Sun Pokemon
First of all, I would tell the readers that tis is a re-posted guide. I opened it some months ago and it got closed after sometime for flaming. It helped a lot of people to fully understand the potential of this stick, and make someone think it isn't cheap as they thought. I mean, come on, why can someone even think about something that the game programmers intentionally put into this game can be called cheap?
The c-stick mostly works as a faster, easier substitute of some combinations of the controller stick + A button, and something else that I will explain down there, but it's not only that, because it can do something that the controler stick can't. Er, well, it can, but you can use both at the same time for better results (if you're confused with this statement, everything will be explained in the last part of the guide
Well, now it's time for facts, so read and, possibly, enjoy this guide.
These are c-stick possibilities everyone (or most people at least) know:
- In 1-p mode the only use for the stick is zooming the camera in or out, always pointing on your character, and that is bad. -_-
- C-stick is used for fast, uncharged smashes. This is a way to avoid the charging time and/or some mistakes pressing buttons (you can do a tilt or jump instead of smashing, you never know )
- C-stick can be used for throwing items strongly in the selected direction.
- C-stick makes aerials, and accordingly shuffles too, easier to perform, especially uair, becase you could double jump accidentally while tilting the control stick up (if you jump with x/y, of course). A good Peach should use C-stick for aerials like mad (Because of her complicated floating, double jump and stuff). To be fussy, using the c-stick while shuffling avoids the double tilting of the control stick, which makes things a little easier. An extreme case is bair or uair while running, a lot easier if you perform it using the c-stick.
- Smashing while crouch canceling (or ccing) is a very useful counterattack move at low % nearly impossible to perform without the c-stick. Personally I love CC downsmashing every move my opponents pull out (if I'm from 0% to 30% of course)
- Wavedashing keeps the control stick busy, so smashing with c-stick is a good and easy option. IE and IMO wavesmashing with c-stick is Luigi's bread and butter (or whatever ).
Now, here's the interesting point, the techniques not known by everyone:
- C-stick smashes can actually be charged. Just press A or Z while holding the c-stick. Relasing A (or Z) will result in performing the smash.
- You can instantly smash out of a dash or out of a grab using the jump canceling (JC), in other words pressing up on the control stick to kill any lag that would be normally there for deactivating the shield or stopping the dash animation. You can only JC an upsmash, and you can do it in 2 ways: pressing up on the control stick and pressing A (at the same time) or pressing up on both the control stick and the c-stick.
- Pivoting is a useful move to quickly pull out some moves out of a DDing (dashdancing): in the exact point while you change direction there is 1 frame (really a little time huh) while the character is standing, therefore it is possible to perform every move during that frame, even if it's veeeery difficult to perform any move but ftlt and fsmash. Even here c-stick comes in handy: as you're standing, using the C-stick you can smash in every direction a lot easier than using the control stick.
- C-stick is very useful when using the shield and its correlated moves (rolling and sidestepping): here I quote a RyokoYaksa's post:
"While shielding, you can use the C-stick to do certain things instantly and repeatedly (if you hold the C-stick).
Up: ground jump
Forward: forward roll
Back: backward roll
Down: side dodge
If you are lagged from an attack or otherwise left open due to lag of whatever form, you can use the shield and C-stick to buffer a roll or side-dodge so that it comes out at your first actionable frame. You don't have to time a control stick press. The uses should be pretty obvious."
And an Underdog's:
"It's not faster, just that if you hold down the button combo, L/R/Z and C-Stick Down, you will do a dodge as soon as you are able to. meaning perfectly timed dodge. or roll, or even jump!"
There is a technique known as "shield shifting", used when shielding: tilting lightly the control stick while shielding will make the shield move in the selected direction, useful for preventing shield-stab (hiiting someone with his shield activated, like Peach's dsmash does). This can be bad for rolling with the control stick, instead, because if someone rolls away from the enemy, it will result in a little shield-shifting, expanding the vulnerability time at the beginning of the roll even more.
Anyway, there is an exception for this: Yoshi, because of his particular shield, can't use the c-stick while shielding.
- C-stick is useful even when throwing, because keep the c-stick pressed while grabbing the opponent will result in a throw on the first possible frame, leaving the opponent really little time to imput DI.
- You can use the C-stick even while hanging on the edge:
up: attack
towards the stage: roll
down/back: let go off the edge w/out fastfalling
- C-stick can even be used to DI, together with the Control stick: every information you need about it is in the Doraki Di guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=60218
I guess that's it, thanks to everyone that corrected me months ago because they really helped me to write this guide.
The c-stick mostly works as a faster, easier substitute of some combinations of the controller stick + A button, and something else that I will explain down there, but it's not only that, because it can do something that the controler stick can't. Er, well, it can, but you can use both at the same time for better results (if you're confused with this statement, everything will be explained in the last part of the guide
Well, now it's time for facts, so read and, possibly, enjoy this guide.
These are c-stick possibilities everyone (or most people at least) know:
- In 1-p mode the only use for the stick is zooming the camera in or out, always pointing on your character, and that is bad. -_-
- C-stick is used for fast, uncharged smashes. This is a way to avoid the charging time and/or some mistakes pressing buttons (you can do a tilt or jump instead of smashing, you never know )
- C-stick can be used for throwing items strongly in the selected direction.
- C-stick makes aerials, and accordingly shuffles too, easier to perform, especially uair, becase you could double jump accidentally while tilting the control stick up (if you jump with x/y, of course). A good Peach should use C-stick for aerials like mad (Because of her complicated floating, double jump and stuff). To be fussy, using the c-stick while shuffling avoids the double tilting of the control stick, which makes things a little easier. An extreme case is bair or uair while running, a lot easier if you perform it using the c-stick.
- Smashing while crouch canceling (or ccing) is a very useful counterattack move at low % nearly impossible to perform without the c-stick. Personally I love CC downsmashing every move my opponents pull out (if I'm from 0% to 30% of course)
- Wavedashing keeps the control stick busy, so smashing with c-stick is a good and easy option. IE and IMO wavesmashing with c-stick is Luigi's bread and butter (or whatever ).
Now, here's the interesting point, the techniques not known by everyone:
- C-stick smashes can actually be charged. Just press A or Z while holding the c-stick. Relasing A (or Z) will result in performing the smash.
- You can instantly smash out of a dash or out of a grab using the jump canceling (JC), in other words pressing up on the control stick to kill any lag that would be normally there for deactivating the shield or stopping the dash animation. You can only JC an upsmash, and you can do it in 2 ways: pressing up on the control stick and pressing A (at the same time) or pressing up on both the control stick and the c-stick.
- Pivoting is a useful move to quickly pull out some moves out of a DDing (dashdancing): in the exact point while you change direction there is 1 frame (really a little time huh) while the character is standing, therefore it is possible to perform every move during that frame, even if it's veeeery difficult to perform any move but ftlt and fsmash. Even here c-stick comes in handy: as you're standing, using the C-stick you can smash in every direction a lot easier than using the control stick.
- C-stick is very useful when using the shield and its correlated moves (rolling and sidestepping): here I quote a RyokoYaksa's post:
"While shielding, you can use the C-stick to do certain things instantly and repeatedly (if you hold the C-stick).
Up: ground jump
Forward: forward roll
Back: backward roll
Down: side dodge
If you are lagged from an attack or otherwise left open due to lag of whatever form, you can use the shield and C-stick to buffer a roll or side-dodge so that it comes out at your first actionable frame. You don't have to time a control stick press. The uses should be pretty obvious."
And an Underdog's:
"It's not faster, just that if you hold down the button combo, L/R/Z and C-Stick Down, you will do a dodge as soon as you are able to. meaning perfectly timed dodge. or roll, or even jump!"
There is a technique known as "shield shifting", used when shielding: tilting lightly the control stick while shielding will make the shield move in the selected direction, useful for preventing shield-stab (hiiting someone with his shield activated, like Peach's dsmash does). This can be bad for rolling with the control stick, instead, because if someone rolls away from the enemy, it will result in a little shield-shifting, expanding the vulnerability time at the beginning of the roll even more.
Anyway, there is an exception for this: Yoshi, because of his particular shield, can't use the c-stick while shielding.
- C-stick is useful even when throwing, because keep the c-stick pressed while grabbing the opponent will result in a throw on the first possible frame, leaving the opponent really little time to imput DI.
- You can use the C-stick even while hanging on the edge:
up: attack
towards the stage: roll
down/back: let go off the edge w/out fastfalling
- C-stick can even be used to DI, together with the Control stick: every information you need about it is in the Doraki Di guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=60218
I guess that's it, thanks to everyone that corrected me months ago because they really helped me to write this guide.