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Super SSE


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
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Assault on Hyrule Castle

Yoshi runs along side the boar, carrying Luigi on his back. Yoshi moves to get close, and both Luigi and Yoshi give their combined effort, and finally side-track the boar off the edge. The boar falls to the abyss below, prompting King Bulbin to scream in rage as he turns his back on the heroic duo, who take the opportunity to bring him down. Mario leaps through the air and drives his fist into Bulbin's exposed back, as Link dives through the air and finishes the leader off with a downward thrust. Bulbin gives a gasp, then rolls over and falls into the abyss below. The remaining bulbin scatter like flies after their King's defeat, leaving the way to Hyrule open.

SSE Level 4
Play as: Mario, Link, Luigi, Yoshi
Goal: Get to Hyrule Castle!

Hyrule Castle Majestically sits in the background, and lo and behold, that seems to be your destination. Even now, however, it seems Ganon's minions are laying the castle under siege, time to hurry, it seems. Choose your character and begin the advance. The level beginson a standard plain with no death pits and few enemies. but you sson find yourself at the back of Ganon's army, and the enemies and even a few new contraptions show up. Once you get the hang of how a couple trebuchets(catapult) fire, a sidestep dodge can keep you safe and your shield in good health.

In this level you encounter the Iron Knuckle, whom under the TP setting, could even be considered a mini-boss of sorts. He attacks slow and is invincible from the front, but his back-midsection is massive damage and shouldn't prove a problem with a well timed dodge roll. Get hit, however, and you might just be out of luck. It hits heavily, and may drain your HP the most boss hits.

You make it to Hyrule Market, still fighting the hordes of Ganondorf, and you even get some background scenes of the knights of Hyrule fighting back, and if you stick around, you can even see some knights win a battle, before being massively owned by a couple trebuchets. Move unto the Castle grounds got another Iron Knuckle battle, this time against two. With them comes the first appearance of the Greap, so stay alert and try and snipe him out - or go for the aerial combos if your Mario.

Mercenaries from another land

After a small scene where Link rolls around a Knuckle and dismantles it from behind, the Hero of Time turns around to see another, different color Knight swinging it's gigantic weapon at him. As Link feebly tries to raise his shield in time, a white flash emits.

Before Link stands another knight, his large, flowing cape blowing in the wind caused by the moment. The strength of the knight alone is impressive, and it pushes off the Knuckles weapon and sets it off balance. Link gasps audibly as Luigi and Mario rush to his side. The knight motions for them to move on, as two more knights of similar design rush to the first knights aid. The Knuckle gets up and reaches for his hammer. As he does, the Toad Knight from before rushes up, brandishing his spear towards it. The red Knight points towards the castle one more time, and the four heroes hesitantly leave the four other knights.

Boss Battle: Iron General
Play As: Ike, Marth, Roy, Toad Knight
Yes, I added Roy too.
Goal: Defeat the General!

While it is slightly unfair that you have yet to play as any of the other knights, you may choose on the Toad knight for familiarity, but the three Fire Emblem stars act much like you expect them to. However, Roy was offered a new moveset, where his attacks are slower then Marth's and not as strong as Ike, he does have many fire-based manuvers and does not suffer from any cool down lag from the majority of his attacks.

This Iron Knuckle is one hell of a fighter. However, Counter works wonders on his attacks, which are generally predictable. He does boast a wide array of attacks that his counter-parts do not, as well as a wide, tornado-like attack that punishes dodge rolls and covers his backside. Attacking in the front is possible, but unless you spam Toad Knight's Spear Throw, it becomes difficult not to be punished.

The General does have one attack that is hard to avoid, and that's his hammer charge. He rushes forward, flailing his hammer. However, Using a counter can negate the damage and return it for more, so it shouldn't be feared.

Payment is due.
Ike turns to the Toad Knight, apparently expecting something from him. The little Toad dashes over to the fallen general, and a small scene ensues where Toad pulls out a large wallet from the general and hands it to Ike. Marth and Roy turn to Ike with blank expressions on their face. Instead of being peeved, Ike smiles and pockets the cash, handing over a couple rupees over to the Toad, who looks at the shinies before putting them in his own wallet. A large explosion takes place overhead, and all four of them look up, before dashing towards the castle.

SSE Level 5
Play as: Mario, Luigi, Link, Yoshi
Goal: Get to the throne room!

This is a ridiculously short mission, only two rooms. As soon as you enter, you are facing an onslaught of enemies, butit shouldn't be too much of a problem. Yoshi's eggs should prove useful here for sniping enemies from a fair distance while the other heroes take care of anything upfront.

As you bash through the door, another fighting section takes place, this time with Primid and Two Iron Knuckles. A Greap and a number of Shaydas appear here, but as long you keep yourselves busy, this can't be a hard fight, not with such familiar characters... right?

The King of Evil

After the last Iron Knuckle falls, shadowbugs start pouring in the middle and start to cover up the body. The brothers do their best to send fireballs into the see of bugs, but to no avail. However, the bugs go as quickly as they came. Lefty with puzzled looks, A large explosion happens at the end of the room. Luigi screams as the throne is thrown across the room, high into the air. It shatters out a high window and the last rays of the sun fade with it.

Ganondorf strides in, holding Zelda by the neck by one arm. Link rushed forward to help, but Ganon threatens Zelda with a glowing fist. Left with nothing to do, Link can only stand and glare as Zelda struggles against the evil king. Ganondorf smiles with almost insane maliciousness as the heroes can only stand and witness him. Ike and the rest of the Knights enter the room, only to have Mario hold them off, pointing towards Zelda's helpless position.

Outside, the shadowbugs from before rush around outside, and find their way over to the Iron General.

Ganondorf laughs evilly as he begins to pull out his sword. Using Zelda as a human shield, he makes his way down the steps. As Link starts to back away, a tell-tale ringing noise fills the room. Ganondorf looks puzzled a moment before a beam of light stabs him in the hand, causing him to not only drop his sword, but Zelda gets an effective kick in and sends him into the wall. Picking up his Sword, Zelda joins the ranks of the heroes as they look around to try and find the source of the help.

Up above on the broken window, Pit brings his bow down and glides into the room, landing in between Luigi and Roy, the latter of which seems focused on Pit's hair. Meanwhile, Ganon pulls himself from the wreckage he caused in the wall and faces the hero, a look of pure malice on his face. As he pulls out a small vial, the Toad Knight gasps and rushes forward, but it far too late. Ganon laughs as he begins to transform into the Evil Beast King Ganon. He immediately knocks Zelda aside with one of his tusks, sending the Sword of Sages high up and into the wall. As the giant faces the group, Roy audibly mocks the Beast with two Pink Oiks, causing Ganon to go into a rage.

Boss Battle: The Beast King Ganon
Play as: Mario, Luigi, Link, Yoshi, Ike, Marth, Roy, Pit, Toad Knight, Zelda
Note: Zelda's Down+B is disabled.
Lives: 6(In a Four player battle, only two people can die before everyone is on their final fighter)
Goal: Defeat Ganon!

Ganon is one hell of a fight. Despite the number of characters at your disposal, he's got the fittings of a last boss. Ganon spams his charge move, which is fast enough to hit a counter and blaze right through without getting it in most cases. However, due to the speed, a spot dodge or a high enough jump will cover the distance, just know at lower life, he may charge multiple times.

He also has a number of stomp and kick routines, and even has a small jump attack. He'll buck around and destroy structures on the stage, slowly making it a Final destination like battlefield as the fight progresses. This is to encourage spot dodging instead of jumping.

Ganon's Life Bar is the largest so far, and decreases the least. While it is wholly possible to defeat him with one character only, it's very much a good idea to bring a couple friends for the ride. For fun and to keep the time attack down.

Evil King Reborn

As Link cuts into the stomach of the Beast, it flails and falls over backwards, writhing in pain, before coming deathly still. As Luigi and Roy start to celebrate, Marth, Mario, and Yoshi thank Pit for the help. Zelda and Link embrace a moment, while Yoshi decides now is a good time to sniff the princess. Zelda seems to find this adorable, and begins to pet Yoshi, when a low, earth rumbling tremble emits from Ganon's downed body. Link draws his sword as Marth and Mario take the front lines with him, just as shadowbugs pour in from the windows and cracks. Rushing past the heroes, they enter Ganon as he glows a dark, purple hue.

In a flash of brilliant darkness, Ganon stands, arms crossed, with dark armor and a pulsating aura. Link attempts to rush his foe, but Ganon merely grabs the Master sword at the blade and smacks Link away, effectively knocking him right out. Ganon peers at the Blade of evil's bane, and slowly turns it and grabs the hilt. With a small gesture, The Sword of Sages detaches from the wall and flies into his other hand. The evil king raises his hand into the air, and Zelda with it, and throws her into the wall. Pit and Toad run over to assist her, and with a deep, evil laugh, Ganon once again faces the heroes.

Boss Battle: The Evil King
Play as: Marth, Mario, Roy, Ike, Yoshi, Luigi
Lives: 6
Goal: Defeat the Evil King Ganon!

Ganon for top tier! Somehow wielding the Master Sword and the Sword of Sages, there doesn't seem to be much hope for the heroes, but even so, you gotta fight, you gotta win.

Unlike the other battle, Ganon acts with his own moveset, plus a few other 'super moves', customary to a boss. Ganon suffers from no hitlag, and almost never leaves the ground, except to land somewhere else when the heroes being used corner him. While a sniper or someone who is just plain epic with counter can defeat Ganon without dying, the chances are slim.

Ganon isn't very fast, but he is a step up from his unchanged counterpart. The only non-sword attacks come from his dtilt and ftilt, which are much the same. The sword attacks are fast with jabs and the utilt, but his smashes are slow, except for the Dsmash, which he will spam if you surround him.

Ganon does not have as much life then in beast form, but don't take that as a plus - he has more then enough options to send you on your way.

A Hasty Escape

Mario jumps through the air, only to fake Ganon out and bounce right off his head. Furious, the king turns around to kill Mario, Only to have Yoshi's tongue wrap around him. As Ganon swings his sword, the dino strafes to the left to avoid getting his tongue severed. Ganon drops the Master Sword a moment and grabs Yoshi's tongue, bringing him in. Luigi launches and lands on Yoshi's back, As the swordsman surround Ganondorf. As Ganondorf yanks Yoshi one last time, Luigi gets a lucky throat shot with his open hand, which causes Ganondorf to fall on the floor, choking for air. As Ike retrieves the Master Sword, Ganondorf glares at all of them, and right before their very eyes, melts away into the ground...
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