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Midwest The CMU Showdown

The CMU Showdown
Posted by DJcap
Central Michigan University (Pearce Hall)
Saturday, April 23, 2016 - 12:00 PM
Until: Sunday, April 24, 2016 - 12:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/Los_Angeles)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/Los_Angeles

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Smash Rookie
Dec 26, 2015
This is our first real attempt at bringing in new competition, so let's see if we can defend our turf. This tournament will include Round Robin pools followed by a top 32 Bracket for Melee, Project M, and Smash 4!
Hosted by Dirtboy, Crip and Paco.

Pre-reg encouraged but not required.

Schedule & Rules!

•12:00pm Venue Opens/ Registration & Setting-Up!
($10 Buy In Per Game +$5 Venue Fee)
*Venue fee refunded to those with a setup

•1:45pm Registration Ends

•2:00pm Wave A for all 3 games begins

•4:00pm Wave B for all 3 games begins

•6:00pm Top 32 Brackets begin!

•9:30-10:00pm Brackets should be wrapping up as well as tear-down begins.

Melee Singles Ruleset!

Melee Game Settings

Currently: All sets are best of 3 except for Finals matches in the bracket.

Stocks: 4 stocks
Time Limit: 8:00 minutes
Melee Stagelist

Neutral (Singles)

Yoshi’s Story
Dream Land
Final Destination
Fountain of Dreams

Counterpick (Singles)
Pokémon Stadium

Melee Details

•Players select characters
•Use Stage Striking to determine the first stage
( players will rock paper scissors to decide who strikes first, then the other player will ban 2 stages, leaving the player who won RPS to select the starting stage between the last 2. The stage striking is 1/2/1 to decide which stage will be started with)
•Players play the first game of the set
•Winning player of the preceding match bans a stage/stages*
•Losing player of the preceding match counterpicks a stage
•Winning player of the preceding match may change characters
•Losing player of the preceding match may change characters
•Players play the next game of the set
•Repeat Steps 4 through 8 for all subsequent games

• Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect. Meaning, you cannot counter pick to any stage you have previously won on

Project M Singles Ruleset!

Sets: Best of 3, Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals will be played best of 5

MIPM Winter 2016 Ruleset
4 stock, 8:00 minute timer
Items OFF and set to NONE
Auto L-Cancel OFF
Buffer OFF
Friendly Fire ON
Pause is set to hold.
Pause may only be used while one player is on the recovery halo.
Pausing in any other case results in the pauser losing a stock.
If the opponent loses a stock as a result of the pause, the pauser loses two stocks.
If the opponent loses the game as a result of the pause, the pauser instead loses the game.
Starters are Wario Land, Smashville, Battlefield, Pokemon Stadium 2, and Delfino’s Secret
Counterpicks are Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, and Dreamland
1 Ban is allotted to the winner of a game. The winner may not counterpick this stage later in the set.
Dave’s Stupid Rule is in effect: you may not return to a stage you previously won on in the same set.
Match procedure is as follows:
1. Port priority is decided, loser strikes first in 1-2-1 style.
2. After game 1, the winner selects character

3. The loser selects character. The loser may also counterpick ports.
4. The winner bans one stage.
5. The stage is selected by the loser.
6. Sets outside of finals (WF, LF, GF) are best of 3, finals are best of 5 (at the TO’s discretion).
In the result of a time out, the match is decided by stock count, then by percentage.
If percentages are tied, a 3 minute, 1 stock tie-breaker is played on the same stage.
If sudden death is reach in another way, a 3 minute, 1 stock tie-breaker is played on the same stage.
If a suicide move (Ganoncide or Swallowcide) is performed and sudden death is reached, the initiator of
the move is the winner
In the event that the game crashes or the TV/Wii loses power in the middle of a match, that match will be restarted from the beginning with the same characters and stage.
If a glitch is used to initiate this intentionally, the initiator of the glitch will lose the set and may be DQ’d at the discretion of the TO.
Any rule may be overrided by the Gentleman’s clause, I.e. If both players consent to the override (within TO's discretion)

Smash 4 Singles

2 Stock, 6 Minutes
Customs off
Equipment Banned
Double Elimination
• Starters
- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Lylat Cruise
- Smashville
- Town & City
• Counterpicks
- Dreamland 64
- Duck Hunt

• Characters are selected first before the striking process.
• A Double Blind may be done if requested by a player.
• Double Blind: In this situation, a 3rd party should be told, in secret, of each player’s character choice for the first round. Both players are to then select their first round character, with the 3rd party validating that the character selected is the same as their word.
• RPS is used to determine who strikes first (Striking a stage doesn’t ban a stage from the set. The stage cannot be selected as a starting stage only.)
• Striking goes 1-2-1 (Ensures 1 remaining starter stage.)
• A stage may be agreed upon by both parties.
• At the end of the each match
• The winner may ban 1 stage (*If BF or FD are banned, Miiverse or Omega stages are banned as).
• Loser announces counterpick stage
• Winner may change character, then loser may change character
• Game 2 commences
• Repeat above steps at end of Game 2 if a Game 3 happens.
• Every set, including finals, will only have 1 ban per player/team.
• If a stage is banned, it may not be selected at all for the remainder of the set.
• Modified Dave’s Stupid Rule, MDSR, is always in effect.
• A player cannot counterpick to the stage they have just won on in a set unless agreed upon by their opponent. This is done to ensure that there are enough stages in a best of 5 set.

Other Info TBA
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