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The Official Gyarados RTP! (linked from the RTP Official Thread)

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
The next Grand pokemon!
Gyarados! (Boy do I love this guy!)

He works wonders. Here's the Base stats.

-HP 95
-AT 125
-DE 79
-SA 60
-SD 100
-SP 81

Gyarados's typing is...awkward. What I mean by that is, the STABs it carries. Only the Water STAB is useful to it, as it doesn't carry any viable Flying STABS, but having that water STAB is useful. It's a very common offensive move type: It hits the popular steels for neutral damage, popular rock and ground types for SE, and the occasion magmortar/infernape for SE damage as well. Flying isn't some AMAZING offensive wonder, it's no rock or fighting type, and it's definitely not dragon or the boltbeam combo, so missing out on it isn't bad (the only real reason flying moves are used is for the dreaded heracross). Some people get so caught up in gyarados potential moveset that they don't even USE STAB at all. How odd indeed.

The word from Wii4Mii
Water/Flying, offensively, isn't the best. Gyarados knows no physical Flying attacks and only has Waterfall for physical STAB.

Gyarados's defensive typing aint half bad. It grants him Five resistances. The fire one isn't too great, the water can be used for switch ins I suppose, steel is just there for walling metagross without t-punch, bug and fighting are beautiful for heracross without stone edge/rock slide, and those two are probably his most nifty resistances.
The real beauty comes from his ground immunity. EQs are all over the place, and being immune to them is godlike (ok maybe not cause they're usually paired with rock moves). Gyarados can overlook his teamates earthquakes and switch into EQ happy pokes at will (this gives rise to the popular double intimidate double EQ strategy with gyara and mence). It's his weaknesses that hurt him, however. Rock moves are WAY too popular, and electric moves are everywhere. A 4x weakness to one of the games most popular types lead to OHKOs no problem, and seeing as electric moves can come from the most unexpected pokemon, gyarados has to remain weary at all times.

Another word from Wii4Mii
Water/Flying, defensively, is excellent. Sure, Gyarados has a 4x weakness to Electric and 2x to Rock, but is resistant to Fire, Water, Fighting and Steel, which are quite common attack types. The immunity to Earthquake is an excellent thing. Alas, Flying brings a neutral to Ice, though.

Attack - 125
Special Attack - 60
Speed - 81
Gyarados' base stats, offensively, are pretty good. 125 attack lets his physical attacks hurt. This also helkps that Gyarados had many good physical attacks. DON'T USE SPECIAL ATTACKS. I don't know why Gyarados has 81 Speed instead of 80, but it works. 252/+nature allows Gyarados to outspeed 252 90s.

HP - 95
Defense - 79
Special Defense - 100
As you can see, Gyarados' Defensive stats are quite decent. Don't be fooled by that SpDef stat. Gyarados still can't take a Thunderbolt. Although his Defense is quite average, Intimidate can make up for that. Because of these defenses, Gyarados can be quite hard to take down without SE or boosted attacks.

Physical (Attack - 125)
Gyarados' physical movepool is good, and the attacks do a lot of damage thanks to Gyarados' 125 attack stat. Waterfall gets STAB. Earthquake is Earthquake. Ice Fang can hit all those Dragons and Flyers. Stone Edge can hit them Flyers. Gyarados can also learn Dragon Dance, which lets it sweep. Remember, thanks to Gyarados' defenses, if he ever gets hit, he'll be hard to take down. Try:

Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Special (Special Attack - 60)
Gyarados' Special movepool is quite impressive, but it has a low Special Attack stat, so the attacks won't do much damage. If you need a special Gyarados, though, try:

Ice Fang

Gyarados isn't built to be Blissey, but it's Defensive movepool is actually below average. It has Toxic, Rain Dance, Taunt, which is really good, and, surprisingly, Thunder Wave. Trust me, attack with Gyarados.


Offensively, it doesn't do anything to boost Gyarados's Attack, Special Attack (which we wouldn't want anyway), or Speed, so it's not too hot for this purpose.


This ability can be really handy defensively. Gyarados's weaker defensive stat is his defense, and the ability Intimidate drops both opponents attack power down one stage (which i believe is 66% of the original stat). However, using Gyara as a starter (which isn't too uncommon) and intimidating pokes like Alakazam (pokes who use special attack instead) is quite a painful feeling.


DD Sweeper (Dragon Dance)

-Dragon Dance
-Aqua Tail/Waterfall
-Ice Fang/Stone Edge

252 AT/252 SP/6 HP

Dragon Dance boosts Gyarados's Attack and speed 1 stage (150 % each). After that, not much can stand up to it. Gyarados's base Attack Stat with an Adamant nature, Max attack IVs, and 252 Attack EVs is 383, and its speed will hit somewhere around 261. Some may argue that the extra speed boost to 283 is worth a Jolly nature, and it might be on other sets, however with dragon dance it simply isn't needed. The choice between SE and Ice Fang is simply up to what you need more in your party.

CB user (choice band)

-Aqua Tail/Waterfall
-Ice Fang
-Stone Edge

Same EVs as the DD set.

Choice Bad grants Gyara the Same attack power a single Dragon Dance would give it right from the start, however it limits it to one move whilst it is in play, which cripples the fact that Gyarados likes to switch between it's move to hit for SE damage.
The choice between Aqua Tail and Waterfall is split. The only difference is AT has 90 base and 90% accuracy while Waterfall trades 10 base power for the full 100% accuracy. Stone Edge works well in tandem with Earthquake, the coverage hits most pokemon for at least neutral damage.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
How much are you doing Wii4Mii?
I'd like to help you out on this one, and i don't want everyone doing the same sections lol.
Tell me so I can get started on whatever you aren't working on.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Well, I did Typing and base stats and might add a little more to them later. You could do movepool, ability or uses.

Man, this is keeping me occupied... (This sounds more intelligent than saying "This is fun" :laugh:)

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
I'll do movepool next, which features the n00b again! Oh yeah, the next Pokemon we do is Zook's pick. ;)

Physical (Attack - 125)
Gyarados' physical movepool is good, and the attacks do a lot of damage thanks to Gyarados' 125 attack stat. Waterfall gets STAB. Earthquake is Earthquake. Ice Fang can hit all those Dragons and Flyers. Stone Edge can hit them Flyers. Gyarados can also learn Dragon Dance, which lets it sweep. Remember, thanks to Gyarados' defenses, if he ever gets hit, he'll be hard to take down. Try:

Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Special (Special Attack - 60)
Why the h311 are you looking at this part? I guess I have to explain... Let's go see how n00b does this time.

Mii: Why don't people use Special Attacks on Gyarados?

n00b: Well, Gyarados' SpAtk is only 60, but...

Mii: No buts! ...What were you going to say, though?

n00b: But Gyarados can learn Surf, Flamethrower, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. And Surf even gets STAB...

Mii: What did you say before?

n00b: Gyarados only has 60 SpAtk.

Mii: Do you get it yet?

n00b: ...No...

Mii: *sigh*

To recap, Gyarados' Special movepool is quite impressive, but it has a low Special Attack stat, so the attacks won't do much damage. If you need a special Gyarados, though, try:

Ice Fang

Gyarados isn't built to be Blissey, but it's Defensive movepool is actually below average. It has Toxic, Rain Dance, Taunt, which is really good, and, surprisingly, Thunder Wave. :laugh: Trust me, attack with Gyarados.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2006
Richardson, Texas
I'd personally put the defensive typing up to 8 for sure. It only has two weaknesses and has the ablility to survive unSTABed Hidden Powers and Thunderbolts. Those that can kill it off with an electric move are fairly obvious and can be switched out to Electivire. Rock moves are also physical and intimidate (if you switch in) cuts them down one level.

These are just my opinions though. Great analysis.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
I'm doing uses again?

OFFENSIVELY-Gyarados is a staple pokemon in players' teams for a reason. Its unique typing gives it only 2 weaknessess-Rock and Electric. He also has access to the fearsome Dragon Dance, which, if ignored, will allow him to sweep entire teams.

Gyara has all the right stats in all the right places. Although slow at first (Base Spd: 81), a Dragon Dance or two allow him to outspeed most anything, then proceed to devour them. His SpDef, Atk and Hp are all above average, too.

Still, all this said, Gyara has one real weakness: His Electric weakness. With a 4X Weakness to Electric attacks, any TBolt can 0HKO.

However, this can be exploited. Players often pair Gyara with Electivire, so that when the opponent attempts to 0HKO Gyara with an Electric attack, Electivire can be switched in to absorb the attack and boost his own Spd.

Gyarados @ Leftovers
EVs: 6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Dragon Dance
-Taunt/Stone Edge
-Waterfall/Aqua Tail

Standard Physical Sweeper Gyara. If you can catch Bliss something or Choiceing EQ, this set is very easy to set up. DDance (unless you encounter something that you know won't attack you, which you Taunt) a few times, then sweep. Aqua Tail or Waterfall could be used, but it all really just comes down to preferance. Although Stone Edge could be used over Taunt, I wouldn't reccomend it.

DEFENSIVELY-Gyara's Defensive movepool isn't all to bad. That said, you should never use him defensively, he has better things to do.

But if you must....

Gyarados @ Leftovers
EVs: 168 Hp/68 Atk/120 Def/152 SpDef
Careful Nature (+SpDef, -SpAtk)
-Thunder Wave
-Waterfall/Aqua Tail

Gyara can outspeed most of the other stallers (Blissey) and Taunt them. Without DD, he won't be outspeeding much, so no Spd EVs are needed. This particular set is designed to Paralyze alot of the opponent's team; TWave, Roar, reapeat.

And we're doing Toxicroak next, btw :colorful:
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