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Tech: Draconic Egg Lay (or DJC Egg Lay/DJL Egg Lay) +video!


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
I haven't seen anyone really mention this tech at all, so I decided to document it.

It's kind of just an offshoot of the Draconic Reverse, though, thus I don't claim any sort of discovery. Also, thus the title.

It does vary somewhat in execution, though. You don't need to have that super spot on timing for the "twitch" of Yoshi's foot. You just need to enter Egg Lay soon after the DJ. The slide is controlled by the momentum of the jumps - both of them. The DJ is a much larger factor, though, since it's momentum is far greater.

I can't comment on how useful or useless this is. I'll leave that for you guys to discuss after you've seen the video.

Advanced apologies if the quality is a problem for anyone.

Here we go!


Hey, this is my first vid!


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Well, not really a tech, more of a tech variation. It has no more apps then the regular egg lay. Kind common knowledge to.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
It's not entirely the same as the Draconic Reverse, though. It's infinitely easier to pull off. So, yeah, it's an offshoot, like I said, but it's different enough that most players will actually be able to use this, as opposed to the DR which pretty much everyone has a hard time with.

It's gotta have more applications than just a regular Egg Lay. The Egg Lay keeps you perfectly still while you use it. This allows you to slide and move fluidly while you use it.
It may not change how the Egg Lay is used, but it would at least make it more viable since it makes you less vulnerable while using it. Also spacing, maybe.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
It's not entirely the same as the Draconic Reverse, though. It's infinitely easier to pull off. So, yeah, it's an offshoot, like I said, but it's different enough that most players will actually be able to use this, as opposed to the DR which pretty much everyone has a hard time with.

It's gotta have more applications than just a regular Egg Lay. The Egg Lay keeps you perfectly still while you use it. This allows you to slide and move fluidly while you use it.
It may not change how the Egg Lay is used, but it would at least make it more viable since it makes you less vulnerable while using it. Also spacing, maybe.
Just to let you know, we've spoken about this before. It's called a Double Jump Canceled egglay, aka DJC egglay. I've actually been pushing for the viability of this move for a month or two. I'm glad that you agree lol.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Wow, I can't do it that close to the ground. I'll usually be like a kirby's height while ducking off the ground which is still enough to grab anyone. But yes I love doing this little "trick" because it isn't lethal and you get in a free taunt if you'd like.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
Wow, I can't do it that close to the ground. I'll usually be like a kirby's height while ducking off the ground which is still enough to grab anyone. But yes I love doing this little "trick" because it isn't lethal and you get in a free taunt if you'd like.
O, but it is lethal! Duck right in the egg if its on the ground and read their DI, followed by an uair and they are dead depending on damage.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Yeah, I was pretty sure others had already done this before me. I just didn't see anyone documenting it. It wasn't present in any videos, it's not on the Tactical Discussion boards thread, the FAQs don't mention it...

So I decided to go ahead and give it some exposition, I figured that if it gets enough attention, then it can be given closer study into its viability.

The more things a Yoshi has, the better right?

It's a pretty versatile tech in its directionality and speed. Its main benefit, as I said, is that it's fairly easy to do and good for spacing.

I find it can come in handy when facing characters with long-range smashes such as Wolf. Use the Forward Draconic Egg Lay Retreat to avoid the move and Egg Lay the Wolf at the same time. Egg Lay has enough range to hit and keep you safe after the relatively long slide of the tech.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
I think you both might be overestimating how common knowledge it is.

The few YouTube comments the video has received haven't indicated much previous knowledge.

It's NOT in the Healthy Yoshi guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=143857

It's NOT in the Comprehensive Guide to AT's: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=187873

It's NOT in the Gamefaqs FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/928518/53564

It's NOT in any of these Yoshi tech videos on Youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj9DpmAAISc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Bc7u55hgo&feature=related

It's really nowhere to be seen. It may be known, but that doesn't mean it's common knowledge. It'll be common knowledge once it's in guides and FAQs. Like the Egg Toss Slide. I'm just trying to keep it up until that happens so that it doesn't get forgotten when people update their guides or when Vyse updates the Comprehensive Guide to AT's.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Wow that Yoshi FAQ Sucks. The Matchup's are out of whack, and it has nothing about Yoshi's AT's and stuff


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
for the record, its "dragonic reverse"
and you should probably post this in vyse's thread.
so he can, like, add it.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Dude it's in the DR thread....search brah. Don't point fingers til ya look.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
I did look.

I'll admit I didn't read all 30 pages of the Dragonic Reverse thread. That's because I figured that any such developments would have been updated in the first post, which is what usually happens in tech discussions.

Also, I looked up brah. It gave me 2 posts as the results. Neither had anything to do with Yoshi.
Here are the results: http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?searchid=1491488

Trust me, I made sure to look around for mentions of this tech before I bothered spending time on the video.

Nothing came up, and that's why I'm here.

If it was easy to find, I wouldn't have done this. But it's not easy to find. We, as a community, should strive to make ALL techs easily accessible to all players. That is what I am doing.

Having this hidden within 30 pages of posts in the DR thread is hardly making it accessible.

Also, yes, it's Dragonic Reverse. But grammatically speaking, it should be Draconian Reverse. I decided to mix up the two since this tech isn't exactly the same as the Dragonic Reverse.

I will follow your suggestion though and post it on Vyse's thread.
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