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The Original Lethal Joke: Pichu!

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yeah so I noticed there wasn't a thread for Pichu yet ever since the old thread of Pichu got shut down. So I guess here it is. The original support thread for Smash first ever official lethal joke character; Pichu! :pichumelee:

Being Pikachu's previous state in the evolution line, and seeing it's tiny porportions which shouldn't hold too much raw physical strenght, it was never too much of a surprise that Pichu wasn't as strong as a character as Pikachu was in the Smash game where Pichu made it's sole appearance in. Sakurai made it clear since day 1 that Pichu was a joke character, and in all way except running speed, inferiour to Pikachu. Pichu had clear problems with range, was the lightest character in the game, and if that wasn't bad he also damages himself when using electrical attacks.

Overall, due to Pichu's bad preformance in Melee it was no wonder Pichu didn't enjoy too much popularity. Could very well be the reason Pichu was cut, and not considered to be brought back. Yes, I do know this holds down Pichu's chances a lot. But with Dr.Mario returning, Young Link and Roy having spiritual succesors in Toon Link and Lucina - which of the excisting Melee veterans are left out outside of obviously Mewtwo and Ice Climbers?

That's right, only Pichu.:pichumelee:

Sakurai has stated that all characters have their fans, no matter how minor the character might be. So in a way, isn't it fair to try and please the fans of this character to?

I think it is.

Let's discuss the potential of seeing Pichu being added as a future DLC character here.

Pros & Cons for Pichu's inclusion:


-Besides Mewtwo and Ice Climbers, the only untouched Melee veteran.
-Pikachu is an extremely well known character probably deserving a clone in the same vein as Mario and Link do.
-Outside of the starters :152::153::154::155::156::157::158::159::160: the best possible 'second gen rep' possible.
-An easy to add character due to clone status, wouldn't nearly take as much development time as unique characters as Mewtwo.
-Sakurai stating that all characters in Smash so far have their fans.


-Not the most popular character in Melee cause of bad preformance.

Counter arguement: Mewtwo was also not popular cause of his bad moveset, but he's coming back regardless. And it's not like Pichu cannot be buffed. Example:

This is Melee SD Remix btw.

-Another clone character, do not want.

Counter arguement: Same was said about Dr.Mario before. It's a fact however that clones are much easier to add than other characters. They take far less development time, so it's a good possibility Sakurai might want to include more of them as DLC.

-Another Pokémon character.

Counter arguement: With Mario and Pokémon having had roughly the same ammount of playable characters since the first installment, Mario exceeding in Melee, Pokémon exceeding in Brawl, is this really that much of an issue? Right now, counting all Koopalings, Mario has 13 playable characters! Mewtwo and Pichu aren't going to overload the roster.

To me it simply comes down to this: Do I want another extra character in Smash? Yes. Would I mind if it was Pichu? No I won't. Am hoping that people open up their eyes more to this. The more, the merrier right?
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