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The *OFFICIAL* Arthur (Ghosts 'n' Goblins) Thread


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
I didn't see a thread about Arthur from Ghosts 'n' Goblins, and i thought i should make one, because...

1) Ghosts 'n' Goblins needs more lovin'. It was a great game and Arthur is the only real character that could be included.

2) Although owned by Capcom, Arthur was also on the NES! So behind Megaman, i think Arthur is the next most deserving character the represent Capcom

3) He's a retro! Retros = Ownage!


A- Dagger swing
AA - Dagger, Dagger
AAA - Dagger, Dagger, Stab with Axe
B - Throws Lance
Side B - Shield attack
Up B - Um...i need some help with this one. :confused:
Down B - Puts up shield, reflects attacks
Smash A - Fire (similair to Mario's)
Smash A Up - Headbutt up
Smash A Down - Dagger swings down
Taunt - Smiles and poses while putting away dagger

Well that's it.

P.S. Don't post saying *OMG HE HAS NO CHANCE HE'S THIRD PARTY OMFG* because I know. I just made this thread because i think he's an interesting character with an awesome game who deserved some thought.

:) later


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
That one has nothing except a pic. >.> plus this one is *official*
i have no clue why thats significant but oh well
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