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The Evil Incarnate - Kid Buu PSA


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2010
London, England


Moveset Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEJhE1rNgsI
Battle Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVyXnegrLBQ

The 3 million year old embodiment of pure evil, Kid Buu, has joined the Brawl!

With a variety of different specials, an aggressive playstyle, a large amount of custom animations (almost major animation has been made from scratch) and a special Cancel System (ala Project M Lucario) that allows depth for his gameplay, Kid Buu is sure to dish out the pain in a flurry of destruction, whilst offering a unique sense of flair and humour. One moment you’ll think he’s totally epic, the next you’ll be chuckling…

…Ok not really…​


Size - 6/10 Medium height. Same as Lucario but his general stance is a tad lower.
Running Speed - 7/10 Fast. Good solid ground running speed
Air Speed - 6/10 Rather standard air speed. Nothing special
Combo Speed - 9/10 Super rapid attacks. Fast enough to give MK and Fox a run for their money.
Priority - 3/10 Pretty poor priority due to lack of disjoints, rather short size and not very long lasting attacks
Jump Height - 6/10 Rather average size jumps but no where near as floaty as Lucario's.
Power - 3/10 Only one or two main killing moves.
Weight - 80 (Featherweight)


AAA combo - A left jab followed by a right hook, a backfist and then two kicks. His main combo starting tool. Overall 12%

F Tilt - A long range hand hand reel in forward with ok start up. Interestingly, this has two hits and the second hit actually brings the opponent back towards you. 7%

U Tilt - A fairly slow but again good range uppercut swipe. Great for forcing opponents away from you. Since Kid Buu's arm goes over his head, it can hit foes behind him too. 10%

D Tilt - A fast sweep kick with good reach the makes Kid Buu go forward a bit. Low knockback adn ideal for set-ups. 7%

Dash Attack - A floating head spin with legs extended outwards (think somewhat like Kirby's Dash Attack). Deals multiple hits and acts as Buu's other main combo starter. 11%

F Smash - A double spinning kick. Think Fox's Melee F Smash, but with another kick coming down at the end. 14-19%

U Smash - An upward flip kick. A fast smash attack with decent vertical reach and overall a pretty good combo ender. 12-16%

D Smash - A ground spin very similar to Sonic's D Smash. Great horizontal reach but low knockback and damage. Interestingly though, this move can actually be jump cancelled upon landing the hit, allowing for aerial follow-ups and pressure. 10-14%

N Air - Four fast aerial kicks similar to his Flying Kick move from DBZ BT3. Good priority, but quite a bit of landing lag. 12%

F Air - Kid Buu goes upside down and does a sweep kick across the body. Since his leg is fairly high up, it's not great for shot hopping. However, this is a very solid aerial otherwise. 11%

B Air - And double spinning pinwheel kick backwards. Knocks the foe at a slight angle downwards. The other interesting trait of this aerial is that it reverses Buu's direction. 11%

U Air - A flip kick similar to Mario's. Pretty quick, but overall not as quick or strong as Mario's U Air. 10%

D Air - Kid Buu curls into a ball and rockets downwards. Upon contact with the foe he bounces on top of them. His strongest aerial and his main form of killing. 13%

Neutral B: Shocking Ball - A very interesting move that requires user input. By mashing B, you can build up the energy of the Shocking Ball. When you start flashing bright pink, you are in a state where you can release the Shocking Ball, a powerful electrical projectile and Buu's strongest killing move. If you don't mash enough, you will whiff the attack and be surrounded by a very weak 1% electrical field. If you press A whilst you flash a pale grey/pink, you can instead use the Assault Rain. The Assault Rain is a defensive move that rains energy bullets around Buu, and has a weak 10% heavy armour for further protection. It however does come out a bit slow. Shocking Ball - 19% Assault Rain - 12% Wiff - 1%

Side B: Mystic Combination - Kid Buu does a spinning grab. If he grabs the opponent, he'll curl into a ball and slam the foe multiple times. On the ground, this ends in Kid Buu sticking his foot into the ground and kicking the foe upwards with strong base knockback but very low knockback growth (it is unlikely to kill a foe). In the air, this ends with Kid Buu headbutting the foe downwards for a meteor smash. 13%

Up B: Buu Rocket - Kid Buu shoots upwards like a pink rocket. This can be directionally c ontrolled like Lucario's Up B, however it cannot turn but it deals damage. 8%

Down B: Instant Transmission - Kid Buu does a fast teleport. Depending on the direction you press, Kid Buu teleports in that direction. On the ground he can only teleport forward and back. In the air he can teleport in all four diagonals. This can only be used once in the air (for obvious reasons). 0%

Grab - Kid Buu stretches his arm a good distance. Similar range to Yoshi's grab.

Pummel - A fast knee to the gut just like Fox or Wolf. Can be rapid fired 1%

F Throw - The "Giant Throw" attack from the Tenkaichi games. 12%

B Throw - Buu grabs the foe in one hand, then swings them round behind him. 11%

U Throw - Buu quickly throws the foe into the air, the deals three airbourne gravity-defying kicks on them. 12%

D Throw - Buu slams the foe on the ground three times. 13%

Final Smash: Planet Burst - Kid Buu laughs mockingly with his head tilted to the side. He then quickly teleports to the top of the stage, charges his most powerful energy ball and releases the slow moving ball down on his victims. Deals multiple hits and every second it's out it deals a strong blow knocking foes outwards. The very final blow ends with an mighty electrical burst and a bright flash of white. Extremely deadly on small stages. Not so much on larger stages. Up to 50%


U Taunt - Kid Buu stretches his arms upwards and yawns
S Taunt - Kid Buu beats his chest in his usual fashion then roars
D Taunt - Kid Buu falls asleep. Very long lasting (roughly 5 seconds). If he manages to not get hit during this time, he heals 20% damage (also includes a version that interrupts earlier but does not heal at all)

>>>The Cancel System<<<

Kid Buu has a special ability which allows him to follow up moves one after the other, allowing for a fluid and fast paced playstyle. However, there are some rules as regards to the cancel system. Master them to really take advantage of Kid Buu's prowess!

Jabs and dash attack -> Tilts or Specials
Tilts -> Smashes or Specials
Smashes -> Specials
Aerials (barring D Air) -> Specials
D Smash -> Specials or Jump

This also comes with a full pack of original retextures as well (based on other villains from the DBZ series), along with the interface hacks to go with it all:


- SDo0m: All PSA, Animation, Recolour and the vast majority of the interface hack work
- Beyond: The amazing Kid Buu vertex
- SmashClash: The Shocking Ball and Planet Burst models and the Black retexture
- KTH: The separate leg model used for the Mystic Combination on the ground
- MarioDK: A couple of the interface hacks from his Kid Buu early beta
- Velen: The Frieza retexture
- shanus: For helping me out with a few things and for his genius OHC concept

And finally, the download link!



Smash Rookie
Aug 8, 2011
That's a very nice moveset you got there.
It would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
Seriously. You freakin' win!
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