Nessbounder, what do you mean speciallized (how does this make them so speciallized)? And why would it have to be counter pick?
By speciallised I mean that they have to be on very specific stages against very specific characters.
And if you don't counter-pick as Ness or Lucas, you run the risk of being counter-picked yourself.
Aevin was telling me that at a recent tournament he went to, he fought an opponent who immediately counter-picked Marth against his Ness/Lucas duo and beat him with this chain grab.
If you play as a secondary character to begin with, and maybe bait out a certain counter-pick from your opponent (a safe character for Ness/Lucas) then you could counter-pick Ness or Lucas for the final match (out of 3) and then your opponent won't have the option to pick a character who can chain throw them.
For instance, I start the match using Lucario and win the first battle. The opponent then changes his character to Pikachu and beats me for the second round. For the third round, I then use Ness or Lucas because I know that Pikachu can't chain throw them.
But then again, I don't know how the counter picking process works.