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The Legend of Zelda: A King's Wish


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Well as some of you may know the Nsider forums are shut down indefintely without a good reason so as a result Nsiders are forced to find different forums. Guess which one I found. Anyways I had an incomplete fan-fic on Nsider that I still wan't feed back on so I'll be posting it here and probably other places as well. Well here it goes the prolouge comes first.

The Legend of Zelda: A Kings Wish


Ever since Midna shattered the mirror and disappeared forever Link had sunk into a depression. He had tried returning to his normal life, but after all he had endured all of the hardships he had faced. The things he had seen and done were always with him.

Whenever he would mount Epona and herd goats he could not help but think of how he had saved Colin by fighting King Bulbin or escorting the zora boy to Kakariko village. And ever time he thought of those things he mind would wander back to Midna. Midna. Links thoughts could not stray from her. Midna and him had become so close during their journey and unexpectedly she had just severed their only means of being together.

Why? Why had she done this? Link kept asking himself this even though he knew the answer to this already. Midna had shattered the mirror to keep another tragedy like the one that had happened from occurring again. She had done it to protect him and all of Hyrule. But did she have too?

Just then Illia knocked on the door of his house. Even though Link seemed uninterested Illia had been trying harder and harder to get close to Link, but Link shunned her every attempt. She knew Link had changed since their journey but she didn’t know the real reason behind it.

Meanwhile in the Twilight Realm

Merdin the official messenger of the twilight realm was making a steady pace to the royal palace. He was carrying a very important letter for the princess herself and he was very excited about meeting her in person. However, when he arrived at the palace he learned that the princess had order that no one disturb her in her private quarters. So he was directed to take the letter and place it on a table outside of the door to her private room. When Merdin reached the door however he could not help but listen closely.

“Why?” Midna sobbed. “Why did I have to shatter the mirror and sever my only connection with Link?” “Why couldn’t I tell him what I really felt about him?” She remember the moment perfectly. “Link I….See you later” As she shattered the mirror with her tear. Why couldn’t she have completed her sentence they way she really felt. “Link I…I love you.” If only she had said those words things might have been different.

But she had not said those words and now she was back in the twilight realm all alone. She had to return to her duties as princess but she found it increasingly difficult to control her emotions during these duties, because most of them reminded her of Link. Most of her duties were in the royal court trying to fix the mess that Zant had caused. And every time she thought of Zant her mind would eventually wander to Link.

“Link” she said quietly, “I will find a way to be with you again no matter what.”

All of this confused Merdin completely, who was this Link fellow? ‘Oh well’ he thought. And with that he started his journey back to his homeland.

Deep within Ikana Valley

In the stone tower of Ikana a cursed and dark evil was growing in power. The professor and his daughter could feel the dark omen brewing and they knew that it was only a matter of time before this great evil presented itself. King Garo smiled as he sat on his throne in the stone tower. Hundreds of years after the young kid name Link defeated the twin worms that were holding him captive King Garo had finally grown to full strength and it was time he used his power. “Mace come here” he bellowed. “Yes, master” Mace replied. “I want you to take the armies and invade Clock Town. Make no mistakes and take no prisoners. And do it with the utmost of secrecy I don’t want the zoras or the gorons getting involved. A few humans is no problem but if the gorons and zoras were to team up it could cause some trouble, so we will have to deal with them one by one.” “Yes, master.” And with that Mace vanished into the ground. King Garo was smiling again. Finally he would gain control of Termina, and maybe even this Hyrule he had heard Link talking to his fairy about.


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Chapter 1

“Link what’s the matter?” Illia asked softly. “Nothing,” Link replied. “C’mon Link you have been the same since you saved Hyrule. You keep trying to separate yourself from the town and me. I experienced hardships just like you but I’m trying to make things normal again, but you are shunning everyone’s attempts to bond with you.” “Illia you…you just don’t understand.” Link said. “What don’t I understand? You saved Hyrule and you’re a hero, but now your acting like the worst thing in the world happened to you.” “I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” Link snapped back. “Just leave me alone.” “Fine,” Sobbed Illia, and with that she burst out of Links house with tears running down her cheeks. ‘Now what have I done?’ Link thought. ‘What was I supposed to tell her though, that I was in love with a creature from a different world and that she had cut our only means of being together.’ Link sighed, maybe after a good nap his head would be a little clearer.

In the Twilight Realm

“But my princess you can’t just leave, people will think that you have given up trying to rebuild what Zant has destroyed,” exclaimed Selvin. Selvin was the head of the Twilight court and personal advisor to the princess and lately the princess seemed emotionally disturbed. He knew had to try and persuade her to stay. “Which is why no one can know that I am not here,” replied Midna. “But how is that possible, we have no way of keeping a secret like that for so long.” Said Selvin. “You won’t have to. I can create a duplicate of my self using the remaining Fused Shadows and my own magic. It won’t be able to speak, but you can use it to persuade the people that I have a serious illness.” Selvin knew that this was a lost battle, the princess was right this plan would work and though he hated to do it he agreed to let her go. “Very well princess,” muttered Selvin. Midna had already packed enough food and supplies to survive on the land for at least a week. Now all she had to do was create the fake version of her using magic. She slowly walk back to her private quarter and said the spells needed to reveal the safe containing the fused shadows. Though the fused shadow that used to be her helmet was broken beyond repair by Gannondorf, she still had the remaining three fused shadows. Drawing upon the power of the fused shadows she reached into her mind to find the words she need to make the duplicate of herself. After several hours of weaving spells together the copy was finally done. Selvin was notified and a decree was issued that the princess had come down will a terrible illness, and that she was going to be bed ridden for a couple weeks. Good she thought that will give me enough time. She waited until midnight to leave, doing so by traversing the secret passages of the castle. Once outside Midna looked up at the twilight sky and smiled. The beautiful orange color blend with the black was magnificent. Looking at the sky, she knew that somehow she would find a way to get back to Link, and she knew just where to find it.

In Clocktown

Deep inside the store room of the curiosity shop a young man was breathing heavily. He looked around him, his mother and father were sitting on the crate next to him breathing heavily as well though due to their age they were breathing a little bit harder. The doors of the shop had been barricaded with boxes and crates. The woman looked at her husband and asked, “Kafei what were those things?” Kafei replied, “Those were the Garo. I haven’t seen them since I raided Sakon’s hideout many years ago. I thought they had disappeared after Link broke the curse on the village though.” “Sakon? Link?” the boy asked. “Yes, Link, a long time ago before you were born a boy name Link came to this town. He stopped a great evil from crashing a moon into Clocktown and helped me recover my wedding mask from a thief name Sakon.” Keate sat upon his crate intrigued by this hero he had never heard of. “Father what are we going to do?” Kafei looked up at the ceiling deep in thought. “I think…I think we will have to ask Link to help us again, but the only way to the land called Hyrule is threw the lost woods and only two people knew how to get thru them. Link was one of them and the Skull Kid was the other. The only problem is that Link went back to Hyrule and the no one knows where the skull kid is.” “I do.”, said the man revealing himself from behind a crate.

Back in the Stone Tower

“We have complete control over clock town my King. There are a few in hiding but we will find them soon enough.” “Very good,” said King Garo. “All is going well. Quickly finish off the survivors in Clocktown and then start preparing the tunnel system for immediate flooding.” King Garo was proud of himself he had figured out a way to tunnel the water from the Great Bay Ocean into the Goron Mountains. This meant that once the water was let thru the tunnel it would flood the entire mountain and drown the gorons. All he had to do was remove the magical barrier keeping the water in place and the gorons would be annihilated. “Mace I want you to personally see to it that the magical barrier is released before nightfall, understood?” “Understood sir.” Replied Mace. And with that he disappeared. Now the only thing standing in his way of ruling Termina were the zoras. He was not even concerned with the deku. He could easily wipe them out with his vast armies of Garo spies. King Garo was smiling again all of the things he wanted before he was first defeated, he was getting now. This was a good day for King Garo.


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Chapter 2

Link slept thru the entire night and while he was sleeping he was also dreaming. Link saw the twilight realm, the orange and black sky, the floating bits of twilight, and a barren landscape with not a thing in sight. He realized he was walking threw the dessert of the twilight realm. This place was empty, and when he looked at the horizon the desert seamed to go on forever. Unlike most deserts this one wasn’t extremely hot, to the contrary it was rather cool. Link looked down at his feet, and realized that this wasn’t normal sand rather then being tiny grains of rock, the sand at his feat was bits of twilight, it was black and cold. Now link was looking up at the sky, he saw something for a second, but it was gone in an instant. Link couldn’t help but wonder what that was. The figure he saw looked somewhat like a short man wearing a cloak. But that thought was soon pushed out of his head when his stomach growled. He started setting up camp for the night, he went thru his pack and took out some raw meat carefully sealed and his water jug. He quickly made the fire and started boiling the water, and when it was time to put the meat in he woke up. Link was now breathing heavily drenched in cold sweat. His reflection could it really be…Midna. He was sure of it now he had somehow been able to see thru Midna’s eyes. She was journeying somewhere obviously but where and why?

In the Twilight Realm

Midna had the feeling that someone was following her for the past few hours, but a few moments ago that feeling suddenly left her. She began to eat the fresh meat she had just cooked over the fire. If she made good time she should be able to reach her teachers house by tomorrow evening. The only thing that bothered her was that she swore that she had seen a cloaked figure appear in the sky. As far as she knew there were no people who wore cloaks like that in the twilight realm. Her teacher would know what to do. She had been the one who taught Midna her immense amount of magic when she was a little girl. She was revered as the best magic user in all of the Twilight Realm. Midna was almost positive that she would know how to get back to Hyrule. After a good nights sleep Midna began the long journey ahead of her. As the day went on Midna was starting to wish she had someone to talk to while out in the barren desert. It was getting rather lonely and she was missing the company of Link and her friend from back at the palace. After walking for another 5 hours she came upon a massive, and on the other side of the hill was the village where her teacher lived. When she finally got over the hill Midna gasped. The village was completely on fire. She ran as fast as she could toward the village while gathering the magic she would need to douse the fire. With all her might she released a wave of water on the village instantly putting the fire out. Now her thought turned toward her teacher, she had to find her. Midna ran to her teachers hours and found that it was amazingly still intact. Midna knocked on the door, but no one answered. After a few minutes she tried opening the door and to her amazement it was unlocked. She walked in to find nearly 40 villagers looking at her shocked. Her teacher ran up to her and gave her a big hug. “Midna, thank goodness you came back, I am using all of my power just to protect this one house from the fire.” She said. “What happened here?” She asked. “You should sit down Midna this might take awhile” she replied with a sad tone.

In Clocktown

Kafei instantly recognized the man as the postman of Clocktown, even in his old age he was somehow able to still deliver mail with an almost super speed. “You see, I have just recently delivered a letter to him.” Said the postman. “That’s great,” exclaimed Kafei, “Can you tell us where he is?” “Ya, he’s currently staying with the Deku tribe in the southern swamp if you want I can take you there.” “I am afraid that I won’t be able to make the trip to the swamp and then thru the lost woods, but Keate here can and plus Link will need all the help he can get and I won’t be much help to him at my age.” Replied Kafei. “Dad are you sure It’ll be alright if I go?” said Keate. “Yes me and your mother agree that as long as you find link and stay with him on your journey you should be fine.” “Ok I’m ready then, Mr. Postman please take me to the Skull Kid” said Keate. “Ya, but how are we supposed to get out of here there are Garo everywhere in the village?” the postman said. Kafei replied “Years ago the old man who ran the curiosity shop built a secret passage out of the town to the southern swamps in case he ever got in trouble with the town’s mayor. We can use that to get you both out safely” Kafei walked over to the main counter and pull a hidden lever underneath the counter slowly a piece of the wall swung open and revealed a secret passage. Keate and the postman began there decent thru the passage. Year of not being used had resulted in spider webs covering most of the passage, and Keate would have to knock them down to proceed. After what seemed like hours they hit a dead end in the tunnel, so Keate pushed with all his might and the wall opened. They appeared in the chamber of the Deku Queen. One of the guards noticed there entry and cried “Halt, Intruder.” This caused the queen and the remaining guards to look in their direction. “What business have you humans in the realm of the Deku?” asked the queen. “Clocktown has been overrun by Garos and we are trying to find the skull kid so he can lead us to Link.” Explained Keate. “The same Link that saved Termina from destruction all those years ago?” “Yes” replied Keate. “In that case we will give you all the help you need. Guards lower your weapons and escort these men wherever they wish to go.” “Thank you” said Keate. The postman then start on the path that would lead them to Woodfall and to the skull kid.

In Stone Tower

King Garo was sitting in his throne deep in thought. For years the Garo live peacefully in the Twilight Realm, and for years he was there leader. But on one day like any other in the twilight realm a portal between worlds was ripped open and soldiers from an unknown army fell from the sky. The Garos were greatly outnumber and they have to resort to sneaky tactics to overcome this large army. The things that happened during this battle made him, the king, realized that they could be attacked at anytime and this made him want more. He had already secretly given command to the Garo village in the twilight realm to attack a small village nearby. While he sought to conquer all of Termina he also wished to acquire the lands of the Twilight as to ensure the safety of the Garos for the rest of eternity. Mace appeared in front of the king breaking his train of thought. “Sir the attack you ordered on the village in the twilight realm is going smoothly, all but one house has been burned to the ground and we are sure that we will break the houses defenses by dawn in the twilight realm.” “What stopped you from destroying this house along with the others?” asked the king. “Sir there was a powerful magic user in that house that we were unaware of, and she has used her magic to keep us at bay for some time, but I can feel her magic weakening with every attack. She will be broken and the town destroyed.” Mace replied. “Good and the gorons what has become of them?” “They have all been wiped out as you wished.” “Very good Mace. You have done well, continue overseeing the attack of the twilight realm. I will contact you if I need you again and tell general Akman to lead his troops against the Deku as soon as he can without being noticed.” “Yes Sir” said Mace, vanishing into the ground. The king went back into his deep thought. He was no longer the peaceful king of the Garo he was there ruler and he was bloodthirsty.


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Chapter 3

Link walked out of his house and began the long walk to Bo’s house. Link led Epona next to him, the strong house snorting at his glance. Epona had been with Link for as long as he could remember and the two were inseparable, which is why Link was taking Epona on this trip with him. Link went up to the mayor’s door and knocked quietly. Bo opened the door and said “Oh its you. I don’t know what you did but Ilia’s been in here crying ever since she went to your house yesterday. You have some explaining to do.” Link sighed and started to tell Bo about his adventures and how he had fallen in love with a twilight creature Midna along the way, but he didn’t want to tell Illia that. Now it was Bo’s turn to sigh “Oh, I see.” “I recently had a dream, where I saw Midna in the twilight realm and she was looking for something. I think this might actually be real but I want to travel to Hyrule Castle and ask princess Zelda what she thinks about it.” Said Link. “Ok I’ll let you leave, but first you better tell Illia the truth.” Said Bo. “She up in her room.” Link walked up the stairs and knocked on Illia’s door. “Come in,” said the voice. Link walked in and sat in one of the chairs. “Link I don’t want to see you right now.” Sobbed Illia. “I’m sorry Illia but there’s something I have to tell you.” Link retold the same story that he had just told Bo, he also told her about the dream. “Link, if you really love this Midna like you say you do then I’m not going to try and stop you from leaving.” Said Illia. Link could tell that Illia was extremely saddened by what he had just told her. “Illia I’ll see you after this is all sorted out.” Link said. At dusk Link started his journey to the castle, it would take about a day to make it too the castle. Link tapped the sides of Epona and the horse began trotting through the forest and to Hyrule Field.

In the Twilight Realm

Midna’s teacher had spent the last 2 hours telling her about how the Garo had suddenly reappeared and that they were slowly destroying the inhabitants of the Twilight Realm village by village. She had told Midna about the war of the Garo and the Ikana and how the Garo could warp between the twilight realm and light world at will. Midna was especially interested in how the Garo could warp between worlds. “Teacher, how are the Garo able to go between worlds so easily? Even the most powerful magic you have taught me can’t break the barrier between worlds.” Asked Midna. “Midna, though I know a lot of magic the Garo were the first beings ever to inhabit the Twilight realm, they have knowledge of an ancient magic. A magic that is pure and extremely powerful, such as that of the Fused Shadows, but even stronger. A magic Gannon tapped into to shroud the light world in twilight.” Answered the Teacher. Most of the twilight realm had heard of the battle between Link and Gannon, but it was the teacher that realized the magic Gannon had discovered. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door and then silence. Then the door exploded and sent pieces of wood flying everywhere. Midna and her teacher immediately put up a magical barrier around the people inside of the house. After the door exploded waves of Garo rushed at the barrier trying to break through. Many of the Garo used their twin blades to try and slice at the barrier, and other shot bolts of magic at the barrier. Midna and her teacher were weakening with the constant attacks and they knew that they didn’t have much time till the Garo broke through. “Teacher can you hold the barrier by yourself for a few seconds more?” shouted Midna. “Yes” replied the teacher. Midna quickly brought the shrunk Fused Shadows out of her pack and called upon their powerful magic. Midna sent a wall of fire at the army of Garo. The Garo quickly warped back to the light world. Midna and her teacher almost collapsed onto the ground with exhaustion. “We have to stop them teacher and I know who can help us, but we need to get to the light world.” Said Midna. “I think that wall of fire you made knocked some of the Garo unconscious. We have to get one of them in here and put in a magic barrier quickly.” After dragging one of the Garo in and magically restraining him they both muttered spell of healing and brought the Garo back into consciousness. The Garo looked around realizing he was a prisoner and hissed “What do you want with me?” “What we want is for you to tell us how to warp between worlds.” Said Midna. “Very well. Since you have defeated me in battle I will tell you our secret. That is the Garo way. We can warp through worlds because when Garo come of age we receive to twin enchanted swords with the power to warp between worlds. Only our King knows the actuall spell though.” After he told them their secret he produced a bomb out of know where and blew himself up. Only his two swords remained where he once stood. Midna picked them up and could feel the magic in them. “Teacher” Midna said “I have to go to the light world, but I will return with help.” Her teacher nodded, and Midna warped to the light world.

In the Southern Swamp of Termina

After scaling a massive vine filled cliff the postman walked through a tunnel and into Woodfall. He led Keate up a ramp leading into a massive stone structure. “He is in there,” said the postman. “Ok thank you, but could you please accompany me for a little while longer?” “Ya” replied the postman. Keate led the way into the stone structure. Inside there was a small cave filled with vegetation and in the back sitting on a stump of wood was the skull kid. The skull kid looked up two fairies hovering by him. “What do you want?” asked the skull kid. “My father Kafei said that you were a friend of Link and that you knew how to get to Hyrule.” Said Keate. “Did you say Link?” one of the fairies asked. “Yes, why?” “Because I knew him and he was a great person. He helped your father many years ago.” Just then the skull kid decided to speak his mind. “If you want to get to Hyrule I can take you there, but Link might not be around to help you. You see the Hyrulians only have a life span of about 80 years while Terminians have a life span around 200 years. I’m afraid that the Link from many years ago has probably died by now.” “It doesn’t matter,” said Keate “I still want to see for myself if he is alive or not.” “Then I will show you the way. Lets get going then.” The postman, Keate and the skull kid began to walk out of the temple. “Not so fast.” Said a mysterious voice. A Garo dropped from the sky and there was a sound of metal cutting through air and then silence.

In Ikana

A massive army of Garo appeared out of the air in a matter of seconds. Some of them were in flames and other were badly burnt. King Garo looked out angrily at the appearing Garo. “What happened?” He roared. “Sir the princess was there, and she overpowered us.” Said a Garo. “What.” He shouted “I am going to see to it myself that she in killed. King Garo disappeared from Ikana. His army couldn’t handle the princess so he would have to do it himself.


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Chapter 4

It was a still night. Link looked up at the sky. The moon was full and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. All around him he could hear the various noises of the night insects and animals. Every once in a while a bird would swoop down near him and then ascend only to swoop down again. Epona trotted comfortably under him and contently led him on the way to Hyrule Castle. It was nearly midnight and they were halfway to the castle. Link knew he was only a couple hours away from the castle but the calmness of the night was getting to him. He soon relaxed in the saddle and dosed off.

Link was no longer in Hyrule field now he was rushing threw the twilight realm again, but this time he was filled with anger. Linked looked ahead of him and he saw a battlefield, torn apart from a recent battle and scorched in many places. Suddenly he slowed to a walk and calmly and carefully he walked up to a rather large house and opened the door. Inside he saw many villagers all huddled around one rather old twilight lady in the front.

“Where is the princess?” he bellowed.

“She is long gone by now.” She said calmly.

“What do you mean gone? I know she was here within the hour. Now tell me where she is.”

“No” replied the woman.

“Then you will all die.” He said.

“I don’t think so.” She said.

Now Link rushed forward ready to strike the woman down, but he hit a barrier and was thrown back.

‘It seems this might be harder than I expected’ he thought to himself. ‘No matter.’ He focused all of his magical energy into his hand. With a thrust of his hand he released the ball towards the woman and villagers and for a moment his whole vision was burned white from his spell.

Link woke up in a cold sweat. He had another dream and in this one someone was destroying the villages of the twilight realm. He was only a few minutes away from the castle now and he desperately needed to find Zelda and figure out what all of his dreams meant. He sent Epona into a full gallop, he need to figure out what was happening and he needed to find out now.

In Ordon Village

Several small, pixel like squares materialized in front of Link’s house. After a few seconds strange woman with long fire colored hair and black and blue skin stood in front of the door to the house. She took the two swords in her hand and sheathed them. She then proceeded to walk into Link’s house.

“Are you sure?” Asked Bo.

“Yes I’m positive I saw a strange woman enter Link’s house. She wasn’t normal, her hair was fire colored and she had blue and black skin.” Talo said.

“It must be Midna” Bo whispered to himself.

“What?” Said Talo.

“Never mind, go back to your house. I will deal with this myself.”

Bo took off in a run towards Link’s house. ‘According to Link Midna shouldn’t even be able to get back to our world. How the heck did she get back?’ thought Bo while he was running.

Midna had already finished searching the small home, but there was no sign of Link. She knew that this wasn’t good. The twilight realm was getting attacked by a massive army and the only one who could help her defeat the army was missing and she had no idea where he might be.

“Well I better get looking,” Midna said to herself.

She walked over to the door and placed her hand on the door knob, but as she was about to turn the handle someone opened the door from the other side. A rather large looking human walked threw the door in nothing but pajama’s. He had two tusks protruding from either side of his nose and he had no hair on his head. The two stared at each other for a long time before Bo finally broke the silence.

“So I take it your Midna, right?”

“Yes, but how did you know that?” she said.

“Well unfortunately for both of you Link set off yesterday for the castle after having a strange dream about you. He said he was trying to find a way to get between the two worlds, but I guess you beat him to it. He said he had to ask princess Zelda if the dream he had was real or not.” Replied Bo.

“I see, how long ago did he leave?”

“About 10 hours ago at twilight last evening.” Answered Bo.

Midna began walking towards the door again.

“Wait,” said Bo “You look troubled, could you at least tell me what’s going on?”

“I have recently found out about a series of attacks in the twilight by a group called the Garo. Unfortunately after Zant took over the twilight realm he wiped out the royal army now we don’t have the strength to defend the twilight realm. I came here hoping that Link could help me take out the leader of the Garo and end this war quickly. I also came to inform princess Zelda that the Garo might try and take control of Hyrule as well.” Explained Midna.

“Ah I see, then I won’t delay you any more. Take the horse that is in the stable next to this house and depart for the castle. Please hurry though.”

Midna followed his instructions and was quickly galloping thru Hyrule field as fast as this horse could go. She had to find Link before more people were killed.

In the Southern Swamp

The postman fell with a thud onto the ground. Blood pooled underneath him.

“Fools” hissed the Garo “You didn’t actually think that you could escape from Clocktown unnoticed did you. We have been spying on this land for centuries and we know all the exits from your precious Clocktown, including the one the curiosity shop owner made.”

Keate was shocked, time was moving in slow motion for him. A second ago he was on his way to the lost woods and now he was face to face with a bloodthirsty Garo.

“Hurry take this.”

The skull kid threw a sword to Keate. Keate was no beginner when it came to swordplay but the foe in front of him seemed much more adept then he was. Suddenly the Garo rushed threw the air towards him twin swords out in front ready to strike. Keate quickly parried the blow and rolled around behind the Garo, he then struck the Garo in the back. The Garo spun around quickly cursing under his breath. This was the distraction the skull kid was looking for. He pulled out his blowpipe and quickly shot a poison dart at the Garo’s back. It hit its mark perfectly and the Garo fell to the ground.

“We have to go now. Hurry grab my arm.”

Keate did as he was told and grabbed a hold of the skull kids arm. The skull kid took out a flute and played a simple melody of only three notes. Suddenly they were incased in feathers and soaring thru the air. They landed in front of the strange statue in Clocktown. The skull kid pulled Keate down a ramp and into the clock tower. Then they rushed down several flights of stairs and stopped next to an iron door. The skull kid played another melody and it felt as if time itself was being called upon. Suddenly the door in front of them opened and a twisted hallway appeared. The skull kid led them thru the hallway and into the lost woods.

“If we hurry we should be able to make it thru the lost woods by morning in Hyrule.” Said the skull kid.

“Okay.” Replied Keate.

Keate and the skull kid ran as fast as they could thru the lost woods with the skull kid leading the way.

‘I just hope we can find link before anybody else dies.’ Thought Keate. ‘Just please let us find Link before anybody else dies.’

In the Twilight Realm

King Garo walked thru the debris of the house he had just destroyed. It seemed his attack had done its job. Not even a single trace of anybody remained in the house. Though he had succeeded in destroying the village he still didn’t know where the princess was, and even worse he had felt a feeling he knew all to well while in the Twilight Realm.

Someone was spying on him, but who? King Garo disappeared back to the light world with a swing of his cape. Nothing remained of the village except a few planks of charred wood.


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Chapter 5

Link dismounted Epona and sprinted towards the castle. He ran past the many detailed columns covered in hieroglyphics that depicted Hyrulian history. He ran up he many steps in front of castle and opened the door. The castle looked very different then when he had been there before. The broken staircases had been repaired and the there were many guards throughout the castle.

“Link, what business do you have here this early?” asked one of the guards.

“I have some very important information that Zelda needs to hear, could you please take me to her now?”

“Yes sir Link, follow me.”

Link followed the guard up several staircases and through many doors. After about 5 minutes they had finally reached the door to the throne room. Link stepped forward and opened it.

When Link entered he saw Zelda sitting at her throne talking to a rather large cloaked man. They were so involved in their conversation that neither had noticed Link walk in.

Link walked up to the two and said, “Zelda, I need to talk to you.”

Zelda was surprised by Link, she had not even noticed him walk in the door. “About what? If its not that important I can wait. This man has just told me of a great evil that is gathering in a land that is joined to Hyrule.”

“It is important and I need to talk to you privately.” Link said.

Zelda and Link walked away from the cloaked man and into a corner. Zelda looked at Link and sighed. “What’s the matter?” She asked.

Link told her about his two dreams and about how they felt so real to him.

“Link, this is very bad. I have had the same visions as you and this is very concerning. I think that this man over there might be the key to figuring this all out. I want you to go over there and get him to tell you the same things he told me.”
“I will, but wait here I want to talk to him alone.”

Link walked over to the cloaked man and sat down in Zelda’s throne. “So tell me, how do you know of this evil and how did you get here in the first place?”

The man laughed. “You talk to me like you do not know me.” The man threw off his cloak revealing to the bones and rotten flesh beneath it. He place the helmet he had been holding onto his head and looked back at Link who had a shocked expression on his face.

“But I thought, I had freed your soul after you passed on your knowledge. Why are you back.” Link said.

“The gods decided that I would once again have to return to Hyrule in order to keep peace.” The Hero’s Shade said. “It seems that one of the foes I fought on my adventure, called the Garo, has become extremely powerful and their armies are trying to conquer all of Hyrule.”

“How are we supposed to stop the Garo? Hyrule’s army is practically non-existent right now and there aren’t many villagers that are willing to fight after the devastation Ganon caused.”

“To defeat them I will have to find one of my old items and you will have to help me, but first you should get some sleep. The journey ahead will be a difficult one and sleep is the best thing for you right now. We will depart midday tomorrow.”

On the plains of Hyrule Field

Midna’s newly acquired horse galloped towards the castle. It wasn’t that long of a ride to the castle, but to Midna it seemed like forever. All of the past days events were heavy upon her and she kept reliving them over and over in her mind. After she thought the Twilight Realm was safe and that there would once again be peace an ancient evil arrives ands starts a war. Even worse she had failed in keeping the twilight realm separate from Hyrule. She had hoped by shattering the mirror she could severe the link between worlds permanently, but it seems this was not the case.

It was a relatively bright out right now. The sun was just poking its head above the horizon and the first signs of life were starting to emerge in Hyrule field. Midna could hear birds chirping and bees buzzing. Squirrels frolicking about the grass and up the trees.

After a couple hours of riding Midna finally reached the castle. The sun was already fully visible and the day was bright. Midna dismounted her horse and started a brisk walk towards the castle gates.

Upon reaching the gates two guards walked up with a look of fear upon their faces.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m not one of those shadow beats if that what your thinking. I am a friend of Link’s and I need to see him immediately.”

“How do I know your really one of Link’s friends and not an imposter just trying to get into the castle.”

“You don’t, but go and ask Link for yourself, tell him that Midna’s waiting for him at the gate.” Said Midna

“Ok we’ll see if this checks out. Hey Bill, go tell Link and see what he has to say.”

“Ok” replied the other guard.

Bill made his way through the many halls and stairways of the castle to the guest room where Link was sleeping. He knocked on the door and soon after Link opened it.

“Sir, there’s a person here that says she your friend, she says her name is Midna. Does that name mean anything to you?”

Link didn’t answer the guards question. He was already running through the castle going towards the castle gate. Could it really be true he thought could Midna actually be in Hyrule. Link had never been more excited in his life. He was at a full sprint now, almost a blur to the servants in the castle. After what seemed like an eternity. Link finally reached the castle gates. And there he saw her. Midna was standing outside the gates staring into the city.

“Midna!” Link cried as he ran towards the gate.

“Link?” said Midna as she turned around. “It is you”

Link rushed through the gate and embraced Midna in a giant hug. Midna felt a sense of security while in Links arms. She felt like no matter what she would be safe with Link. Link was extremely happy to have Midna back. He had so many questions for her.

“Midna, we need to talk.”

“Yes, I know buts lets get off the street first.”

“Oh yeah, follow me, we can go to my room.”

Midna followed Link back through the castle and to Links room. They both entered the room and sat on the bed.
“Midna. W..why did you shatter the mirror and leave me all alone here. You knew that I had feelings for you but you disregarded them and broke the mirror anyways, but why?”

“Link. You have to understand I didn’t want to break the mirror, but I didn’t want something like Ganon happening again. Link, I love you and have for a long time, shattering that mirror was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

“I understand. Now that your back though I can finally tell you what I couldn’t say before. I love you Midna. and I am going to do whatever it takes to keep you by my side. I’m not going to let you leave again.”

Link and Midna sat there on the bed each staring deep within the others eyes. Slowly Link moved towards Midna and they embraced in a passionate kiss. Neither of them wanted to end the kiss, but eventually their lips parted and they regained their composure.

“Cmon, we need to get some sleep, we have a tough challenge ahead of us.” Said Link.

Midna and Link snuggled closely in the bed each enjoying the other’s warmth. Before long they both drifted off into sleep.

Somewhere in the Lost woods

Keate sat on a log deep within the lost woods. They skull kid had led him for hours through what seemed to be an endless maze of trees and foliage. As far as Keate could tell they had been past the same group of trees over 10 times.

Keate’s mind started drifting back to Clocktown and his parents. He wondered how his mom and dad were doing. If the Garo knew how he got out of Clocktown there would definitely know how to get into the curiosity shop from the tunnel entrance.

“Cmon, we are almost there.” Said the skull kid. “Hurry.”

As he promised they soon came upon a clearing in the forest. In the clearing there were two large statues holding spears standing on either side of a triangle shaped symbol. There was also another clearing in the distance and a door directly in front of him that didn’t seem to lead anywhere.

“What is this place?” He asked.

“It a place called the Sacred grove and it is the entrance to the lost woods from Hyrule. You should get some sleep, we’ve only been traveling for a few hours but in the lost woods it seems like a lot longer.”

“Ok” responded Keate.

He was exhausted and sleep sounded like a good idea. He gathered some pine branches and made a makeshift bed for himself. He settled in and was soon in a deep sleep.

At the entrance to the great bay in Termina

Mace stood at the entrance of Great Bay admiring his work. It had taken him several hours but he had transport enough rocks from the twilight realm to completely block off access to or from Great bay. The Zora would no longer present a threat to the Garo…at least not for now.

Now Mace turned his attention to the next matter at hand. Intelligence had confirmed that a small boy and a wooden little creature had escaped through some sort of tunnel in the clock tower, and apparently told the deku of the Garo while escaping. A massive army of Deku were forming and King Garo had appointed Mace to lead a battalion of Garo into the Swamps to destroy the Deku.

Mace chuckled to himself, the deku were weak, this fight wouldn’t take more than an hour at most. In an instant mace was gone and Termina field was empty.
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