Hello, hello. The names AndroTrig (obviously), but my friends refer to me as Andro. I created an account here a long time ago named "Andro" but I fail to remember the password or email via which it was set up. So alas, here I am. Now a little about me...
The first Smash Bros title I played was Melee. I would play it with a group of friends as link, but back then I was 7 years old and loved spamming Links triple jump/spin attack/Up and B/youknowwhatI'mtalkingabout. But then I moved away to a new town and I forgot about this beloved game.
Fast forward a few years and I went to a flea market in my area and found Smash Bros 64. I figured "Eh, what the heck, couldn't hurt." I was about 15 years old so I bugged my parents to buy it for me. It was about 5 bucks so they did. I proceeded to play it for hours on end playing 15 stock battles on lvl 5. After mastering that I upgraded to 15 stock lvl 9 battles.
I was playing the lvl 9 battles on Smash 64 whilst everyone else in the world was playing Brawl. Brawl was on it's 3rd year run when I was finally able to purchase it. I played that one once again for hours on end until I could master various lvl 9 bots. I then discovered online play (I was pretty oblivious to it for a while, sadly) and I joined in. But by then, there was hardly anyone online anymore. I joined a few forums to find someone online battles and got my butt kicked pretty hard. Obviously these were not lvl 9 bots anymore.
I started to improve until my Brawl copy was stolen. After about a year of waiting, Smash 4 was released. I didn't play nearly as much and now here I am finally trying to get a few more matches in.
I main with several characters. I use Ganondorf, Fox, Toon Link, R.O.B., and a few others. Anyways, after this lengthy post of absolutely nothing important, I just wanna tell everyone hi! :D
The first Smash Bros title I played was Melee. I would play it with a group of friends as link, but back then I was 7 years old and loved spamming Links triple jump/spin attack/Up and B/youknowwhatI'mtalkingabout. But then I moved away to a new town and I forgot about this beloved game.
Fast forward a few years and I went to a flea market in my area and found Smash Bros 64. I figured "Eh, what the heck, couldn't hurt." I was about 15 years old so I bugged my parents to buy it for me. It was about 5 bucks so they did. I proceeded to play it for hours on end playing 15 stock battles on lvl 5. After mastering that I upgraded to 15 stock lvl 9 battles.
I was playing the lvl 9 battles on Smash 64 whilst everyone else in the world was playing Brawl. Brawl was on it's 3rd year run when I was finally able to purchase it. I played that one once again for hours on end until I could master various lvl 9 bots. I then discovered online play (I was pretty oblivious to it for a while, sadly) and I joined in. But by then, there was hardly anyone online anymore. I joined a few forums to find someone online battles and got my butt kicked pretty hard. Obviously these were not lvl 9 bots anymore.
I started to improve until my Brawl copy was stolen. After about a year of waiting, Smash 4 was released. I didn't play nearly as much and now here I am finally trying to get a few more matches in.
I main with several characters. I use Ganondorf, Fox, Toon Link, R.O.B., and a few others. Anyways, after this lengthy post of absolutely nothing important, I just wanna tell everyone hi! :D