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Tether Recovery


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
West Palm Beach, Florida
Yeah it sucks. There are ways to ameliorate it, however. Olimar is the only player who actually has to deal with it. Pokemon Trainer only suffers 1/3 (Ivy) and Z-S Samus has a move that gives her a boost (forget which). Oli suffers from it all the way. Any creative, unknown, ideas?


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
You are.. what, about the hundreth person to post this topic? lol. It wouldn't hurt to look around the Pikmin threads to find any related ones. Oh well, some ideas expressed where the use of the whistle, which gives you super armor (or something like that ) frames , to use the up B boost, and the side B to get edgehoggers off the ledge. Heres the thread about it:



Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
West Palm Beach, Florida
You need to learn to read. lol. I said "creative and unknown" for a reason. I've seen all of the threads and I'm trying to shed new light on the subject.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Something I've been toying with as of right now, but have yet to try, is through NOT using your mid-air jump until you get near the stage, at which point you'll be better suited to bat them off the ledge or avoid their invincibility frames. I need to test this though.

There's the old:
Purple Pikmin them while they hang.
Purple Pikmin them while they are on the stage before they jump on to get the invincibility frames.
Stage spike with the Pikmin Chain.
Bat them off the edge.

If there are any other old techniques, I don't remember them.

Some other things I've thought of:
Neutral Air them off the ledge, don't know why I thought that.

I really haven't thought of much else.


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
Lol.. Almost every Olimar player is aware how awful Olimars recovery is, so no "new light" is needed to be shed on the subject (If thats what you mean), as for new and creative ideas, they are most likely to be posted on a new thread. What makes this thread different from all the other ones there already are? This thread is useless IMO.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
his recovery blows, there's not much around it, but his B^ is good roll reversal in that it's quite amazing to edge hog with it, even when you're about to be edge hogged. Olimars B^ grabs the ledge instantly, and can be used from lengthy distances, not to mention above the stage. I find this instant grapple incredibly useful in that, when you see someone's about to hug the edge (if you're in range, which you'll need to test for yourself) you B^, instantly grabbing the edge and making THEM miss. Now you're on the offensive. Also from very long distances and above the stage Olimar will do like a swing / whiplash type thing, meaning you not only steal the edge from your opponent, but you knock them out too.

Other than that I just find the B^ more useful than hugging, you get practically double the invincibility grame (while hanging on pikmin and edge), and it's the a great way to startle your opponent.
I'm awefully tired right now, so that's all the explanation you're going to get right now. Summary, the teather isn't too great of a recovery, but is a great offensive tool.


templar rage

Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
There is one thing I like the tether recovery for: this combo. Grab edge, attack back, should knock them out from stage. If they end up below the edge, drop off and immediately Dair, followed by Jump and Up-B. Since the tether homes the edge and is lengthy, you should have no trouble with a little practice. Its useful in moderation though, since people will be wary of it after a couple uses.

iTz NaY

Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
Coachella valley CA
yea. his recovery sucks. what i've been trying to do lately. is not spam throwing pikmin, but instead keep about 5-6 pikmin on me as much as possible so if i do get off the edge. i could smack the person who is edgeguarding. and have time to grasp the ledge. it seems to work


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
yea. his recovery sucks. what i've been trying to do lately. is not spam throwing pikmin, but instead keep about 5-6 pikmin on me as much as possible so if i do get off the edge. i could smack the person who is edgeguarding. and have time to grasp the ledge. it seems to work
That's an awful idea. usually you should throw all but 3 (or at least that's my rule of thumb). You can't afford not to throw pikmin, especially against really skilled players. if you need your pikmin and you're off the edge do your whistle.
Also what will help for your recovery is to hold out on that second jump for as long as possible. It really makes a difference.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2006
You need to learn to read. lol. I said "creative and unknown" for a reason. I've seen all of the threads and I'm trying to shed new light on the subject.
This should still be discussed in the appropriate thread, it's about the same topic.

iTz NaY

Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
Coachella valley CA
well. first of all. throwing pikmin doesnt do anything to skilled players....they will know to kill the pikmin instantly. the only pikmin i dont mind throwing is white and purple pikmin. and second of all...that second jump wont mean anything if u cant get olimar over the platform. ur pikman are just gonna go through the camper and the lvl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
well. first of all. throwing pikmin doesnt do anything to skilled players....they will know to kill the pikmin instantly. the only pikmin i dont mind throwing is white and purple pikmin. and second of all...that second jump wont mean anything if u cant get olimar over the platform. ur pikman are just gonna go through the camper and the lvl.
Hello. Actually, throwing Pikmin is a great tactic to use, regardless of your opponent's skill level. You can do all sorts of mind games by throwing Pikmin. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Olimars B^ grabs the ledge instantly, and can be used from lengthy distances, not to mention above the stage. I find this instant grapple incredibly useful in that, when you see someone's about to hug the edge (if you're in range, which you'll need to test for yourself) you B^, instantly grabbing the edge and making THEM miss. Now you're on the offensive.
Have a gander at this video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=8UNOGAt7Jyo (Watch at 2:10).

I believe this is a great example of what Fino was talking about. :)


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
well. first of all. throwing pikmin doesnt do anything to skilled players....they will know to kill the pikmin instantly. the only pikmin i dont mind throwing is white and purple pikmin. and second of all...that second jump wont mean anything if u cant get olimar over the platform. ur pikman are just gonna go through the camper and the lvl.
Sure, because ya know, attacking pikmin harms olimar and doesn't leave you open? Oh sorry, I must be oblivious to the point of the move ( ;) ).
If you're opponent is busy attacking your pikmin, and not you... you've won 1/2 the battle my friend. If they're too busy paying attention to pikmin I say jump right in and fair, or at least a grab. Mind games = good. Granted whites and purples have their uses and advantages, but I would think it hard to just throw those colors.
Thanks for the vid Gazelle ;) ! Great example.
Olimar's second jump, when saved, can save you a lot of the time. See most characters can do away with it since their b^ is fairly reliable... not the case for Olimar. I know by just saving that second jump can lower your gimped death ratio by quite a bit. Plus, if all hope is lost you can use that second jump to aim a spike with your b^ and go kamikaze style. lol. Just a hint though, use that second jump and the small boost you get with your b^ to get over the ledge if you think you can make it.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Zelazon also mentions this tactic in his new guide (check it out, by the way!).

He encourages Olimar users to tether onto the edge of the stage with confidence, when all six Pikmin are present. Even if you believe you are too far away from the edge, and your opponent is about to edge-hog it, you should still attempt to tether. It works at very surprising distances and angles. For example, on Smashville, I was under the stage, almost exactly in the center, and I was still able to tether onto the edge successfully.
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