The concepts of guy and girl relationships are so different. A girl will more easily put her heart, soul, and body into a relationship because she wants to be her all and do all that she can do. Whereas in the guy in the same relationship expects all of this because he can just as easily replace her with the next girl.
How old are you? I don't know where you living but as a well-educated central european guy I have to disagree. And I mean a lot.
1.) No person can be replaced by another no matter whether you're a guy or a chick.
2.) Boys and Girls are equally capable to "replace" a lover.
If I really love a girl, I'd put my "whole body and soul" into the relationship.
Then if a girl is with to many guys she becomes stereotyped as hoe. But when a guy does the same thing he is a player. The reason why girl’s standards are so high is quite possibly because guy standards are so low.
You're speking from personal experience, which I can tell is rather limited in this regard. None of my female friends is "stereotyped" anything, no matter how many guys she has.
Also: You talk about "standards". They are different from person to person. It's not depending on the gender.
At what point did sex become a tool to keep a guy?
If a girl is stupid and I don't love her, I won't be with her no matter how amazing she's in bed.
I am not saying that it does not belong in a relationship but when did it become a security measure.
I'd really like to know what kind of society you're living in. You're acting as if all women are whores who can just choose any guy and if something goes wrong sex solves the problem?
That's not the way it works son.
Sex is a pleasure and pretty much the only thing everybody enjoys doing. But calling it a "relationship keeper" is ********.
The power of the ****** is indeed great however the over use of it will simply result in the loss of power. Similarly if US dollars are constantly being circulated and there is an abundance of it the value of the money will go down.
Horrible comparision. Money has to fulfil a purpose in life. Love doesn't. Comparing metaphysical things with functional things fails in general.
Soon sex will be as casual as saying hi because the meaning that was behind it besides the fact that you can reproduce life would have been lost.
Is it a bad thing for Sex to become "as casual as saying hi"? I say no. On the contrary: In conservative societies it's still taboo to even talk about it which is really sad. It's still considered some "secret, dirty thing" by some people. This needs to stop.
If the "true meaning" of sex would be lost - whatever that means - nobody would do it.
Everybody does it. Do you really think that this changes anything?
Although guys are highly competitive girls have competitive ways about them in regards to other girls. Which goes back to a whole primitive survival mechanism of making themselves more appealing so that they would selected as mate. Therefore making there genes survive. The concept of dating has been around forever it’s just the tactics or diplomacy of the rules of engagement have changed.
I don't get your point. Are you critisizing the way "mating" is handled?
It used to be merely to reproduce, now it has become something good and everybody loves it.
What's bad about that?
The reason why Phenomenal women don’t exists is because we killed them;
Define "penomenal women". I know lots of them. The big sister of a good friend of mine (she's 29 now) is phenomenal. One of the strongest persons I ever met. Fantastic woman - without any thoughts about sex or anything.
the reason shivery is dead is because me as a whole are absent and ideal man never existed because he was designed for a specific woman and not all woman.
Aside from sever gramatic error it's still very hard to understand you. You're taling about ancient models of thinking. That's outdated 14-year old kiddie stuff.
You don’t recognize your knight a shiny armor because you don’t recognize him. You don’t see your princess because you’re in the wrong castle.
You're critisizing stereotypes (which are mostly outdated) yet use them yourself? You should re-read what you wrote. Some of it is just plain ridicoulus.
I often wonder if any man can potentially be with any girl why does he always choose what it is easiest or most accessible. Women intern are becoming more stealth in there ways because they are evolving with the times. No girl is being nurtured anymore just matured. So people reading if you’re still reading at this point wonder what I am talking about.
People will wonder what you're talking about since ~50% of your sentences make sense (gramatically).
Nurtured is she is grown up in a respectable manor knows the love of a father and a mother understands her sexuality and her uniqueness. Whereas matured lacks the support of both parents yet sees her life and makes the best of it based on the circumstances she is under.
This can apply to girls just as much as boys.
Am I missing the point?
The same thing goes for guys the reason we are doing this woman dirty is because we don’t know what is to be expected because the example that should have been there is not there. So what happens is a result of multiple choice; ini, mini, miney, mo, as It happens I turned out well ideals of raising children. This breads the cycle of ignorance and the lack of commitment that we call a relationship today.
No clue what you're trying to say here.
first of all a big LULZ.
2nd, I understood maybe half of what you want to say, therefore I will comment as good as I can, depending on what I
thought you try to say.
My 0.02: I love girls and women. You can do all you want: live with them, be friends with them, love them, sleep with them, talk with them, ...
Most guys are just stupid. Seriously. Most of them just think that girls are oh sooooo complex, like strange beings you have to figure out somehow. Get rid of these thoughts. Girls aren't
that different. They think a little different at times, look different and - biologically - are a bit different as well.
But they don't expect anything you wrote about guys and I'm sure most of them enjoy love/sex just as much as guys do.
Just don't make things more complicated than they are.