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The Next Shigeru Miyamoto Character(s) to be in SSB4 Thread

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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
"Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll."
- Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto is the most prolific video game developer in all of Nintendo, and perhaps in all of gaming. He has been called the father of modern gaming. Nowadays, he mostly produces games and oversees other games, but occasionally directs games.

Why does this matter to Smash? Just looking at the roster, you will see that most of characters have been either created by Miyamoto or from games he's worked on. Just looking at the roster, the following characters are Miyamoto creations or first appeared in a game with Miyamoto playing a large role in development:

Mario (director, designer, Donkey Kong), Luigi, Peach, Bowser (director, designer,Super Mario Bros),
Donkey Kong(director, designer, Donkey Kong), Yoshi (producer, Super Mario World)
Ice Climber (producer, Ice Climber), Pit (producer, Kid Icarus)
Link, Zelda, Ganon, (Director, Designer, Producer, The Legend of Zelda) Ganondorf, Sheik (Director, Designer, Producer, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) , Toon Link (Producer, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
Kirby, Metaknight, King Dedede (producer, Kirby's Adventure)
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Pokemon Trainer (producer, Pokemon Red and Blue)
Fox, Falco (producer, Star Fox), Wolf (producer, Star Fox 64), Captain Falcon (producer, F-Zero)
Olimar (producer, creator of concept, Pikmin)

He also produced the first game in the Mother series and the Metroid Prime Trilogy. By the way, if you include Gunpei Yokoi's creations and productions (Metroid, R.O.B., Game and Watch, and Fire Emblem), you have every Nintendo series in Smash up to Brawl somehow involving one of these two men. In fact , technically you can include the third-party series - Miyamoto worked on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and the Mario & Sonic Olympic games.

This thread is to discuss all Miyamoto characters that might be in Smash 4.

Here are a list of Miyamoto creations/productions:
Sheriff (Arcade)
Space Firebird (arcade)
Radar Scope (Arcade)
Devil World (NES)
Excitebike (NES)
Mole Mania (Game Boy)
Wave Race (Game Boy)
Pilotwings (SNES)
Stunt Race F/X (SNES)
1080 (N64)
Doshin the Giant (Gamecube)
Eternal Darkness (Gamecube)
Chibi-Robo! (Gamecube)
Giftpia (Gamecube)
Geist (Gamecube)
Wii Sports (Wii)
Miis (Wii)
Wii Music (Wii)
Nintendogs (DS)
Steel Diver (3DS)

Edit: My bad. He only work on the Wii version of Punch-Out. Thanks Tetra's Tracker!

So who will be the Shigeru Miyamoto character(s) added to Smash Bros 4?

Deleted member

I believe that Little Mac has the best chances of Miyamoto's creations.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Totally steel diver sub, duh!

But really only lol mac and chibi-robo have big enough chances.

Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005
This man is a god. You say every Nintendo series in Brawl involved him and Gunpei Yokoi somehow, but technically you can include the third-party series as well - Miyamoto worked on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and the Mario & Sonic Olympic games. Just a fun fact.

I don't think Punch Out is one of his creations, I believe he worked on the Wii game but no other games in the series, therefore I'm not going to count Mac as a Miyamoto character. I'd say the most likely Miyamoto character is the Mii, something he first thought of during the Famicom days.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I believe that Little Mac has the best chances of Miyamoto's creations.
Totally steel diver sub, duh!

But really only lol mac and chibi-robo have big enough chances.
My bad. Little Mac was only produced by Shigeru Miyamoto for the Wii game. So he isn't a Miyamoto creation.

Besides Little Mac, is there any other Miyamoto creations you would consider. I think you are forgetting about the influence of Miyamoto. I remind you, that out of all possible current and new franchises to add in Brawl, only Pikmin, a Miyamoto creation, made it through.

This man is a god. You say every Nintendo series in Brawl involved him and Gunpei Yokoi somehow, but technically you can include the third-party series as well - Miyamoto worked on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and the Mario & Sonic Olympic games. Just a fun fact.

I don't think Punch Out is one of his creations, I believe he worked on the Wii game but no other games in the series, therefore I'm not going to count Mac as a Miyamoto character. I'd say the most likely Miyamoto character is the Mii, something he first thought of during the Famicom days.
Thanks for the help. Yeah I made a mistake with that one.

I didn't realize the thing about the Miis. I think that ups their chances considerable.

Personally I'm hoping for a Pilot Wings or 1080 character. I would agree that the Mii is most likely, but next after that is some type of Miyamoto retro add, which is also very likely. The last two retro adds were either Miyamoto creations (Pit and Ice Climbers) or Gunpei Yokoi creations (R.O.B. and Mr. Game and Watch).

I just thought of a great conspiracy theory.

Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005
We've already had one Miyamoto newcomer confirmed, Wii Fit Trainer.

Chibi-Robo I'd like to see, he's a very Miyamoto character from a very Miyamoto game - very peculiar but utterly genius. Chibi-Robo has relevancy on his side, he's just had a new game announced for the 3DS, so perhaps that gives him a bit more of a chance.

The two retro characters that come to mind, Muddy Mole and Tamagon, seem far too random and obscure and don't represent anything particularly major in Nintendo history. I can't see them getting in. Pilotwings, 1080 and Wave Race are somewhat big series, but there's no strong character in any of them, nobody that really stands out as the mascot or main character, so I can't see anyone from one of them, although the Mii could be a spirtual Pilotwings rep.

Excitebiker (who I don't consider a retro rep) is someone I wouldn't rule out, Sakurai considered him for Melee and represents a big and iconic Nintendo series that has gotten stronger since Brawl.

Mii - very likely
Chibi-Robo, Excitebiker - possible
Anyone else - extremely unlikely


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
We've already had one Miyamoto newcomer confirmed, Wii Fit Trainer.

Chibi-Robo I'd like to see, he's a very Miyamoto character from a very Miyamoto game - very peculiar but utterly genius. Chibi-Robo has relevancy on his side, he's just had a new game announced for the 3DS, so perhaps that gives him a bit more of a chance.

The two retro characters that come to mind, Muddy Mole and Tamagon, seem far too random and obscure and don't represent anything particularly major in Nintendo history. I can't see them getting in. Pilotwings, 1080 and Wave Race are somewhat big series, but there's no strong character in any of them, nobody that really stands out as the mascot or main character, so I can't see anyone from one of them, although the Mii could be a spirtual Pilotwings rep.

Excitebiker (who I don't consider a retro rep) is someone I wouldn't rule out, Sakurai considered him for Melee and represents a big and iconic Nintendo series that has gotten stronger since Brawl.

Mii - very likely
Chibi-Robo, Excitebiker - possible
Anyone else - extremely unlikely
I dunno, I think you under estimate Muddy Mole. The character has a lot going for him (in terms of unique playstyle) and would the Gameboy. Not to mention that Sakurai has jokingly mentioned Muddy being in a previous smash title, so he it at least is aware of the little guy. Muddy would be my best bet for a retro Gameboy rep.

But Miyamoto made Eternal Darkness AND Geist? I would have never guessed.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
I'd say the order of likeliness to me is:

Sheriff - historical character
Mii (hope not) - Personally biased, but not going to deny they have a shot.
Muddy Mole - Would be a surprise who is this character to most.
Donkey kong jr. - Dixie, and K. Rool take priority. Unless Nintendo is deciding not to use K. Rool for some reason.

Tamagon and doshin with probably be assists.

After them I don't see the others even having the smallest chance of being playable for SSB4.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
A Wave Race or 1080 character would be fantastic, even if they're just an assist trophy. Those games are fantastic and deserve more love.
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