Smash Master
I would say this more or less tells the story of my journey on smashboards, and would only require minor alterations such as replacing the word "Metro City" with "Smashboards" to tell a perfect chronic tale of myself.
How perfect is it not that I, a true proud Viking (something far more manly then a flopmerican could even grasp), travels to Vallhalla after having been banned from SWF?
And listen to this "Outnumbering him, they jeered and taunted. Still he sallied forth, undaunted." (lyrics from the ballad). This perfectly describes the epic battles I have fought on smashboards. Which I off course, as always (and now after Genesis II more undeniably then ever), without exception, won in an epic and flashy fashion.
If you're wondering over why you've been spared since I have been unbanned it is because I have been on a so called "vacation" in this inferior country of yours (flopmerica), gaining atleast 100 pounds on all the unavoidable fatty food, and have probably been poisoned by the fragments in the air of the antipsychotics you give to your kids.
When the vacation is over, you will see the epic story depicted in the Ballad entail. And, as I have already warned you of and before that foretold, you will not be spared.
I would say this more or less tells the story of my journey on smashboards, and would only require minor alterations such as replacing the word "Metro City" with "Smashboards" to tell a perfect chronic tale of myself.
How perfect is it not that I, a true proud Viking (something far more manly then a flopmerican could even grasp), travels to Vallhalla after having been banned from SWF?
And listen to this "Outnumbering him, they jeered and taunted. Still he sallied forth, undaunted." (lyrics from the ballad). This perfectly describes the epic battles I have fought on smashboards. Which I off course, as always (and now after Genesis II more undeniably then ever), without exception, won in an epic and flashy fashion.
If you're wondering over why you've been spared since I have been unbanned it is because I have been on a so called "vacation" in this inferior country of yours (flopmerica), gaining atleast 100 pounds on all the unavoidable fatty food, and have probably been poisoned by the fragments in the air of the antipsychotics you give to your kids.
When the vacation is over, you will see the epic story depicted in the Ballad entail. And, as I have already warned you of and before that foretold, you will not be spared.