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The Legend in Red-A mario Strategy thread


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
Hairy bison land
Hello, this is my first ambitious thread on the boards, i've noticed there are NO strategy threads about mario while most of all characters have at least one (if not more). Well Frankly i'm tired of this. and will start my own Strategy thread, which i will update peroidically, since doing it all at once seems like a daunting task. Not to mention i'm am still discovering things with Mario so any other devoted Mario players may share their information, then i will confirm it and add it on my list. Thanks for any input from my fellow Mario fans!

I'll add a bit about me, ever since melee, i've heard the word tier too many times, i've made dedications to many characters who were not "Top tier", to show that they are just as good as any other character. My mains in brawl usually consist of Kirby, Mario, Ness or any other charcter that i hear sucks. I play in small local tourneys and usually end up one of the highest. I don't claim to be a professional, but i know my way around these games pretty well. As far as pros go, I'm a big fan of T!mmy, since we both mained Kirby during melee and i learned alot from his guides and videos of his gameplay. I have a line I like to use, "So, you think ____ sucks do you? we'll see about that." For purposes of this guide i beleive that mario has ALOT of untapped potential, and i wish to show that to the world of smash. But i can't do this alone, i'm busy with many other things and need help of people who have mained mario much lnger than me, i share what i know in hopes to incite other mario pros to share their knowledge. I wish to use all the information i have collected to form a solid and very detailed guide to mario.

Special thanks so far to!


INTRO: Mario has seen his fair share of different games, from Racing to RPG's, to the well known platformers. Now, mario once again joins the fighting genre, in SSBB.

Quick movement speed
Decent recovery
Quick smash attacks
Combos very well
Edgeguards very well
Mindgame potential
Great projectiles
Has countless diferent ways of using him, so not predictable
and probably much more...

Lacks outright power
Most moves lack priority
Hard to master

Overall mario is a very balanced character, and a good player will have no particular weaknesses, he might lack that extra strength for easy KO's but he makes up for it with lots of moves to gymp recoveries.

Mario's movelist

I give a brief description of the move and an overall rating

Ground A moves

A-- A quick jab. This can cancel some moves and delay long enough to move into a D-tilt or F-tilt, very useful as it comes out quick with very little lag.
Rating : 3/5

AA-- A two hit combo, what can I say pretty much the same as tapping A once except it's twice, just as effective as A alone. Youcan grab after the second hit and start a combo or pull a quick d-smash.
Rating: 3/5

AAA-- The three hit combo, very fast great for catching opponent off guard, the last hit has decent range and knockback, if you don't use d-tilt or f-tilt, simply use this.
Rating: 3.5/5

Dash A-- this is mario's dash attack it is Great for starting small combo. Use it after an opponent's attack during the lag for best results. You can follow up with up-tilt or up smash. Beware however since it is VERY easily shield grabbed.

Don't underestimate the power of AAA Combo!

Up-Tilt-- Mario spins with his fist upward, quite fast and can be spammed on an opponent at low percentages and lock them until they reach about 35%, give or take depending on opponent's weight. I recently found out the surprising killing power that this has, it can ko pretty well actually and can add a bit into the juggling game, so it is actually pretty useful.
Rating: 3.5/5

F-tilt-- This is one of Mario's highest range moves, you need to learn it's range as it's great for "poking" opponents. Not great for combos however, since it has some knockback but great for spacing opponents.
Rating: 3.5/5

D-tilt-- Much like F-tilt but with more combo potential since it pops the enemy up slightly, you can continue with up-tilt or even up-smash depending how high they pop up, this will be your favorate as far as tilts go because of it's combo potential, more combos are being experimented on this as i've only discovered the tip of the iceberg.
Rating: 4/5

Mario's Aerials

N-air-- This is one of my favorite Aerials and for good reason, it PWNS! it comes out discretely, as without notice Mario's foot comes out and stays out ramming anything that touches it. It comes out pretty fast, has good range, stays out a LONG time and has a unexpected hitbox, it hits in front, below and a little behind mario. I've actually jumped across the screen repeating N-airs to give my opponent a hard time a couple of times, spam them or use them sparingly, just USE them!
Rating: 4.5/5

B-air-- This is my second favorite aerial, (most actually prefer this one), Mario lances both feet behind him, with good range and knockback. You can RAR this move effectively and pressure opponents off the edge, just wish it had a little more knockback, but it still KO's at high percentages.
Rating: 4/5

D-air-- this move is mostly useful short-hopped, it comes out fast, (as most of mario's moves) and can rack up decent damage, the last hit has good knockback and can KO at high percentages. You can use this as an approach, but not too often as it has so-so range and should be used sparingly.
Rating: 4/5

F-air-- A spike pure and simple, other than that it's too be used rarely, as it is very slow, get the timing right and you have another effective way of killing opponets.
Rating: 3/5

U-air-- good for combos, and some juggling, can kill at very high percentages too. I like to use this after a d-throw or juggling a little, this is a pretty good move, but seems mostly valuable to comboing.
Rating: 4/5

B-move set

Neutral B-Fireball-- Ahhh! the classic fireball, use the crap out of this! it is a royal pain in the neck for opponent who have to worry about your approach and dodging fricken fireballs. You can spam it, but that's not it's real point. Add it to your approach, opponents screw up more often due to it's janky bouncing and slow movements. It also gymps some recoveries! Try roasting pit while he's recovering and see what happens! Experimet with this as it's angles kill lots of recoveries!
Rating: 9/5 ok no really: 5/5

Super jump punch-- This is really only a recovery move, not much else can be said. don't use this for attacking as you go "limp" after using it, unless opponent's like to hang out on higher plateforms. It can also KO if your opponent is up high. It can peck at pesky edgeguarders (unless their really good and know the timing.) It has good speed and pretty distant vertical recovery, use this with the cape for best recoveries.
Rating: as recovery: 4/5
for anything else: 1/5

Side b-THE CAPE!-- Thanks to Sans-glutin for his detailed information on the cape! Mario takes out his cape and sort of quickly swings it in front of him before it disappears. Here are some properties of the cape: It does 8% damage and 6% when you're airborne, it turns your opponents completely around so that they are facing the other direction, if timed right it reflects projectiles, and it stops all airborne movement while being used. Here are some of the ways you can use the cape: Opponent's recovery back towards the stage can be caped (with varying degrees of success) so that they turn around and recover the wrong way (killing them). Obviously, if you have pretty good reflexes you can cape projectiles such as Samus's Charge Shot or Lucario's Aura Sphere. When trying to recover, you should cape once (just once). This stops all airborne movement and allows you to get a little bit closer to the stage before you do your Up-B. Also, for example, if you are under the left lip of Final Destination and you are facing the right, then you can Cape to the left to turn around in midair and give you a much better chance of recovering successfully. You can cape grounded opponents to turn them around quickly and disorientate them. This is best followed up by a f-smash. The cape is so incredibly versatile, these are only a few of the ways that you can use it.
Rating: 5/5

Here's stuff on A.C.E. (Also complements of Sans-glutin)

A.C.E.: This stands for Aerial Cape Extension, and it is also known as Cape Gliding. Ths is an advanced technique that involves dashing towards the edge and using your cape right as you leave the edge. If done correctly, it will give you a significant boost off the ledge. This is useful for quickly getting off the edge to edgeguard a recovering opponent. You can do knock an opponent off, Cape Glide and then hit them with another cape to start a chain of sorts. You can do Fludd as they are DI-ing back to the stage and then Cape Glide when they use their recovery to send them to their doom. You can Cape Glide off the stage and then fair spike an opponent who is DI-ing back to the stage. There are many, many things you can do with this technique and i'm sure we will find out more of them as we go on.
Rating: 4/5
Potentially: 7/5

Here is a video of this being performed: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yCkv2A4Oe9s&NR=1

Down b-The F.L.U.D.D. -- I definetly need more information on the fludd, but i do have three uses for it. 1) Gimp recoveries: This works especially well in conjuction with the cape. Just unload the fludd on a recovering opponent to slow down their recovery, you can then either cape them for the kill or F-air to spike them depending on their height. This takes quite a bit of practise to get right, but is VERY valuable once mastered. 2) Stall approaches: Approaches are very important in Brawl, gimping them has a lot of uses. For example, an opponent does an aerial approach, you can then unload fludd to halt his momentum and usualy be in range for a F-smash or any other smash, try it sometime! :) 3) Use the fludd for horizontal recovery, if fludd is charged if you are facing the opposite way unload fludd then cape to turn around then up-b, that makes a total of 3 recovery moves! Not bad...
Rating: (VERY hard to rate right now, for now: 3.5/5)

Mario's grabs

A-Headbutt-- This is just a simple head butt, don't bother with these unless your opponent has more than 50% damage as they will break free easily.
Rating: 3/5

Up-lift and toss-- Not my favorite of choices, you can get some up-aerials in after, not sure what else right now.
Rating: 2.5/5

Forward-Front toss-- Not a bad choice, gets the opponent off the edge, prefer Back throw, since it goes father but this can be alright given the circumstances. The height and distance of this throw tends to set up for f-smash pretty well.
Rating: 3.5/5

Back-Spin toss-- One of my favorites! Can kill at high percentages and throws the enemy FAR, good opportunities to gimp come from this.
Rating: 4/5

Down-Smack down! This is also one of my favorites! since they don't fly too far and it pops them upwards, you have lots of options! Up-tilt, up smash, up-air, n-air or a combination of a few of these.
Rating: 4.5/5

Mario's smashes

Up-smash-- This is one of my favorites! Mario flings his head back and shoots it forward. As it hits a little bit behind mario and quite a bit up and in front. In my opinion the best smash to end a combo, using this after a sliding attack is pretty good since mario's smash attacks come out fast, and the slide pops them up a little.
Rating: 4.5/5

F-smash-- This is my second favorite smash, Mario throws out his palm and explosive fire comes out. It's good for some edgeguarding, and can smash face by surprise. It's the best smash to use if you have flipped your opponent around with the cape. (I believe it gets increased knockback by this, still need to confirm for sure.) You can change the angle slightly by pushing down or up after it has activated, i believe it changes the direction your opponent flies. You can stutter step this to increase it's range, but i'll discuss that in the Advanced techniques section.
Rating: 4.5/5

Down smash This is a pretty good smash, mario flings his Feet around in a break dance like motion. Since it hits both back and forward, it's also pretty fast. It is usually faster to d-smash an opponent who's behind you than to turn around. It can also stop people who roll alot. Don't know what else to say about this right now.
Rating: 3.5/5

Mario Combos!

Try some of these combos at home and stick with some that you like, if you have any more combos, then send me a PM or simply write it in the thread!

Up-tilt spam Pretty self explanatory, if your opponent has very low damage get next to them or underneath them, you can lock them down for a little bit by spamming up-tilts, eventually the go high enough to react at between 30-50 percent, depending on weight.

Down throw, up-air, N-air I got this idea from a combo video from ZuGaiKotsu,

here's the link: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e6xLCOLY_w
You will see it several times in the video. At about 20 percent you can do a down throw, then follow by up-air and n-air, It's a really nice looking combo that deals around 30 damage.

Slide, up-tilt, up-smash This is a nifty combo to start at the end of an attack, during your opponent's lag, just dash A, up-tilt and up smash, if there damage is high you can go for a up-air as well, possibly killing them i'm going to experiment with up-b on this combo and see if it works.

Down-tilt, up-tilt, up-smash Same as slide, up-tilt, up-smash, but you don't have to be moving.

Cape, f-smash Not really a combo, but an absolute great finisher! I have yet to confirm if turning them around first increases knockback, (it would seem so)

Short hopped N-air, AAA Has been unexpectedly effective, still needs to be tested however. This works because there seems to be little lag between N-air and AAA and AAA starts fast. You could probably try a short hopped N-air, then AA and a grab or tilt or something like that.

A.C.E. to fludd Read Advanced strategies about Acing. To do this you A.C.E their second jump, fludd their third jump and make it back. In more detail, the fludd pushes you back to the ledge, you then need to cape to turn around, jump, then up-b. Just like that. It's a bit tricky but effective. Also, don't get into the habit of holding down while you fludd, since you will FAST-FALL and probably won't make it back to the stage.

Forward throw, F-air Forward throw seems to have the perfect height and distance for mario's spike. You will need to practise the timimng as it could be a very big asset to your mario playing.

This is where the guide takes its break, i will come back to do character match-ups and add and edit what i already have. I hope to get a hold of a recording device and have some videos up here at some point anyways, until then, all feedback is welcomed. You still have a chance to get you Name up here in BIG LETTERS! OOOOUUUUHHHH!!!!! :) Thanks in advance for any input! I will also add stutter stepping to the smash section. I will add an advaced techniques section too... As well as a Mario's gymps section( maybe included in the match-up section.

I'm going to need a while for character match-ups and if anyone knows how some matchups go then share with me please as Brawl has 35 charcters that need to be played by decent players, this is hard to do for me. But please if you can give me reasons why ____ wins over mario or loses over mario. I won't write something up here like, " Pit owns mario, because Pit is ****." (which i found mario has alot going for him against Pit, anyways...) Give me details please and thank you! :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Your guide is ok but you need to add ATs and more advanced strategies like the F.L.U.D.D. and the Cape Glide (A.C.E.).

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
Plus the AAA combo isn't very good. AA to grab or AA to downsmash is better.

I also noticed that you put SSBM in the intro when it should be SSBB.

Here's stuff on the Cape as a B-move.

Side-B: The Cape: Mario takes out his cape and sort of quickly swings it in front of him before it disappears. Here are some properties of the cape: It does 8% damage and 6% when you're airborne, it turns your opponents completely around so that they are facing the other direction, if timed right it reflects projectiles, and it stops all airborne movement while being used. Here are some of the ways you can use the cape: Opponent's recovery back towards the stage can be caped (with varying degrees of success) so that they turn around and recover the wrong way (killing them). Obviously, if you have pretty good reflexes you can cape projectiles such as Samus's Charge Shot or Lucario's Aura Sphere. When trying to recover, you should cape once (just once). This stops all airborne movement and allows you to get a little bit closer to the stage before you do your Up-B. Also, for example, if you are under the left lip of Final Destination and you are facing the right, then you can Cape to the left to turn around in midair and give you a much better chance of recovering successfully. You can cape grounded opponents to turn them around quickly and disorientate them. This is best followed up by a f-smash. The cape is so incredibly versatile, these are only a few of the ways that you can use it.

Here's stuff on A.C.E.

A.C.E.: This stands for Aerial Cape Extension, and it is also known as Cape Gliding. Ths is an advanced technique that involves dashing towards the edge and using your cape right as you leave the edge. If done correctly, it will give you a significant boost off the ledge. This is useful for quickly getting off the edge to edgeguard a recovering opponent. You can do knock an opponent off, Cape Glide and then hit them with another cape to start a chain of sorts. You can do Fludd as they are DI-ing back to the stage and then Cape Glide when they use their recovery to send them to their doom. You can Cape Glide off the stage and then fair spike an opponent who is DI-ing back to the stage. There are many, many things you can do with this technique and i'm sure we will find out more of them as we go on.
Here is a video of this being performed: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yCkv2A4Oe9s&NR=1

And stutter-stepping:

Stutter-Stepping: This is a technique that Mario, among other characters, can use to increase the range of his f-smash. It is very simple really. Simply face the direction you want to f-smash. Then, slam your control stick in the opposite direction but quickly move the c-stick forward in the direction you were facing to perform a stutter-stepped fsmash. It doesn't take long to do, so you should incorporate it into your game so that every fsmash is stutter-stepped.


Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2008
Acing A.C.E
My initial problem with acing is that its generally unpredictable as far as getting that nice push far out.
How ever after practicing it a few times it seemed that i could get good distance just before mario leaves the stage.
I went to training mode and slowed it down to watch the animation, and found that indeed the best way to get maximum distance is to press the cape button on Mario's LAST SOLID FOOT STEP on the stage. i.e. meaning that the next foot step will be off the stage (or half off) and initiating the falling animation, thus stubbing his forward momentum and causing the short range a.c.e.
This however can be just as useful though, for opponents recovering at a closer range.

Try it out and let me know what your findings are.

This is my first post, and look forward to this Mario strategy guide.

p.s. the stuff on the stutter F-smash = BRILLIANT! :bee:

-Srg : 128978716925


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
Hairy bison land
Thanks for the input, however, remember, i wasn't done with the guide, i just started actually, i was going to get into other b-moves and smashes and combos ( Yes, even the cape gliding and Fludd) etc. Just doing it a bit at a time, since i don't have 4 hours to write at a time :(, and last night i was tired.

AAA is pretty good IF you don't do anything else, of coarse there are other better options but AAA is pretty decent all the same. (since it has good range and ok knockback, maybe i overatted it a tad. This will be changed)

To Sans-glutin: Thanks alot for the help i'll add what you have to my list, and your big ol' name on the guide, (you went into better detail than i would, and saves me a little work) so thank you very much! (oh my bad! i must still have melee on the brain! lol) I'll switch SSBB from SSBM. I haven't done too much with stutter stepping yet so i wasn't planning on writing about it but since you have it already i'll now add it too!

Chris is me

Smash Apprentice
Mar 31, 2008
Clinton, Wisconsin
Uh, Mario doesn't have decent recovery. It's pretty much the worst recovery in Brawl. He lost the tornado spam and has an annoyingly hard to control Up-B.

Fair can do more than spike if you hit with the right part of it. It's hard to pull off though.

The Up-B blows so much **** as a recovery. Little vertical height, limpness after it, and somehow even magnet-handing doesn't work right after it.

His up-tilt is the perfect juggling move and can be used at higher percentages, certainly better than AAA.

The fast as **** Uair is extremely spammable and handy for combos. Way underrated.

I think the main trick to Mario is to not mess up. If you don't mess up and aren't forced to use his ****ty recovery, then he's a solid choice. Also, avoiding non-capelaunched air battles off the edge is probably a good idea.

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
Chris: His recovery really isn't near as terrible as you're making it out to be....If you have a fludd charged up you can face the opposite direction of the stage and propel yourself towards the stage horizontally. Then you can cape once and Up-B...

I have some stuff to add now that you updated it a bit:

A.C.E. as well as stutter stepping should go in the Advanced Techniques section (assuming you make one).

As I said above, Fludd can be used to aid recovery. If you have a full one charged up you can face the opposite direction of the stage and propel yourself with it. Also, with the Fludd I believe that hitting the head of your opponent works better than hitting any other part.

On your advantages/disadvantages you kind of contradict yourself when you say he has an advantage in the fact that he combos very well and a disadvantage in the fact that he is a mediocre juggler. I actually think he is a fantastic juggler.

Not that it matters a whole lot, but the correct name for his Up-B is "Super Jump Punch".


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
Uh, Mario doesn't have decent recovery. It's pretty much the worst recovery in Brawl. He lost the tornado spam and has an annoyingly hard to control Up-B.

Fair can do more than spike if you hit with the right part of it. It's hard to pull off though.

The Up-B blows so much **** as a recovery. Little vertical height, limpness after it, and somehow even magnet-handing doesn't work right after it.

His up-tilt is the perfect juggling move and can be used at higher percentages, certainly better than AAA.

The fast as **** Uair is extremely spammable and handy for combos. Way underrated.

I think the main trick to Mario is to not mess up. If you don't mess up and aren't forced to use his ****ty recovery, then he's a solid choice. Also, avoiding non-capelaunched air battles off the edge is probably a good idea.
what are you talking about his recovery is great if you know how to use it (which you obvoiusly dont). If you dont like its vertical hieght then just use a 90 degree up b (if you dont know what that is its when you use up b and right after you use it you push the control stick in the opposite direction giving mario's up b the hieght of luigi's up b) which comes in a lot of handy.

Adding to the ace strategies if you use ace jump and then use the fludd (really quickly) not only will you have killed your opponent (except for the ones with the insanely goo recoveries) and the fludd will have pushed you right back on the stage and out of harms way.

I also have a question is it possible to stutter step with the wii-mote and nunchuk.


Smash Rookie
May 8, 2008
you can do it with wiimote nunchuck, you just have to have flick smashing on. Which in my opinion is even easier than the c stick.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
Hi guys, I'm a Mario mainer myself. I'd like to thank the TC for the cool topic. I pulled off the ACE a few times without ever really realizing it, now that I saw the video I'm gonna work on it no problem.

If I may, I'd also like to add some Mario knowledge. I hope this is useful to your guide.

Mario's Fludd can also cancel projectiles. While that may seem useless, consider that should Ness or Lucas
be using their UP B Mario's Fludd can either push Ness/Lucas forcing the player into mistakenly not putting PK thunder in the right place, it can outright cancel the projectile if it hits it.

For those of you that like items, if Mario's cape connects with a thrown Pokeball, that Pokeball will now be yours. If it connects with the fireball item that circles the stage, it will now work for you untill expired or reflected again by another player.

I hope this contributes.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
good stuff glad to see i already do a lot of this gladder to see stuff to try out keep it up i can't wait for the next part


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Mario's Up B doesn't give the greatest vertical height but you can boost the height a bit by aiming it straight up.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
Hairy bison land
Sorry haven't updated yet promise i will tomarrow, got exams to study for and stuff, but more will be coming and thanks for the encouragement i really happy that people are looking forward to this. I've decided to add a new section eventually, that being mario's gymp on each character. I want to get a list of projectiles that fludd stops or reflects. I'm also experimeting with up- b more as an attack to end a combo or something, so far it's not bad on stages that have platforms (obviously!) and can actually kill opponents who are high enough , just don't miss since it's VERY punishable. I'll look more into your info Hardgainer08, thx btw since you gave me some ideas to write about. Just wait a until tomarrow i should add something! Thx for you patience!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Here's a list of the projectiles that F.L.U.D.D. stops that I've found so far:

*All of Diddy Kong's projectiles (Peanut Popgun and Banana Peel)*

*Ice Climbers' Ice Shot*

*King DeDeDe's Waddle Dee Toss*

*Most of Link's projectiles (Hero's Bow, boomerang but not the tornado, Bomb)*

*Lucario's Aura Sphere until about halfway charged*

*Lucas's PK Thunder*

*Luigi's Fireball*

*Mario's Fireball*

*Ness's PK Thunder*

*Peach's Vegetable (Turnips, Beam Swords, Bob-ombs, Mr. Saturns)*

*Pikachu's Thunder Jolt*

*Pit's arrows*

*Ivysaur's Razor Leaf*

*R.O.B.'s Gyro until about halfway charged (The F.L.U.D.D. can still avert the trajectory of the gyro even if the gyro is charged more than halfway)*

*Most of Samus's projectiles (Charge Shot until about halfway charged, Missile but causes it to explode, Samus's Bomb but causes it to explode)*

*Snake's Hand Grenade and Cypher (The Cypher camera when Snake releases it)*

*Sonic's spring from the Spring Jump (Only cancels out the spring as a projectile in the air)*

*All of Toon Link's projectiles (Bow, Boomerang, Bomb)

*Wario's Wario Bike (Only stops the bike as a projectile; stops the bike and bike parts)*

*Zero Suit Samus's Power Suit Pieces*

Things that I'm not sure about:

*Olimar's Pikmin Throw*

*Mr. Game & Watch's Chef*

*Ivysaur's Bullet Seed (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

*Yoshi's Egg Throw*

*Snake's Usmash (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*


*F.L.U.D.D. goes through non-item projectiles it has priority over while simply stopping and pushing away item projectiles*

*Some projectiles simply go through the F.L.U.D.D. without affecting the F.L.U.D.D. itself including Falco's Blaster, Fox's Blaster, Wolf's Blaster, and Sheik's Needle Storm*

*King DeDeDe’s Waddle Dees can also be pushed away while they are on the ground*

I'm still testing and this list can be changed and/or added to if needed.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
Hairy bison land
Thanks ?????? i'll add you info when i get to that section, so don't worry i've acknowledged your findings, so far i've added some combos and am looking forward to combo you guys would like me to try. Charcter match-ups might take awhile so i'll get to that last for now i want to do mass editing and tweaking to what i already have. btw if you don't agree with _____ that i have said please feel free to comment, as sometimes i might overrate or underrate something. I'm going to also add damages from each attack next. Right now i'm really looking for comment on what has been written down but further information is also welcomed! Thank you guys very much so far for helping build this thread! :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
"When trying to recover, you should cape once (just once)."

Love this thread but I don't agree with this. Generally I find that if you're fair from the platform and above it, using the cape twice is beneficial to you. Any more than that though and Mario sinks like a stone.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
The cape should only be used once to improve your recovery but it can still stall your momentum a bit and can be useful for mindgames.

*Ledge stalling with the cape can be effective as well*


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
Heres a bit of info that helps all of my matches

If your opponent is starting to predict your moves just run off the side of a stage quickly jump back up to the stage with a bair and just continue the beating.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
I recently discovered an anti-Zelda bit of info. I hope that it helps.

Should Zelda be doing Din's fire on the edge, a Mario Fludd while she's in the animation that pushes her off will send her helplessly falling as she will be unable to use any jumps or even her teleport b move. You can also cape her while she is begining it and send her in the opposite direction to an sd.


Smash Rookie
May 27, 2008
the cape

Another thing about the cape.

The cape gives mario anything it touches as if he was the one who used the move. We all know about pokeballs and beams and such, but did you know that if you hit the grenade with snake's up smash, not only will it hurt snake but it will not hurt you, because it wouldn't hurt snake if he did it successfully. The biggest one of them all is pikachu's thunder. if you hit the lightning blot with the cape, the bolt will hurt pikachu and you will be invulnerable (but you won't conduct eletricity like he does, ti just goes through you). One thing to note, if you do the move on the ground make sure not to touch pikachu when suing the cape. he will still be injured by the bolt, but he will still emit the electric chrage out of his body, which pack more of a whalop than the bolt itself.

Wonderboy Olly

Smash Rookie
Jan 3, 2008
I've recently started playing as Mario... and I'm really finding all these tips useful. I normally adopt the Down Throw, Up Smash, Forward Smash combo... it works pretty well. But all these tips have been awesome! Thanks guys!
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