
Emulator: console
Time: always

Name: Red the Ghost/Lone Wolf Winter
location: Wilmington, NC
Emulator: Pj64k
Msn: mariomaster9@msn.com
Time: Whenever I feel like getting on, usually only during school breaks (my connection at home blows)

Name: remedys
Location: silver spring, MD
Emu: PJ64KVE
Server: Galaxy 64 only
Time: 2:30-10:00pm eastern time

Name: SeanxFayt / x-Lil Sean-x
Location: Lumberton, North Carolina
Emulator: PJ64k =p
Contact: Aim: DJ Parappa 1993 / MSN: Seanxfayt@live.com / Xbl gamertag: xLil Seanx93
Time Online: i'm online pretty much always unless i'm sleep lol down for anything =p *nohomo*

Name: Sharksquail
Location: Atlanta, GA
Emulator: Project64k
Contact: see AIM
Time i'm usually online: still working on it

Name: SheerMadness/ Sheer/ sheer the beer
Location: Orlando, Florida
Contact: AIM: SheerMadness10
Server: P2P and EGX
Emulator: Project64k
Time: random. You can AIM me but I'm not on much anymore so get on EGX and ask me for a game. I wanna P2P with some new people!!

Name: ShootingStarKing
Location: Northern Virginia
Emulator: Either Mupen64k or Project64k
Server: Galaxy, or p2p if you host.
Contact: AIM - TheStarKing
Time: I'm on most days sometime between 3:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M

Name: Smash God (Sg0d)
Location: Virginia, USA
Emulator: Project64k
Contact Preference: rillyrillyrishi on AIM
Time Online: Randomly throughout the week.

Name: Streak
Location: South Carolina
Server: Galaxy 64 or God's Weapon
Emulator: Project 64k
Contact: ssbstreak2007@aim.com
Time: As much as possible.

Name: Superstar
Location: Miami, Florida
Emulator: Project64k, Mupen64k
MSN: XGSuperstar@hotmail.com
AIM: XGSuperstar
Time: Varies, hit me on AIM/MSN when you want to play.

Name: WOTG
Location: North Carolina
Server: Galaxy 64 (p2p sometimes)
Emulator: Project64k
Contact: AIM - Blizkreig1940
Time: Varies

Name: xD:L!NK:Dx
Location: Gulfport, MS, USA
Emulator: PJ64k
Contact: Skype:xX7SINSXx/AIM:Bahamutnyne
Time: I'm usually online: randomly between 12am-12am

Name: $C-Money$
Location: Atlanta,Georgia
Emulator: Project64K
Server: EGX
Contact: My Gmail which is cmoney770@gmail.com
Time: Anytime but mostly at night round bout 9

Name: Zebo
Location: Cookeville, Tennessee
Emulator: Project64k
Contact: Zebo.137@gmail.com
Time: w/e

Name: ZMT
Location: Melbourne, Florida
Server: Various
Emulator: Project64k
Contact: aim: zeeehmtee
Times: Usually 7 days a week, various times


Name: Banana Jack
Location: Manhattan KS
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy, p2p
Contact: PM me here
Time: I'm usually online: Varies... generally afternoons and nights (about 12:00-4:30) and from 10:00 till bedtime. (that's GMT-5)

Name: battlecow
location: Champaign, Illinois
emulator: project 64k
Server: Galaxy 64/ occasionally godweapon
contact: just PM me.
Time: 8:50-9:50 AM and 3:05-3:55 PM almost every weekday. (that's Eastern time) pretty much all day on some saturdays

Name: Creekside/Crumbs
Msn/Aim: Crumbs420@live.com
Location: Lawrence, KS
Ill be on around 3pm-6am off an on due to ****. (Central Time)
PM or just message me on one of the accounts, If i'm on, i'll play.

Name: CA$H/Server

Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy 64 (hyrule)
Contact: Gmail - Runescapa@gmail.com
Time: just contact me here on smashboards. I usually don't use my email.

Location:Columbus, OH
Time: Everyday at night

Name: Dajayman
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Emulator: PJ64k
Server: EGX
Contact: AIM - Dajayman654 /MSN - Dajayman654@hotmail.com /Email - Dajayman654@gmail.com (Usually not on either IM, just email me to login to either one if you want to chat)
Time: Anytime

Name: Frogles / Not Frogles / Frog / frog the log
Location: Sterling Heights, Michigan
Contact: AIM: crazyfo0l14
Server: P2P mainly. EGX on excellent connection rarely.
Emulator: Project64k or Mupen64k
Time: random. i'm usually on around nighttime. just im and i'll prob p2p.

Name: giobot
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Server: just started, dont have one
Emulator: Mupen64k, project64kve
Contact: AIM: deadlygio
Time: basically any time (except the morning)

Name: Himura Kenshin the Battousai
Location: St. Louis, MO
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Godsweapons
Email: WaterMonkey1000@yahoo.com
Times: Mostly weekends and weekdays in the early morning

Name: JustCause

Location: Ilinois
Emu: PJ64KVE
Server: Galaxy 64 only
Time: 10:40-1:00 local time

Name: KnitePhox
Location: Chicago, IL (far-ish south side)
Server: Galaxy 64, p2p, OR MY HOUSE ON CONSOLE
Emulator: PJ64k
Contact: Smasboards PM
Time: 7pm-12am CST random days, usually weekends

Name: Leviathan741 or Leviathan
Location: Poplar Bluff, MO
Emulator: PJ64KVE
Server: Where Smash is at most
Contact: Navneet741@gmail.com
Time: Varies... I go to school so it depends on when I am free but just better to contact me.

Name: Lyssa
Location: South Dakota
Emulator: PJ64KVE
Server: galaxy64
Contact: flowerbomb
Times I'm online: varies

Name: PD
Location: MN
Emulator: pj64k
Server: galaxy
Contact: itachi1000yearsofpain@hotmail.com
Time: off and on

Name: RPotts
Location: Kansas City, Kansas
Emulator: PJ64kve
Server: Varies, can host p2p
Contact: MSN - rpotts@kc.rr.com
AIM - kungfudumbass
Time Online: varies

Name: Slartibartfast42
Location: Canton, Ohio
Emulator: PJ64K
Contact :preference: smashboards (PM), slartibartfast042@gmail.com
Time: I'm usually online: random

Name: Stormcrow2
Location: Chicago suburbs, Illinois
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Any
Contact: AIM - D8Timbo
Time: Normally late night but not always on every night

Name: T-rav

Location: IL
Emulator: Project64k
Server: any
Contact:aim-rep217folife aib-T-rav
Times I'm online: any and everytime
Other info: I just re downloaded the emulator and looking to play some online sometime if anyone is down. XD

Name: Zantetsu/Popo the Polar Bear

Location: Seymour, MO
Emulator: Project64k
Contact Preference: MSN-Zantetsu17@live.com
Time: Weekdays: 3:30 - 11:00 / Weekends: Random

Name: xx0EleMenT0xx
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Server: EGX
Emulator: usually PJ64K but I use mupen for p2p also
Contact: Aim (xx0EleMenT0xx)


Name: Benito
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Emulator: no thanks, console only
Contact: Benkillz@yahoo.com
Time: w/e

Name: ck800
Location: Seattle, WA
Emulator: P64k
Server: Galaxy
Contact: PM
Time: Any night after 5pm, no Sunday

Name: Darth Rancorous
Location: Oakland, California, US
Emulator: None, only play on console
Contact: If ur nearby and wanna play, just pm me

Name: Dash Fox (pPS)
Location: Sacramento, California
Console: Anytime available
Emulators: PJ64k and Mupen
Contacts: AIM - Secret Fox 22 YIM - Bigdux1990

Name: JaimeHR/BEEF!Man!/Lord of The BEEF!/ETC.
Location: Baja, California
Emulator: Project64k or Mupen64k(1v1 only or it gets way too slow)
Contact: JaimeHR.SsB@gmail.com(MSN), JaimeHR3(AIM), All is Brawl's SSB64 Matchmaking chat.

Name: Jel
Location: Renton, WA
Emulator: PJ64k, Mupen
Server: P2P
Contact: AIM - Smy347 Msn: Jel340@hotmail.com
Time: If you wish to play just send me a message.

Name: joYYYY (joY online)
Location: Greater Los Angeles, CA (PM me for a for specific location)
Server: P2P, Galaxy, West Wonderland or Console
Emulator: PJ64K & Console
Contact: Smashboards PM
Time: Usually at night on weekdays, after 7-8PM

Name: The Juice
Location: Los Angeles CA
Emulator: PJ64K (i also have mupen), P2P
Contact: (prefer aim) AIM:Brk2ladodger MSN:Modrew21@gmail.com
Time Online: During the week (3:00-10:00 pm PST)

Name: Kefit
Location: Bellevue, WA
Emulator: PJ64k, Mupen
Server: P2P
Contact: AIM - Kefit42
Time: I'm online all the time, especially during the evening. I'm up for a match pretty much whenever I'm not away on AIM.

Name: Kirean
Location: Dallas, TX
Emulator: Project64k (though I'm also thinking about mupen); can't host p2p
Aim: SirKireanLu
Time: Pretty much anytime on the weekends.

Name: Lil Slugger
Location: san jose, ca (currently)
server: galaxy 64
time: whenever

Name: mechaThor
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Emulator: Pj64
Contact: mechaThor@gmail.com // Homocidal Moose (AIM)
Time: whenever, just send me an message and we'll work something out

Name: Midna~/Midna
Location: SoCal
Contact: m1dna@hotmail.com
Server: Galaxy 64/EGX/p2p
Emulator: Project64k
Time: depends

Name: mother_brain
Location: summer: southern california. school year: manhattan, ny.
Emu: project64k. (prefer console)
Server: galaxy, p2p (hamachi)
Contact: send a PM or joshuahong508@gmail.com
Time: I'm free most of the time.

Name: Near/Beofox
Location: San Diego California USA (SoCal)
Emulator Project64k and Mupen32k(i hate moopen cause it doesnt recognize buttons online)
Contact: AIM: marffx/ MSN: boot.wearing.dino.yoshi@hotmail.com(preferred)
Time: Almost everyday

Name: Peek~
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy, p2p if you can host
Contact: Peek824545201@hotmail.com
Time: I can play anytime I am online

Name: Peek
Location: somewhere in the west coast
Emulator: pj64k
Server: p2p only
Contact: msn: peeksmash@hotmail.com (my hotmail account just for smash so i won't be on much unless i'm in the mood for p2p)
Time: whenever i'm on MSN

Name: Ricerocket125
Location: Bay Area, CA
Emulator: Mupen
Server: P2P
Contact: AIM - ricerocket331
Time: Anytime

Name: rockinmoroccan
Location: Orange County, California
Emulator: PJ64K
Contact Preference: aim. rockinmoroccan89
Time I'm usually online: very often

Name: s2j
Location: so cal
Emulator: mupen
Server: p2p
aim: hailikefood

Name: Siglemic
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Emulator: PJ64k, Mupen
Server: P2P
Contact: MSN: Siglemic@hotmail.com
Time: Varies; usually from 12pm to 3am or so.

Name: Skrillex
Location: San Diego, CA
Emulator: PJ64k
Contact: N/A
Time I'm usually online: everyday usually

Name: starfox420
Emulator: project64k
time: btween 12 pm and 7 pm then btween around 12 30 am to 3 am
location: portland oregon

Name: Tucker
Location: Chico California
Emulator: Console only
Contact: MSN - tucker11705@hotmail.com, Skype - tuckerthompson24 (let me know it's for smash so i don't ignore you)
Time: It's summertime let's smash it up

Name: UnholyWeapon
Location: Victoria/Texas
Emulator: Project64k and Mupen64k
Server: Any I suppose
Contact: MSN - Unholyweapon@hotmail.com
Time: Just message me I'm always online in a "Away leave Messages box". Or add me hotmail.

Name: XKCP
Location: Shreveport, LA
Emulator: None(right now)/Console only
Contact: AIM -> porcelaintoilet7
Time: Any, no telling when

Name: Zet@_956
Location: Browsnville, Texas
Emulator: N/A
Server: N/A
Contact: franco_reymundo@yahoo.com
Time: N/A


Name: Agony
location: Montreal, Quebec
Emulator: Pj64k
Msn: rex_xv@hotmail.com
Time: Varies.

Name: Blatm
Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
Emulator: Pj and Mupen, but I've yet to try the latter
MSN: <Name>@hotmail.com
Time: I'm on often enough, but irregularly.

Name: b link
Location: ontario, canada
Emu: moop & pj, prefer pj, cant host p2p
Msn: c_uat@hotmail.com
Time: tues thurs 4-7, sat sun anytime

Name: Blue Yoshi
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Emulator: PJ64k, Mupen64k
Contact: MSN: roblegs@hotmail.com AIM: blueyoshissb
Time: Varies

Name: Daedatheus
Location: Ontario, Canada
Emulator: Mupen64k -or- Project64k
Contact Preference: MSN - Daedatheus@hotmail.com
Time: Most nights, Eastern Time (GMT -5)

Name: Dylan_Tnga
Location: Montreal, Canada
Emulator: Mupen
Contact: dylan_burnett@hotmail.com
Time I'm usually online: It varies, I am a father so it's best to add me to msn and I'll randomly msg you for a p2p game. add me plz)

Name: MrWizzrobe
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Emulator: PJ64K
Server: Galaxy
Contact: PM me

Name: Surri-Sama (Justice)
Location: Newfoundland, Canada (Far East)
Emulator: Mupen & Project64k, Can host P2P on both.
AIM: SurriSama
MSN: SurriSmash@hotmail.com (new email so i can actually be online xP)
Time: When i can, msg me on either msn or aim and set-up some matches if you want to play

Name: UWOcho
Location: Toronto/London, Canada
Console?: Oh yeah baby
Contact: spideykiks@hotmail.com
Hit Me Up: yes

Name: x After Dawn x
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Emulator: Mupen64K and rarely PJ64K. P2P and Emularena on Mupen and just Emularena on PJ64.
Msn: PM me for it.
Time: Randomly.

Name: Zenyore
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada[/b]
Emulator: Project64k
Server: EGX, cant host p2p
Contact: zenyore@hotmail.com
Times I'm online: Week-ends and sometimes during the week between 6 to 8 PM


Name: asianaussie
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Contact: MSN on cheeseball341@hotmail.com
Server: Desiree's, P2P if my computer's feeling well.
Emulator: Project64k or Mupen64k
Time: Between 7 - 10 most nights, GMT +10/11, depending on Daylight Savings

Name: Atria
Location: Mackay, Queensland, Australia
Contact: MSN (atria72@live.com.au) or AIM (Atria77)
Server: I'm mainly on Desiree's Server, but any will do for me as long as I can connect to it.
Emulator: Project64k
Time: If I have school, I'll only have time on the weekend (Any time.) and after school (From 4:00 - 6:00 pm). If I'm on holidays, any time will do as long as I'm around. I'd prefer it if I was notified before hand though.

Name: Blackshadow
Location: Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Emulator: Project64k
Contact: blackshadow9393 @ hotmail.com
Time I'm usually online: Almost every day of the week from 6PM onwards.

Name: banze
Location: São Paulo, SP – Brazil
Contact: bazesalmeida@hotmail.com
Emulator: console
Time: usually at night and weekends

Name: Calzum/!Callum!

Location: Leicester,England
Emulator: Project64k
Server: any lolol
Contact: Pinni_@hotmail.co.uk
Times I'm online: when i'm on lol
Other info: i'm not one for online much, anybody in UK wanna play offline Contact me

Name: ciaza
Location: Australia
Emulator: P64k
Server: Desiree's / James' Server / Rom's Paradise
Contact: MSN: ciaza-mate@hotmail.com
Time: I'm on holidays so hit me up anytime in the afternoon, since I sleep all day. Hit me up for a p2p match anytime America, there isn't a lot of Aussies and I'm always up for new challenges.

Name: Daisy
Location: United Kingdom, Nottingham
Emulator: Mupen64k
Server: P2P
Contact: captaindaisylol
Times I'm online: Very often

Name: dandan
Location: Israel
Emulator: Project64k, mupen
Contact: danyaari[at]gmail.com
Time: I'm usually online

Name: Dr_Strangelove
Location: London, UK
Contact: MSN on the****experience@msn.com (don't let that put you off :p)
Emulator: Project64k
Time: It will vary, if I'm online I will probably be up for a game.

Name: Fruity
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Emulator: PJ64k
Server: P2P
Contact: slipknot_390@hotmail.com
Time: almost everyday

Name: House
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Emulator: Project64k
Contact Info: juanpabloleal10@hotmail.com (MSN)
Time: I'm usually online: Weekends.

Name: King Funk
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Emulator: Project64k(ve)
Contact: jultheboss_01@hotmail.com (nickname ScreenEyes)
Time I'm usually online: Almost every day of the week from 9PM onwards

Alias: Kronos
Location: Australia (Brisbane)
Emu: Pj64k
Contact - MSN: kronostom@hotmail.com
- YouTube: Neo1Kronos
Time: Always on the Aussie server and I'm keen to kick some US butt, you need to be able to host though. Was in USA a year ago and played on Emularena Unit X I think which was fun. Anyways, mainly about 10am GMT +10 till around 1am.

Name: Lawrencelot
Location: The Netherlands
Emulator: Project64k or Mupen, for p2p I use the Nov 2007 version
Contact: laurensbliek[at]hotmail.com (msn/email), or PM me here
Time: I'm usually online: Varies, but not between 1 and 9 AM GMT. And I lag less in the weekends.

Name: Mahie
Location: France
Emulator: Mupen / Pj
Server / P2P ( can host )
Contact: MSN: mahiedt(at)msn.com
Time: varies.
Looking forward to play with you guys =)

Name: mogul/ No
Location: Trinidad, Caribbean
Servers: East Wonderland(God Weapon)/West Wonderland, The Galaxy or p2p.Closer to the equator the better.
Emulator : P64k/Mupenk
Contact Preference :In descending order of preference:Server contact, PM,email(ormovov@hotmail.com)
Times Available: Usually around 12:00am.PM/mail me if needed (-4 UTC/UT/GMT)

Name: NixxxoN
Location: Barcelona, Catalonia
Emulator: Project64k and Mupen64k (both with P2P Client november edition)
Contact: nixxxon18 @ hotmail.com
Time I'm usually online: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Name: Oli or Olikus
Location: Norway
Contact: msn: olikus.ssb@hotmail.com, PM here on smashboards, or just visit the 64 msn group cus Im often there.
Emulator: PJ64k
Time: allmost everyday but varies.

Name: RickySSB.
Location: Chile.
Contact: msn: rick_mkmk@hotmail.com www.youtube.com/user/RickySSB.
Emulator: PJ64k
Time: Saturday and Sundays.

Name: Sargon/Mr.Hardcore
Location: San Antonio/Valparaiso, Chile.
Contact: Just pm me.
Server: No specific one.
Emulator: Project64k
Time: Rarely appears

Nickname: Solrac
Location: Chihuahua
Emulator: Project64k or Mupen64k
Contact: el_acastro@hotmail.com (messenger) / solracx@gmail.com (email)

Name: Timotheus
Location: Hanover, Germany
Emulator: PJ64K
Server: P2P, AEP-Emu, EmuParadise
Contact: PM
Time: Mo-Fr (Varies)

Name: ZoRaK
Location: Brazil
Emu: Pjk
Server: Emulinker/Click21 (Brazilian server) or p2p with Hamachi
Time: varies

Name: §M@|<í$
Location: Sweden
Emulator: PJ64k
Server: P2P
Contact: MSN: dbz_db_super@hotmail.com (yes. i know....>.<)
Time: from 11.00 to 01.00




Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Geographical Regions of the USA

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
Washington D.C.

North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia

North Dakota
South Dakota

New Mexico
New Mexico


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
What is the point of this thread? It's the exact same as the old one, you didn't remove the inactive players nor did you add the new ones.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
What is the point of this thread? It's the exact same as the old one, you didn't remove the inactive players nor did you add the new ones.
zen is superbanned. So if its gonna be updates in the future. We need an active threadmaker.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
I see. I didn't know about zen. I wonder how people that old could still get banned (like near). Looks like everybody eventually gets crazy. I also like how there are multiple sections for America and one for the rest.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
I see. I didn't know about zen. I wonder how people that old could still get banned (like near). Looks like everybody eventually gets crazy. I also like how there are multiple sections for America and one for the rest.
He selfrequested it. Some mod explained it in the social thread some time ago. And yeah lol that its one for the rest.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Just because he's going to stop playing Smash 64 doesn't mean he can't check this thread.


The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
What problems were there when Zen was in charge, before he was banned?

Glowworm plays Melee BTW.



Play to Win
May 19, 2009
It would be a month or two after someone posted that Zen would update it with them. People did post once in a while.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
here's a test for glowworm:

Name: clubba22
Location: Northern Virginia or Charlottesville depending on time of year
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy, or p2p if you host.
Contact: AIM - "Rbballwizard" no quotes (not used much)
Time: When I want to


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
Finally my name is on the list. now will it matter...?? need to local/console with zhin and possibly bcow/other IL/chi area smashers


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
here's a test for glowworm:

Name: clubba22
Location: Northern Virginia or Charlottesville depending on time of year
Emulator: Project64k
Server: Galaxy, or p2p if you host.
Contact: AIM - "Rbballwizard" no quotes (not used much)
Time: When I want to
Haha, I got you.

What is the point of this thread? It's the exact same as the old one, you didn't remove the inactive players nor did you add the new ones.
The reason why I made this thread was because Surri-Sama said in the social thread that it's ok if someone reposted the thread to keep it updated and he would sticky this thread and unstick the original. If not, Surri-Sama would update the original thread if needed. Surri-Sama never did do what he said he would do lol.

Zen never/rarely updated it.

Melee is "melee." Smash is "smash."
Melee is part of the Smash series. I check Smashboards literally every 10 minutes when I'm on my computer. It'll be no problem checking up to see if there's any updates.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Finally my name is on the list. now will it matter...?? need to local/console with zhin and possibly bcow/other IL/chi area smashers
get one of those chicago guys to host a side event for 64 at one of their melee tourneys and I might come up there for it.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2010
hey bro, you know if you really want to be threadmaster, you'll need to go through the entire old thread and update with everybody who posted.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Hm? I'm not quite following you here. I simply copy and pasted the original thread here. Every update that was made in the OP is already here.

Unless you're telling me to go to the original thread and tell them I made this thread?


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
I think he's saying that the OP you copied hadn't been fully updated, so you'd need to go through the old thread and find all the players who haven't yet been put in the Compendium.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Or you should have started a brand new one, as half the players in the old one don't play anymore and half the new players aren't in that one.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Yeah, I figured out what he meant but I had to go to school lol. I'll make the changes in a bit.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Ok, I updated the OP.


- Added Tucker
- Added Michael
- Moved player from California to California since he was listed in the international section lol.

Edit: FFFF, double posted on accident.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Done .

edit: I guess I should let you all know that whenever you post your info, you should know that I'll update this thread with your info and won't forget about it. Just so that I don't have to unecessarily bump this thread to confirm your info being updated.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Hello, I'd like to quote this again:

The reason why I made this thread was because Surri-Sama said in the social thread that it's ok if someone reposted the thread to keep it updated and he would sticky this thread and unstick the original. If not, Surri-Sama would update the original thread if needed. Surri-Sama never did do what he said he would do lol.
Well, seeing as how Surri-Sama is gone, I definitely can't have this stickied unless another mod does it for me. I'll be updating this thread again after I check out the old thread.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
hmm why not

Name: Mint "Good Grief"
Location: Tennessee
Emulator: Project6KVE
Server: Galaxy
Contact: In Galaxy Chat, Smashboards or Steam I guess Mint403
Time: all day erry day (late evenings)


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
hmm why not

Name: Mint "Good Grief"
Location: Tennessee
Emulator: Project6KVE
Server: Galaxy
Contact: In Galaxy Chat, Smashboards or Steam I guess Mint403
Time: all day erry day (late evenings)
I got you down.

EDIT: Okay, I completely updated everyone. I'm planning on doing a complete overhaul on the OP to make it more neat and nice compared to how it is. For now, I made a disclaimer to use CTRL+F to look up your region or maybe a certain city.


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2011
Greenville, NC
Lurker for a while, between computer problems & getting a new controller + adapter I finally got online set up.

Name: Compatible (Dan)
Location: NC/NJ
Emulator: Project6KVE
Server: Galaxy
Contact: PM, Aim - Compatible1120, Server Chat
Time: EST randomly between 10am-10pm


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Zen self requested his ban because he was too addicted to swf and with school n **** he had to get away.

i understand the mentality.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I don't understand why people request bans for that sort of thing. Are they really so addicted that they can't simply stop going? :O


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Yeah, there's people that at some point played Smash and signed up and ended up staying on SWF for the social aspects even though they haven't touched Smash in years or something. Nothing wrong with that, though :)


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Doesn't matter too much but you can change my location to Manhattan, I don't play n64 anymore in Fair Lawn as I am too used to a good connection (lol)
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