Over the past couple of weeks there have been numerous amount of 'prophets' confirming / deconfirming (which is not a real word) characters and stages among other things.
Many people on various forums have been claiming too have insider information, trying to gain fame by exploiting the hype for Brawl. However I feel that the whole thing is very ironic.
People are skeptical by nature, most people refuse to believe anything without proof and the same stands for the internet, unless you have a reliable source people will refuse to believe you. A prophet can only be proved by one thing; Brawl coming out and the information being proven true.
No think, if we have to wait till Brawl comes out to prove the prophet right, why are they leaking the information at all. If I say Ridley is a playable character because my friend from Nintendo said so, it means nothing; the information is useless until Brawl comes out, and then no one will care.
Prophets predictions are useless, 90% are making it up and not being helpful at all. What do they gain from making stuff up; nothing, abosulutally nothing.
If there is a Prophet who is right then what do they gain? Nothing. If I know for a fact that Bowser Jr is a playable character three weeks before Brawl comes out, am I effected in any way, shape or form? No. It's only important to me when I can actually play the game, knowing in advance doesn't do anything, so a Prophet telling me means nothing.
I guess what I am trying to say is that the concept of a Prophet is flawed, it can only be proven when the game comes out, thus they don't do anything.
What are your opinions on Prophets?
Many people on various forums have been claiming too have insider information, trying to gain fame by exploiting the hype for Brawl. However I feel that the whole thing is very ironic.
People are skeptical by nature, most people refuse to believe anything without proof and the same stands for the internet, unless you have a reliable source people will refuse to believe you. A prophet can only be proved by one thing; Brawl coming out and the information being proven true.
No think, if we have to wait till Brawl comes out to prove the prophet right, why are they leaking the information at all. If I say Ridley is a playable character because my friend from Nintendo said so, it means nothing; the information is useless until Brawl comes out, and then no one will care.
Prophets predictions are useless, 90% are making it up and not being helpful at all. What do they gain from making stuff up; nothing, abosulutally nothing.
If there is a Prophet who is right then what do they gain? Nothing. If I know for a fact that Bowser Jr is a playable character three weeks before Brawl comes out, am I effected in any way, shape or form? No. It's only important to me when I can actually play the game, knowing in advance doesn't do anything, so a Prophet telling me means nothing.
I guess what I am trying to say is that the concept of a Prophet is flawed, it can only be proven when the game comes out, thus they don't do anything.
What are your opinions on Prophets?