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The Isolation Server


Banned via Warnings
Nov 22, 2001
Let all who come hear what I have to say...

Today I would like to talk about something which few have heard and fewer have experienced; A place beyond places, an all-consuming emptiness that transcends even the deepest of voids. A place where hope is nowhere to be found, and where your days are filled with agony and despair. A place where those who enter are never to return, and those who do are never the same. This is a place that goes by many names, some call it Purgatory, others, Hell, but those who see the truth as to just what they're in, call it The Isolation Server. But before I tell you about this special place, I must first recount to you the events prior which ultimately led to it's conception.

Chapter 1: Prelude

In the beginning of Smash, there was but one being, known as The Core. The Core was a being who's power transcends even our greatest of conceptions. A being who, in one instance, could create something, and just as quickly, destroy it, without any chance of resistance. The Core had one problem though; He was lonely.
This marks the beginning of the world of Smash. On the first millennium, The Core created Master Hand and Crazy Hand; two beings which represented the conflict within his own self; one, being calm, intelligent, and creative, the other, violent, viscous and destructive. The three existed in harmony with each other, however, the void in his heart; that unfulfilled desire to create something, to create a world, didn't vanish. The Core was occupied, but not satisfied, and then it happened, he created his first fighter, Tabuu.
Tabuu and The Core lived in harmony along with Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Tabuu was always thirsting for knowledge and understanding, and likewise, The Core supplemented him with it. Now, Tabuu was the most powerful fighter to be created by The Core, and for reasons we will get into later, however, no servant is greater than their master, and likewise, than their master's character. Tabuu was, just like The Core; conflicted in personality and in essence, however, he lacked the power to resist the darkness, and likewise, The Core lacked the power to create something without darkness. Tabuu continued living in harmony with The Core for 4,591 years, and then, The Core said to him "I will provide you with great kingdom and plentiful people to serve under you, for you have done what is pleasing in my eyes and served me well", and The Core created him a massive kingdom; The Spacial Empire. In this Empire, consisted of vast amounts of species; Primids and Armights for combat and defense, R.O.B.'s for technological support, and Mites and Wireframes to serve as citizens.
Now, Master Hand and Crazy Hand were quarreling at this time over trivial matters pertaining to good and evil, and eventually came to a compromise; a form of neutrality. Master Hand sought that The Spacial Empire be civil and peaceful, whereas Crazy Hand proposed that they destroy each other to sort out the weak from the strong, and in combining the two ideas, came up with The Smash Tournament. This would be a yearly competition held that would allow all species of Spacial beings to fight each other without killing one another. A place where one could put their skills to the test, but in a non-destructive way. The Smash Tournament lasted in The Spacial Empire for 20,595 years, however, there would be no more in this land after that--Tabuu, observing this vast land in which he ruled over, began to become consumed with himself, thinking himself to be equal to The Core in might. And on the 26th day of the third month, gathered up with him a large army, and confronted The Core. "What causes you to come before with an army?" The Core asked. "Give me the power that you possess, that is my desire.", said Tabuu. "Why do you desire my power?", The Core asked. "Anything you've asked for I've given to you, what more could you want?", He continued. "I'll be the one calling the shots from here", Tabuu said, evil fully consuming his heart. Master Hand and Crazy Hand tried to intervene, but were quickly defeated. Tabuu, with his army gathered, and The Core's army, gathered from those in the Empire who were not corrupted, began to wage war. The war waged on for four nights, and finally Tabuu got overpowered.
The Core, with his power, lined up all species of existence; both big and small, good and evil, from all reaches of the universe before him. Now, Tabuu was created an eternal being, and the Spacial inhabitants were immortal, so he said to him "You and all who serve you shall be cast away into eternal darkness for your transgressions, forever you shall live in the void of the universe and no one will be there to find you". It is said that Floows are the remains of the destroyed Wireframes who fought for Tabuu. Tabuu and his army got cast into a space between spaces, a subspace, and thus became The Subspace Empire. A Mite, Audacius, was the one who dealt the finishing blow to Tabuu's army, so The Core said to him "I shall create a new world, and build the people therein in your likeness, for you remained audacious and prevailed for our army", The Core, seeing as his creations were unstable, said to Master Hand and Crazy Hand "I will divide my essence between the two of you, for alone I cannot make a stable creation due to my conflicting mind, however, you, being pure can create balanced lifeforms and maintain them respectively." And thus The Core created the new world, The Smash Universe, or The World of Smash, named in honor of the compromise between Master Hand and Crazy Hand, and he divided his essence into the two of them, Master Hand, hearing The Core, proceeded to create the inhabitants in Audacius' image, as he had promised. Now these new fighters, named Smashers were only moderate in strength, due to Master Hand lacking the same power that his creator, The Core possessed. In addition to this natural weakness, Crazy Hand also embedded into them a Stock-Count, or a morality-check, so that in the event of further rebellion, they could be immediately destroyed.

Chapter 2: The Universal Establishment

12,552 years later, Master Hand and Crazy Hand were still adapting to their new status as The Supreme Ruler, and their existence as both themselves and The Core. They had remembered what he had said to them, and decided that, in order to prevent another Tabuu situation, they would bring The Smash Tournament out of retirement, so that the Smashers, like they, could settle their quarrels through a conventional and constructive method. Smashers of the Cashminium Galaxy (Main Galaxy) were ecstatic when this new tournament was announced by The Hands' emissary, King Dedede, and quickly signed up to partake in it. In the end, it eventually got down to Mario and Kirby, and thus, the story of Super Smash Bros. Brawl begins. Tabuu may have been eternal, but he was not immortal, and thus, with the combined might of both The Hands, and The Core within these Hands, the Smashers were able to finally bring about an end to Tabuu's corrupted Empire and annihilate him, thus ending his malicious attack on the universe. Master Hand and Crazy Hand confronted the leaders of the fighters who brought about his end, Mario, Captain Falcon, Fox, and Sonic, and Master Hand said "Since you have annihilated Tabuu and stopped him from conquering our universe, anything you ask, we shall give to you". Crazy Hand proceeded to start pointing at people, "I just want for our planet to be restored, this has been a hard-fought battle and the people deserve to return to their homes.", Mario said. "I would like us to form a counselling establishment to help troubled Smashers overcome their conflicts.", said Falcon. "I would like access to explore the other universes and connect with them, we should host Intergalactic Tournaments every now and then in order to have experience dealing with the other worlds and to build relations with them.", said Fox. "And you?", said Crazy. "Fox is right, but 'every now and then' is boring! Let's have a battle plaza for people to have a quick match whenever they feel like it!", Sonic replied. And so all the things they asked of were given to them and they returned to their homes.

Chapter 3: An Injustice Served

Master Hand and Crazy Hand immediately got at work to create a universal general-combat grounds, which they called "The Smash Service". The Smash Service was a resort that people could teleport to on a planet in the center of the universe in order to battle one-another by will or to brush up. It could also be used as a means to resolve conflicts without depleting the other party's stocks. There was also a ranking system put in place, which would broadcast the names of the best Smashers, including their win/loss ratios, and would adjust matchmaking based on what rank one was in. There existed ranks S through F, with everyone starting off at a C and working their way up. People would be matched with their rank, and there were twelve ranks in all: S, A+, A, A-, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, D- and F, or so they thought, but what these Smashers didn't know, was that there were cheaters, and as a result, punishments for them. R.O.B.'s would pocket Capsules in their heads to use in Ranked Battles. Koopas would wear Smash Rings in order to force themselves into their Giga Form to breeze through the matches. Hocatates would plant hidden Pikmin in the opponent's head to gradually build their percent up without them knowing. Pac-Men would pocket a power-pellet in their boots in case things got bad. This form of cheating eventually got to a point where The Hands were forced to act on it in order to maintain the very peace that the Resort was founded for.
The Hands thought long and hard on ways to punish these cheaters "Let's prohibit them from playing for a while", said Master Hand. "But they'll just come back later and do it all over again!", countered Crazy Hand. "How about a permanent ban then?" "Nah, they'll just switch their tag and jump back in for another splash!", countered Crazy. "Wait! Let's just kill em!", he continued. "I don't think The Core would be very happy about that--and neither would I.", Master Hand said. Eventually, they came to a compromise, and created a place in which these fighters were left to do nothing but destroy themselves, and they called it, The Isolation Server. How this was designed to work was, there would be a report system in place, allowing Smashers to report others for cheating or misbehaving, and in the event that they received too many reports in x amount of time, they would instantly be transported to an alternate part of the universe; a mirror world, where everything was the same, except for those who dwelt it.
It was a cheaters' only paradise, except, it was no paradise at all. It was a place of emptiness and meaninglessness. There was no Fun, no Glory, and no rankings. Smashers who got banned could be in this room anywhere from one week to one month, and in there, they were disconnected from the world; it was like a prison. No universal tournaments, no local tournaments, no friends, no rankings, just the Smasher and all the other cheaters just like them. However, there was one individual who was innocently thrown in there, and he goes by "Mew".
"Mew" was a Mewtwo and a very powerful and prominent Smasher. He could take on three fighters at a time and would still be standing. He placed phenomenally in the ranked matches, getting up to A+ in rank, surpassed only by Celeritate the Hedgehog, and Acutus the Mushroomite, both S-Rank. Celeritate was starting to become scared of Mew due to his rapid increase in rankings, and when the new system was put in place, conspired against him.
These two were to be matched up against each other on the following day. That day came, and they fought--a crowd gathered to watch. Though a close match, Mewtwo won. "He cheated!", blurted Celeritate, the crowd lit up in shock. "Really?", "Is it true?", they began to say amongst themselves, making up reasons in their head to rationalize his claim. Celeritate was a proud and trusted individual, and whatever he said went, so the crowd sided with him and confronted the Service Office, and their leader, a Falconite, Captain Verum. "We've analyzed the footage and their's no proof of any signs of cheating", he said. "See that thing right there? (points to nothing), that equipment he's wearing!, but it's camouflaged and only I can see it! That's the reason he was able to rank-up so fast!" lied Celeritate, the crowd behind him cheering on his statements. "Well then..." Captain Verum said as he phoned the Minor Falcon guards. "You know the drill" he continued. While in his sleep, Mew was taken by the Minor Falcons and teleported to the Isolation Server.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 22, 2001
Chapter 4: Conclusion

Mew was taken to the isolation server for a crime he didn't commit. Because Celeritate couldn't stand the prospect of being beat. Likewise did this happen to I; unjustly taken to a Server where only nothing remains. A place filled with emptiness, with the few who do inhabit it being low in skill or poor in mind. This is the price we as Smashers must pay for being good. The idea of an Isolation Server is ridiculous, and even more ridiculous is the prospect of being sent there for crimes one didn't commit, but that is the Smash we live in.
I have been confined to this Server, and this is my story.

~ The Isolation Server by Bob (Based on a true story)
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