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The Organization's Comeback: Part 2--Old Friends


Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.
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Sora, now 16, and much taller, wasn't able to fit into the gummi ship. So, Vexen opened his dark portal, and they all entered it. Until a new gummi ship was made, Sora and Co. would have to rely on Vexen's portal. Their first stop was The Castle That Never Was to see where the portal led. Upon reaching the castle, Vexen greets the replicas, introducing them to Sora.

Sora: Wow. This is weird, seeing all of the members I've defeated...

Vexen: Again, Sora. Get used to it.

Sora: OK, OK!

Vexen: Larxene, where's the wormhole lead?

Larxene: Um...the radar says St. Petersburg.

Vexen: WHAT?!?! The Real World???

Larxene: Yep. I suggest you go now. The town's overrun with Heartless.

Vexen: Ok. Riku, stay here. Kairi, come with us.

Kairi: Wha? Why me?

Vexen: You've fought the least. You need the experience.

So Vexen, Sora, and Kairi entered the wormhole. They came out of the hole in front of an old castle that seemed like it hadn't been lived in in years. They see an open door.

Stage: The Old Castle
Characters: Vexen, Sora, Kairi

You enter the door, and enter a large, empty ballroom.
Professor Rowan comes out of his secret lab and starts yelling at the group, but stops when he sees Vexen.

Rowan: Even, Is that YOU?

Vexen: Well, yes and no. You see, i was working with Ansem-

Rowan: Oh, yes. How is the old boy?

Vexen: Well, dead.

Rowan: Ooh. I knew some experiments of his were too dangerous.

Vexen: Yes, yes they were. Anywaay, Ansem's apprentices-that's me...well, actually Even, Ienzo, Dilan, Braig, Elaeus, and Xehanort--were working on an experiment with the Heartless, there were some complications, and we all were turned into heartless.

Sora: You two know each other???

Vexen: Yes. He and Ansem were colleagues. He would always lecture Ansem on how his experiments were dangerous, and "how something very bad would happen one of these days", yadda, yadda, yadda. The apprentices actually got to know Professor Rowan quite well.

Rowan(totally ignoring Sora): Then how are you still here?

Vexen: We are all Nobodies now---that's what a person with a strong will becomes when they are turned into a Heartless.

Rowan: Ouch.

Vexen: Verily. By the way, we could use your help.

Rowan: With what?

Vexen explained the situation thoroughly, from beginning to end.

Rowan: Hmph. Alright. But don't expect me to do any of this melodramatic ****.

Vexen. I don't.

The group exits the Castle, and is surrounded by Soldier Heartless.

Fight the Soldiers and subsequently appearing Heartless.
Stage: St. Petersburg--Castle Grounds
Characters: Vexen, Prof. Rowan, Sora, Kairi
# of Heartless: 150

Sora: Easy.
Kairi: Yeah!
Vexen: Why do they try?
Rowan: Too easy.

Boss: Darkside

Vexen: Is it over?
Rowan: Yes...I hope.
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