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The MANY recovery options of Meta Knight

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
A lot of players tend to like Meta Knight because of his quick, lagless attacks. He is one of the characters in the game that you should not be afraid to be offensive with....his aerials are fantastic and hes got a fantastic dash attack and ground game.

But...there is one key thing to Meta Knight that I personally love that people tend to not realize....he has the best Edge Recovery options in the game. Pit, Game and Watch, R.O.B the samus's, and the links also have a good mix up game...but Meta Knight has about a good 10-15 different recovery options at the very least to use against edge guarders. He is the hardest person in the game to edge guard...for sure.

The recovery options- - - -

Your opponent is way too close to the edge and they want to try and be 100% sure that you are not going to make it back. Here are your options.

THE INITIAL COMEBACK (You have been hit far...and are almost off the screen....not close to the edge at all.)

-Make sure you are not in smash attack range....hangout...and then start up your mach tornado and glide allllll the way back to the stage. A good opponent will shield....so just tornado all the way back to the other side of the stage. If you take them with you....make sure you RISE while doing it to give them some damage.

-Side B back to the stage and make sure you sweet it JUST RIGHT on your opponent..do not do this move too early...but make sure you do not do it too late. Remember, you want to catch them off guard and get that sweet spot.

-Use your side b to sweet spot the ledge..and than come up with a B or A attack to ward them off

-JUMP glide... cancel it before you reach the ledge...and than surprise them with an up b glide and hit them on your way back to the stage.

-Jump glide...cancel it...and follow up with either a fair, nair or dair toward your edge guarder.

-JUMP glide....DO NOT cancel it...and just slash them on your way down to a d smash.

-When close to stage but not TOO close (this is hard to do...i do not do it often...its risky) do your down B quickly and aim toward your opponent (or above them if you want to be really unpredictable...i guess.) and then hit b again to slash them when you appear behind them.

Once you are ON THE LEDGE-

-hit BACK and do 1-2 jumps....go forward towards the edge guarder now and surprise him with a fair

-Fast fall....jump and begin your chain of rising u airs until they back off and get up.

-Fast fall...jump and use your n air...jump again and fair.

-Basic, hit r or L and just roll up like normal

-Basic, just jump over them

-JUMP up and then attack with a d air or a nair to a dair

-Basic, just hit towards the stage and get up without doing anything.

-Fall SLOWLY (hit back..not down) and begin your mach tornado there. (make sure you DO NOT hit the stage while doing this...or you will fall and fail.)

-Fall SLOWLY....do your DOWN B and AIM TOWARD YOUR OPPONENT and hit B when you appear to hit them.

-FALL....glide UNDER THE STAGE (make sure you know how to control your glides well first before trying this) and come up on the end of the stage! From there, just think of a new way to get up to the stage. Nothing special about this...its just cool and plays with your opponent a bit....mind game.

Also-On stages like Delfino Plaza, Halberd, and Distant Planet you can - - -

From the edge-Fall....and come up to the platform from directly underneath it and surprise them with either an UpB or chain of u airs.

Ledge guarding tricks and tips

Meta Knight is the easiest person to grab the ledge with....you can run all the way to the ledge and then when you are falling..hit toward the stage...and that is it. Piece of cake

You can also try running toward the stage and than doing the down b and angle it toward the edge to appear and edge guard.

Alos, you can be hanging onto the ledge...down b...and appear on the ledge again (i believe you hit up slightly...)

Another cool thing to do is to fake the wall of pain on them. Knock your opponent out really far and than run after them as if you are going to gimp them with fairs....do a single fair...and then just head back to the ledge. Changing someones thought process in the air is crucial when they are off the ledge and just hang...trust me....its a good trick.

Hope this helps my fellow Meta players.

REMEMBER-Meta Knight has the BEST recovery options in the whole game...use that to your advantage and ALWAYS mix it up.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
Good write up, Prince. Also, let us not forget the reverse Shuttleloop into it's mix-ups; primarily landing, glide attacking, ledge grabbing or glide shifting to fly to distant locations or the opposite ledge(s) - all which you pretty much covered in 'gliding'.

I can not stress the importance enough of extending the glide via 'going up and down'. I've seen many Meta (accidently?) use UP+B below the level and just glide to their death instead of shifting to gain height and catch the ledge/land on the opposite side.

Thanks for your personal insight, bro.
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