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Legend of Zelda The Milk Bar [Archived]

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The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I predict a new system will come out before your 6 year mark. The Wii will get another Zelda, but I'd like it to come out before the Wii 2 does. I'll put it in this perspective:

The GCN was released at the end of 2001. WW was released at the end of '02 in Japan, and in the Spring of '03 in the US.

The Wii was released at the end of 2006 with TP. It began development in '04, '03 at the earliest. So it took a maximum of three years to produce. They've supposedly been working on Zelda Wii since before TP was released, meaning that '05 was the earliest that they could have began development, logically. It's 2009 now, three, possibly four years after development for Zelda Wii ensued. If the game comes out in 2010, then it could have potentially have been in development for five years, two more than TP. However, there's a good chance that it may see a 2011 release, so that would bump it to five, maybe six years of development.

Beta screens were released for TP in '03 ('04, perhaps, I can't remember), potentially a year after development. We are being deprived, but I understand that Nintendo is putting if off so that they can release concrete information about the game on a clean date. The point is, Nintendo better blow us all away with an incredible game.
I'm not going to talk consoles anymore (here - maybe in a thread about it it would be appropriate), but I would not believe it is safe to assume the Zelda cycle is any faster than the Mario cycle for the home console.

And yes, like always, the home console version will blow you away one way or another (think WW blown-away as a possibility).


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
I really don't like the Wii. If a new Zelda is to come out, I would prefer it on their next system.
I just want to point out that this is an awful reason.

I'm guessing that you don't like the Wii because of the lack of quality games. So how would putting a new, quality game on it be bad?


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I would prefer not to wait for a new system, especially when we're not due in the cycle for that to even be talked about for a few years. I'm hoping for news on Zelda Wii before the year is out. It would have been sooner that I expected news, but this new DS one makes me think they won't do two Zeldas at once. We'll just have to wait though. But Zelda Wii better be on the Wii.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
The Wii is just a hassle and annoying to deal with. I don't like the Wii remote, and nunchuck. I don't like dealing with it's menus and having to adjust the censor bar every time. I like controllers.

I just don't like the system, the games are not the worse. So no, your argument makes no sense but I still love you. :)


Apr 13, 2008
The Wii is just a hassle and annoying to deal with. I don't like the Wii remote, and nunchuck. I don't like dealing with it's menus and having to adjust the censor bar every time. I like controllers.

I just don't like the system, the games are not the worse. So no, your argument makes no sense but I still love you. :)

Zelda Wii will be awesome. Isn't it fancy how since MC, they've alternated between toon (MC), real (TP), toon (PH), real (LCT), and now toon again with ST. Obviously Zelda Wii will be realistic, and it will own.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
The Wii is just a hassle and annoying to deal with. I don't like the Wii remote, and nunchuck. I don't like dealing with it's menus and having to adjust the censor bar every time. I like controllers.

I just don't like the system, the games are not the worse. So no, your argument makes no sense but I still love you. :)
Screw it. Consoles are serious buisness. You won't like the next wii if you don't like using the nun-chuck wii-mote controller because it is accepted as the superior interface by the majority of this generation's wii-users (even without motion sensing and infrared, making a controller 1-handed and the analogue stick connected by a wire was genious), and thus, will be seen in wii 2.

Not only that, but there is no logical reason for a Wii 2 to come out in the next half-decade. Nintendo loves holding onto it's most successful products for up to a decade (gameboy), it has no reason to upgrade when people are currently buying the gamecube 2.0 version too fast for even the alternate pallet to come out 3 almost years after launch, and every home console release in Nintendo history (prior to wii) was a graphics upgrade that saw a decrease in sales from the previous generation.

Which is why I would be really annoyed if the next console Zelda came out on Wii 2.


Apr 13, 2008
Despite this game appearing as a PH clone, perhaps it'll do to the duo what MM did to OoT (despite PH feeling like a Terminian counterpart game to the Hyrulean ST).


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Just saw the trailer and it looks alright. It'll probably be the same to what PH was to me. I played through the game just one time and was bored with it.

My only complaint (which is also the wierdest thing about this) is the train. It made me go WTF seeing it and Link in the outfit. It's probably because of PH and WW using boats for travel.


Apr 13, 2008
Back to the timeline. Seeing as how Hyrule has a coast, and hence an ocean, there's a strong chance that it's the Hyrule seen in LoZ/AoL. If that be the case, this could be a third title in that arc.

EDIT: OR, it could be based long after even those games.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I've been looking around at the reactions of other boards to this. a lot of people think the train is gimmicky and out of place.

I don't quite see how though.

Zelda is a franchise built on gimmicks.


Apr 13, 2008
I'd rather have a horse than a train any day. I liked the idea of Link being a sailor type hero, much like the Odyssey heroes. But a train? It's not a very heroic transport.
Well Toon Link isn't a very heroic character. A horse, or a small, talking boat is much more personal, establishing a living connection between mount and rider. Plus, this game is for the DS, so it's to be taken less seriously.

Also, look at how expansive Hyrule seems to be in ST. Giving Link a horse would a) establish the game as a semi-OoT clone (it'd be the third title to do so, which coincidentally, would also be in Hyrule), and b) make traveling more arduous and boring. It's not a Wii Hyrule, it's a DS Hyrule, so it's going to be pretty sparse in content. Riding a horse around would bore the player.

I think it's a wise move on Nintendo's part, because it shows that they are willing to take risks with the franchise. Honestly, I see ST as a guinea pig for Zelda Wii. The introduction of steampunk/locomotives on another DS title in lieu of PH may be a means of testing what the world will accept into the Zeldaverse in regards to the content present in Zelda Wii. It's wise to test these things out on a DS title rather than on a core title, and while OoT and WW definitely risked a lot by introducing entirely new concepts to the series as core titles, Nintendo seems to be playing it safe now, using their handheld system as a precursor to what will be seen on their core system.
Wait.... if the train's name is Epona.... I will kill myself.

I just started getting nervous about this game...
Why would it be? Neither of his boats were named Epona. I don't think Nintendo would gimmick the beloved steed that much. A motorcycle in a future Zelda setting would be the furthest they'd go down the line of naming other transports after his horse.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
I think WW was a much higher risk than OOT. That one was actually not too farfetched to think that people would not enjoy it. It was well constructed and well thought out for the first 3D Zelda game.


Apr 13, 2008
I think WW was a much higher risk than OOT. That one was actually not too farfetched to think that people would not enjoy it. It was well constructed and well thought out for the first 3D Zelda game.
I only included it because of how much it changed the series. WW didn't change the series nearly as much mechanically, but conceptually, graphically, and musically, it certainly jumped ship (and didn't drown!)


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
Well Toon Link isn't a very heroic character. A horse, or a small, talking boat is much more personal, establishing a living connection between mount and rider. Plus, this game is for the DS, so it's to be taken less seriously.

Also, look at how expansive Hyrule seems to be in ST. Giving Link a horse would a) establish the game as a semi-OoT clone (it'd be the third title to do so, which coincidentally, would also be in Hyrule), and b) make traveling more arduous and boring. It's not a Wii Hyrule, it's a DS Hyrule, so it's going to be pretty sparse in content. Riding a horse around would bore the player.

I think it's a wise move on Nintendo's part, because it shows that they are willing to take risks with the franchise. Honestly, I see ST as a guinea pig for Zelda Wii. The introduction of steampunk/locomotives on another DS title in lieu of PH may be a means of testing what the world will accept into the Zeldaverse in regards to the content present in Zelda Wii. It's wise to test these things out on a DS title rather than on a core title, and while OoT and WW definitely risked a lot by introducing entirely new concepts to the series as core titles, Nintendo seems to be playing it safe now, using their handheld system as a precursor to what will be seen on their core system.

Why would it be? Neither of his boats were named Epona. I don't think Nintendo would gimmick the beloved steed that much. A motorcycle in a future Zelda setting would be the furthest they'd go down the line of naming other transports after his horse.
Yes, you are right. Although I still think they could've come with a better idea. Also if what I saw in the trailer is correct, controlling the train will be PH-like, just drawing a path and blasting some things in the way. That, to me is boring. What I really liked about Epona is exactly what you used as a counter argument here. I love exploring, and a horse is indeed perfect for that job. I wouldn't care if having a horse is copying of OoT, I just felt that Link having a horse has become to me as iconic of Link as his green garb.

And I don't remember exactly which article I read, but it said that in fact DS is right now the "hardcore" platform of Nintendo. It explains how they started uber casual with NintenDogs and Brain Age Academy and how they slowly move into the upper tiers of gaming, so I don't think its about dumbing it down.

To me WW's Link was extremely heroic, his toon appearance didn't affect that in the least,

Anyways, it's all speculation, so I'm willing to embrace this latest installment with open arms until I actually get to play it.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Well Timeline wise, the new game is now our missing piece of the puzzle. Obviously its going to take A LONG time to create a rail road track. Or unless its done by magic and its nailed..

Also WTF is with that uniform?


PH: GDC 2006
ST: GDC 2009

Twilight Princess: E3 2004
Zelda wii: E3 2009?


Also I expect this game to be placed some years after PH seeing how long it takes to build a 1 long strip of rail road *cough*CanadianPacificRailway*cough*


Apr 13, 2008
Spire III gets the trophy for the fastest, most abundant, and cheesiest Zelda puns. haha :laugh:
I better get a poem too :mad:

But thanks!
Well Timeline wise, the new game is now our missing piece of the puzzle. Obviously its going to take A LONG time to create a rail road track. Or unless its done by magic and its nailed..

Also WTF is with that uniform?


PH: GDC 2006
ST: GDC 2009

Twilight Princess: E3 2004
Zelda wii: E3 2009?


Also I expect this game to be placed some years after PH seeing how long it takes to build a 1 long strip of rail road *cough*CanadianPacificRailway*cough*
Can we not skip ahead several months right now so that E3 is tomorrow?
It isn't in the trailer Link is shown with his usual green tunic and hat.

Wait a minute... Does this mean that Link has left his usual farm boy posture and is now a train operator?! Let me go fetch my gun.
Your gun has nothing on his train. Better make like a Deku Tree and leave! (okay, that was BAD).


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
I better get a poem too :mad:

But thanks!

Can we not skip ahead several months right now so that E3 is tomorrow?

Your gun has nothing on his train. Better make like a Deku Tree and leave! (okay, that was BAD).
Man now you're really pushing it lol! We should have a Zelda pun competition.

And the gun is for my head silly.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
Do you think Link will get a sidekick in this game? I don't see one in the trailer.

If not that would make it the first Zelda game since Link's Awakening where there's no sidekick, lol. We've had Navi, Tatl, King of the Red Lions, Ezlo, Midna, Ciela... ooh and I guess there wasn't one in Oracles. No wonder those games were so good, lol.

If anything, I'm guessin the train for now, lolol


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
If not that would make it the first Zelda game since Link's Awakening where there's no sidekick, lol. We've had Navi, Tatl, King of the Red Lions, Ezlo, Midna, Ciela... ooh and I guess there wasn't one in Oracles. No wonder those games were so good, lol.

If anything, I'm guessin the train for now, lolol

And it's name will be Rails!

Tails and Ralis


Smash Cadet
Mar 22, 2009
Isn't Zelda suposed to take place like, before technology? Weren't there like, no trains when there were castles and all that? So it might have jumped ahead like, pretty far. Like maybe when they said that Twilight Princess was going to be the last Zelda of its time, they ment that they were going to modernize it. Sounds like a possibility.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!

And it's name will be Rails!

Tails and Ralis
They... better not. If they do, I'll grab my sword and cut them in four.

I bet its a monkey, like Speed Racer´s!

Smw: Well, Zelda has been taking a new direction. In TP you could see that the Goron's mines where full of pipes and all types of metalwork. Also in PH the boat was powered by steam. This is a genre called Steampunk, its basically future with swords. They say that the machines that appear in the game are powered by steam. So probably Zelda is moving in further in in the timeline.


Apr 13, 2008

And it's name will be Rails!

Tails and Rails
And Rails is an anagram for Ralis, like the Zora Prince, toh toh toh!!!111!11 which means Ralis will be in this game but gannon turned him into a trane!
They... better not. If they do, I'll grab my sword and cut them in four.

I bet its a monkey, like Speed Racer´s!

Smw: Well, Zelda has been taking a new direction. In TP you could see that the Goron's mines where full of pipes and all types of metalwork. Also in PH the boat was powered by steam. This is a genre called Steampunk, its basically future with swords. They say that the machines that appear in the game are powered by steam. So probably Zelda is moving in further in in the timeline.
Did you know that the apostrophe is actually located to the right of the semicolor key, not on the tilde key to the left of 1? Also, I don't recall Ciela being revealed before PH, and even if she was, there's still plenty of time to reveal a sidekick for ST.

On another note, I like Link's conductor attire. In WW and TP, he had alternate attire that had to do with his non-heroic life, so here's another suit to throw into the mix. Odds are, Zelda Wii's Link will also have some alternate outfit -- that is, if we play as Link at all.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
Isn't Zelda suposed to take place like, before technology? Weren't there like, no trains when there were castles and all that? So it might have jumped ahead like, pretty far. Like maybe when they said that Twilight Princess was going to be the last Zelda of its time, they ment that they were going to modernize it. Sounds like a possibility.
Welcome to Smashboards!

Castles were built mostly around the Middle Ages. It wasn't until the invention of gunpowder and cannons in the Renaissance that castles weren't built as much as before, and were then used more as a residential place than a military place.

Some 300 years later in the Industrial Revolution, trains were invented. Zelda games have actually come pretty close with the last game, Phantom Hourglass, with the steam powered ship you use for transportation. That was invented about 50 years before the train. So I guess after that trains shouldn't be TOO much of a stretch.

Also, with all the magic and fantasy elements in Zelda games it's hard to judge just how technologically advanced they are.

So in short, yes, this is the most advanced (realistic) technology we've seen in a Zelda game, lol.

I would not be opposed to a futuristic/modern Zelda, as long as it still feels like a Zelda game.
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