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The Official Garchomp RTP! (linked from the RTP Official Thread)

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
Alright, if you followed the link it should have lead you here.

The everpopluar (I feel TOO popluar) GARCHOMP! :laugh:

[Pokemon] Garchomp
[Type(s)] Dragon/Ground
[Ability(s)] Sand Veil
[Base Stats]

-HP 108
-AT 130
-DE 95
-SA 80
-SD 85
-SP 102

TYPING (OFFENSIVELY) Dragon and Ground, a semi-unique typing, gives garchomp some amusing cabablities. Very few pokemon resist both STABS, the only two notable ones I can come up with are Bronzong and Skarmory (two very popular pokes indeed). Dragon is only resisted by steel, and Ground covers that (with the exceptions of flying/levitators and some others). Overall, Garchomps two STABS work well together and go pretty nicely hand in hand.

TYPING (DEFENSIVELY) Dragon and Ground leaves all but two weaknesses: Dragon and Ice.
Both types are incredibly popular in the metagame, mostly because pokemon like Garchomp are incredibly popular. Dragon type moves have wonderful type coverage (Yes, it only hits dragon for SE but only steel resists it) and Ice type moves do as well. Thus, the weaknesses can be annoying, but seeing as most dragon type moves come from (slower) dragon type pokemon, it's not INCREDIBLY hard to overcome (and you'd either have to be incredibly dumb or unfortunate to switch into a dragon move). Ice type moves, however, come from all sorts of pokemon, and the fact that it is a 4x weakness and the most popular ice type move being ice beam hits Garchomps lower defensive stat, it can get rather annoying. Resisting fire's an okay bonus, poison isn't some amazing resistance to have either, however a resistance to rock proves useful (stealth rock, and switching into rock moves). An immunity to electric moves is wonderful, being an incredibly popular type, being able to switch into it with no damage is a waaarm feeling. Plus, Ground stab for electric stab users is a nice situation to be in (however agreeably most electric moves are paired with ice type moves...)

BASE STATS (OFFENSIVELY) Credit given to Wii4Mii on this one!
Attack - 130
Special Attack - 80
Speed - 102

Garchomp's high Attack stat makes it's STAB attacks, Dragon Claw and Earthquake, quite painful to most Pokemon that arn't Defensively trained or resistant. It's Special Attack may be average, but it's enough to hurt Skarmory with Flamethrower/Fire Blast. It's 102 Speed stat can set it just above the many 100ers. 252 EVs in Speed and a neutral Speed nature sets it at 303, enough to outspeed the 100ers with the same EVs/nature, as well as 252/+nature 85ers, like Heracross. With 252/+nature, Garchomp outspeeds 252 Eved 115s.

BASE STATS (DEFENSIVELY) Wii4Mii also accomplished this feat!
HP - 108
Defense - 95
Special Defense - 85

Garchomp's defenses and HP are decent enough for it to survive neutral hits. An Ice Beam user, without STAB, needs at least 266 Special Attack to have a guaranteed kill on a min HP / min SpDef Garchomp.

I (Metadour) want to add this useful info from SEREBII.NET
If a Garchom has NO defensive IVs but perfect IVs you will need...
245 SA to OHKO with a non stabbed ice beam. (256 guarantees it)
340 AT for an unstabbed ice punch (367 guarantee)
390 AT for unstabbed ice fang, Adamant Gyara falls short a bit (425 guarantee)
330 SA for unstabbed HP Ice (358 guarantee)

you're probably saying (well what about STABed Ice moves?
What Trainer in their right mind what could keep in Garchomp against an ice type (with the exception of Swords Dance and/or Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Fire Fang)

MOVEPOOL (OFFENSIVELY) ANOTHER one done by Wii4Mii. Keep em' coming!
Physical Attacks (Attack-130)

Garchomp has many effective Physical attacks and they all hurt because of Garchomp's 130 Attack stat. It's Physical Attacks include Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Fang, Crunch and Outrage. Choice Band Outrage tears things apart that arn't resisted by it. Dragon Claw is a safer, albeit weaker Dragon attack. They both also get STAB. Earthquake is... Earthquake. The ground does a little bit of shaking, and the opponent's HP does a lot of falling. Stone Edge is capable of hitting Flyers that switch in on Earthquake or for hitting Skarmory, who also resists Outrage/Dragon Claw. Fire Fang can, once again, hurt Skarmory, but is also used for Bronzong, who resists Outrage/Dragon Claw, Stone Edge, and is immune to Earthquake. Crunch is for Cresselia.

If you'd like a good Physical moveset, try:

Fire Fang
Swords Dance

Switch into something that fears Garchomp, and Swords Dance the switch. Cresselia comes in? SDed Outrage murders it. Once your opponent's Physical wall thingy is down, you can sweep with this set. Earthquake is STAB and hits them Steels. As stated brfore, Fire Fang hits Skarmory and Bronzong.

Special Attacks (Special Attack-80)
Have you ever heard of a Chain Chomp? It's a Garchomp with Draco Meteor.

You: Well, Draco Meteor is good and it has STAB and all, but... 80 base Special Attack? No. It's like using Surf on Gyarados. STAB, good attack, but... no.
Mii: What are common switch ins on Garchomp?
You: Slowbro, Hippowdon, Donphan... Oh, I get it. Pokemon that can take Physical hits. Oh... Why can they take physical hits? Well, their Defense and HP are high, and they (except Donphan) have healing moves, and resist one of Garchomp's attacks. Huh? ... Why can't they take Special hits? Well, their (except Slowbro) Special Defense isn't that good, and Hippowdon and Donphan are weak to Surf and Ice Beam, while Slowbro is weak to Thunderbolt...

Mii: Do you get it yet?
You: ...No...
*a couple minutes later*
You: ... Oh... Yeah... Yeah!
Mii: Hmm?
You: Since Garchomp would predict a switch in of a Physical Wall, you use Draco Meteor. They arn't prepered for a powerful Special blow and...
Mii: Meh, good enough.
You know how you can trick them even more?
You: How?
Mii: By using Swords Dance.

Go here for the full Chain Chomp stuff.

Swords Dance
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast

Fire Blast can also do more damage because of the EVs in SpAtk.

Movepool (Defensively) ALSO...done by Wii4Mii. Might as well make him my editor.
Garchomp's role isn't to be defensive, and thus, it doesn't know that many good defensive moves. All it has is Toxic, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Rest, Stealth Rock, and Sand Tomb (LOL). Although some of those moves are commonly used on other pokemon, supporting should be left to Garchomp's teamates. Sure, he CAN pull of some defensive moves if he wants to, but let's face it...The land shark was built for offense.

Offensively, Sand Veil does nothing to help Garchomp. Its sole purpose is to raise his evasiveness, and obviously that has little to do with sweeping ability besides keeping him alive longer.

ABILITY (DEFENSIVELY) Sand Veil Does it suprise you that Wii4Mii did this (Thank You!)
Garchomp's ability, Sand Veil, only activates during a Sandstorm. It makes a 100% accuracy move hit only 80% of the time. This can be quite useful if Garchomp is using Swords Dance for a huge sweep. Don't abuse it, though. You can still get hit by an Ice Beam, so don't think Sand Veil = OMG INVINCIBLE!!!!!11!11!one
Garchomp's ability, as stated before, helps him avoid some attacks. Garchomp can take hits, though. So you don't have to be like OH NOEZ I GOT HIT BY FLAMETHROWER!!!!!!111!one

With a base Atk of 130 and Spd of 102, Garchomp fills the roles of physical sweeper excellently. It is fast enough to outrunpretty much any other pokemon while holding Choice Scarf, and a Choice Banded Outrage 0HKOs pretty much anything that doesn't resist it.

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Sand Veil
EVs: 6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly or Adamant Nature (+Spd or Atk, -SpAtk)
-Stone Edge
-Crunch/Fire Fang/Aerial Ace

There you go, CS Chomp. Due to Choice item's switch-outy nature, Outrage's confusion shouldn't be too much of a problem. Fire Fang is for Foretress, or you could use Crunch for extra power. AA OKHO's Hera, which is worth consideration.

Chomp also has access to Swords Dance, and when paired with an EQ and DC STAB, pokemon unable to resist it should be afraid.

One of Garchomp's most valuable assets is it's immunity to Thunder Wave. Very little can paralyze Chomp, and, thus, very little can cripple it.

Of course, Chomp isn't perfect. Though powerful, Garchomp's predictiblility is it's weakness. Unlike some of his other Dragon friends, he can't do much on the Special side outside of Draco Meteor and maybe Fire Blast. Weavile, with higher Base Speed, will 0HKO Garchomp with an Ice Punch every time it get's the chance.

Garchomp is pretty skimpy on the Defence. I suppose it could be used to absorb TWs, but... Eh. Garchomp could Sand Tomb Toxitrap, but he has better things to do.

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Sand Veil
EVs: 108 Hp/20 Atk/100 Def/140 Spd/100 SpDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpAtk)
-Sand Tomb
-Dragon Claw

Trap'em, Toxic'em, then kill'em.

Looks like we nailed this one. The uses section is below, in magenta, seeing as it won't fit in the post easily.

My hopes is that these threads will expand as we catalog more pokemon. But that can only happen with YOUR help (this sounds like a kids TV show rofl)!

SO help us out, Go back to the main RTM thread and vote for the next poke!


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
All right, I'll do uses.


With a base Atk of 130 and Spd of 102, Garchomp fills the roles of physical sweeper excellently. It is fast enough to outrunpretty much any other pokemon while holding Choice Scarf, and a Choice Banded Outrage 0HKOs pretty much anything that doesn't resist it.

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Sand Veil
EVs: 6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly or Adamant Nature (+Spd or Atk, -SpAtk)
-Stone Edge
-Crunch/Fire Fang/Aerial Ace

There you go, CS Chomp. Due to Choice item's switch-outy nature, Outrage's confusion shouldn't be too much of a problem. Fire Fang is for Foretress, or you could use Crunch for extra power. AA OKHO's Hera, which is worth consideration.

Chomp also has access to Swords Dance, and when paired with an EQ and DC STAB, pokemon unable to resist it should be afraid.

One of Garchomp's most valuable assets is it's immunity to Thunder Wave. Very little can paralyze Chomp, and, thus, very little can cripple it.

Of course, Chomp isn't perfect. Though powerful, Garchomp's predictiblility is it's weakness. Unlike some of his other Dragon friends, he can't do much on the Special side outside of Draco Meteor and maybe Fire Blast. Weavile, with higher Base Speed, will 0HKO Garchomp with an Ice Punch every time it get's the chance.

Garchomp is pretty skimpy on the Defence. I suppose it could be used to absorb TWs, but... Eh. Garchomp could Sand Tomb Toxitrap, but he has better things to do.

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Sand Veil
EVs: 108 Hp/20 Atk/100 Def/140 Spd/100 SpDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpAtk)
-Sand Tomb
-Dragon Calw

Trap'em, Toxic'em, then kill'em.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL

Alright, we're done!
I dunno if the thread will let me add that section, but since it's so close i'll just leave it be.

Alright then, who wants to move on to the next pokemon lol?

I know I know, you want toxicroak. I've already put in your vote.
Lemme just get one from Wii4Mii (or if you can get it from him) and we're done.

I say that cause you two are the ones who helped me. You're the only ones who actually deserve the vote, or who will lol.

So let's keep it going...

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007

Water/Flying, offensively, isn't the best. Gyarados knows no physical Flying attacks and only has Waterfall for physical STAB.

Water/Flying, defensively, is excellent. Sure, Gyarados has a 4x weakness to Electric and 2x to Rock, but is resistant to Fire, Water, Fighting and Steel, which are quite common attack types. The immunity to Earthquake is an excellent thing. Alas, Flying brings a neutral to Ice, though.

Attack - 125
Special Attack - 60
Speed - 81
Gyarados' base stats, offensively, are pretty good. 125 attack lets his physical attacks hurt. This also helkps that Gyarados had many good physical attacks. DON'T USE SPECIAL ATTACKS. I don't know why Gyarados has 81 Speed instead of 80, but it works. 252/+nature allows Gyarados to outspeed 252 90s.

HP - 95
Defense - 79
Special Defense - 100
As you can see, Gyarados' Defensive stats are quite decent. Don't be fooled by that SpDef stat. Gyarados still can't take a Thunderbolt. Although his Defense is quite average, Intimidate can make up for that. Because of these defenses, Gyarados can be quite hard to take down without SE or boosted attacks.

I'll do more later.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99
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