Yes, one final joke I'd like to make before brawl comes out. It regards the last 3rd party character to enter the brawl scene.
After only two third party characters being in the final game, fans are dissapointed; thus nintendo releases the last 3rd party character in a free download off the wii menu, but the catch is, it is only released to one person a month.
You have been selected to play the last 3rd party character to enter brawl. First.
The screen comes up, you click on the wii shop channel, find the character dowload and click on it.
A pure white screen comes up with the nintendo logo in the bottom left corner. Seconds pass. After a few agonizing moments, a voice announces.
"Now introducing the last 3rd party character to enter Super Smash Brothers Brawl. One that will astound you. Shock you. And was one of the most requested world wide. To proceed in this dowload, is to unlease a force unmatched by other, less fortunate, people that can't connect to the wii, or have not been selected in this completely random sweepstakes. Again, totally random.
"Are you ready to proceed?" The voice asks as two rather plain looking yes and no buttons appear on screen. Your palm shaking, you move the coursor to the 'yes' option.
"Are you sure?" The voice asks again. Slightly annoyed, you click the 'yes' option again.
"Is that your-" You cut the voice off as you click yes again.
Seconds pass by, slow, long seconds. The wii remote is now wet from the sweat produced by your right palm. A hazy drummroll radiates from the TV. It gets more distinct and louder as you balance on the edge of your seat. Just as quickly as it started, it stops.
More seconds.
More seconds.
More seconds.
Finally! The white screen busts open as a new figure appears on screen. He's shrouded in smoke, you can't possibly tell who or what it is until-
"OH YEAH!!!!" Shouts to Kool-aid man, giving a thumbs up, and haveing a little red cool-aid spill out the top of his pitcher.
Fell free to make your own on this thread.
No profanity, cussing, ext.
Has to follow the same, or similar storyline.
Have fun!
After only two third party characters being in the final game, fans are dissapointed; thus nintendo releases the last 3rd party character in a free download off the wii menu, but the catch is, it is only released to one person a month.
You have been selected to play the last 3rd party character to enter brawl. First.
The screen comes up, you click on the wii shop channel, find the character dowload and click on it.
A pure white screen comes up with the nintendo logo in the bottom left corner. Seconds pass. After a few agonizing moments, a voice announces.
"Now introducing the last 3rd party character to enter Super Smash Brothers Brawl. One that will astound you. Shock you. And was one of the most requested world wide. To proceed in this dowload, is to unlease a force unmatched by other, less fortunate, people that can't connect to the wii, or have not been selected in this completely random sweepstakes. Again, totally random.
"Are you ready to proceed?" The voice asks as two rather plain looking yes and no buttons appear on screen. Your palm shaking, you move the coursor to the 'yes' option.
"Are you sure?" The voice asks again. Slightly annoyed, you click the 'yes' option again.
"Is that your-" You cut the voice off as you click yes again.
Seconds pass by, slow, long seconds. The wii remote is now wet from the sweat produced by your right palm. A hazy drummroll radiates from the TV. It gets more distinct and louder as you balance on the edge of your seat. Just as quickly as it started, it stops.
More seconds.
More seconds.
More seconds.
Finally! The white screen busts open as a new figure appears on screen. He's shrouded in smoke, you can't possibly tell who or what it is until-
"OH YEAH!!!!" Shouts to Kool-aid man, giving a thumbs up, and haveing a little red cool-aid spill out the top of his pitcher.
Fell free to make your own on this thread.
No profanity, cussing, ext.
Has to follow the same, or similar storyline.
Have fun!