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Super SSE -lolpun-


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
Link to original post: [drupal=931]Super SSE -lolpun-[/drupal]

Yeah, it's a pun of my name. Get over it.

I saw this on Make your Move 4, and some people were doing it, and I thought it might be fun. I don't care if it's a submission or not - I just want to have some fun writing.

A couple notes. I will be using only the 35 characters available for Brawl, or if I do add a character or two, it will be probably be of my own choosing, but just so you know, the characters I'll be contemplating as I write will be Krystal, Tails, Knuckles, Lloyd Irving, and maybe one more.

...A far stretch from my earlier statement, but whether or not they will be playable in my 'scenario' of sorts, remains to be seen. The only one for sure that would be playable, if they make an appearance, would be Lloyd. Anyway, without further adu...

Oh, and just to be clear, only healing items that appear from floating blocks or plot items appear in my SSE. None of this random bom-omb crap.

NOTE: This is played in STAMINA Mode, not stock. This is to rectify annoying camera issues.

Where else to start but the MUSHROOM KINGDOM 1-1
Opening scene unfolds upon Peach's Castle, with the princess sitting on her throne, listening to the complaints of the peasants in her daily audiences with the public. Peach's face notes interest in the claims that the toad on the floor is making. She gets up to call over the ever-ready Toadsworth to her side, but, almost as if on cue, The glass shatters overhead and basking in the new light, Bowser descends unto the scene and leaps from his clown car.

Landing on the ground, the Koopa King wastes no time in dispatching the ground troops as his force storms the castle. Laughing in his 'creepy Bowser laugh', he turns upon the princess, gnashing his teeth. The princess takes time to look away a moment, before raising her hands in a defensive position. This time, it seems, the princess isn't going out without a fight. Hastily, a small toad rushes to her side, holding a spear as he trembles to assist the princess.

Boss Battle: Bowser
Player: Peach
Second Player: Toad Knight(Okay I lied. Toad is playable.)
Special condition: Beat Bowser!

A quick montage of Bowser being hit by a frying pan, a racket, and a golf club quickly flashes by the screen as he stumbles backwards. Reeling from the blows by the Princess and her little Knight, Bowser grimices, as if actually considering defeat by the hands of the Princess herself. Peach looks relieved for a moment. Suddenly, Bowser reaches into a nearby Koopa's pouch and pulls out a small vial. Peach raises her weapon(randomly generated) and the Toad braces himself. The Koopa King downs the vial in one gulp.

Cue in an epic transformation sequence for Giga Bowser, who now stands at the center of the room, his dominant form standing tall among his ranks. Peach makes an audible gasp, as the Toad feints in an attempt of comic relief. Swooping the Princess up into one of his giant claws, Bowser brings her right up close to his face. Within his eyes, Peach sees a disturbing, purplish hue emanating from behind it. She isn't given much time at all to ponder it, as she is suddenly whipped around as Giga Bowser leads his troops away from the castle.

Mushroom Kingdom 1-2

Mario makes his way through the Mushroom Forest, riding on the back of Yoshi(Randomly generated color, 1% chance of either white or black Yoshi), as they quickly try to head towards the rising smoke of the castle. As they make their way to the town, they see the destruction and even the forms of unmoving Toads strewn about the roads. Yoshi runs faster, but an incoherent yelling from the surviving populace cause the plumber and his dino companion to look in another direction towards Bowser's retreating army. Mario hops off his stead as some remnants of Bowser's army turn to see the hero's arrival. As they move in closer, Yoshi comes to Mario's side, looking ready for a fight.

SSE Level 1
Play as: Mario, Yoshi
Second player assumes control of remaining hero

Screen loads Mario only in a black abyss, standing next to a 'X 4', an obvious derivative of the beginning of the original Mario games. Mario can be controlled right and as he reaches the end of the screen, it scrolls towards the scene at hand, and once the blackness is cleared, Yoshi loads and the level begins.

Start off by dispatching a few of Bowser's baddies and move on through the Mushroom Kingdom, making sure to avoid bottomless pits and fires. As the level progresses, the scene changes from a destroyed city to a more greener pasture and small village, and then to an open plateau.

Level ends with a minor battle against 2 MagiKoopas and a small army of Red and Green Koopas. Exit via Y axis point.

Mushroom Kingdom 1-3

Mario and Yoshi stop near a bridge, which as the last bits of Bowser's army cross, a MagiKoopa flies overhead and zaps the bridge, effectively destroying Mario and Yoshi's only means of pursuit. A quick scene displays Mario and Yoshi seperating down either cliffside, and then meet back up. There is no crossing without the bridge. Mario looks on towards the last of Bowser's army, which fades from view over another cliff, and the banner of the Koopa King disappears over the hillside. Close up on the despair on Mario's face, the fade to black.


The scene returns, showing Luigi as he bolts towards his brother, waving his arms about. As he skids to a halt, he nearly falls over the cliff towards the river below, but Yoshi reels him in before he falls over. Chattering his teeth, the cowardly plumber hands Mario a small envelope. Mario stares at the writing on the front, which reads 'To the Royalty of the Mushroom Kingdom'. Turning it over, Mario looks upon the royal seal of the Hyrulean Kingdom. Looking over to his brother, and then to Yoshi, Mario carefully opens the letter.

"To my dear friend Princess Peach,
I have endured horrible times in my kingdom. The evil king Ganondorf has broken free from the Sacred Realm of our land and is wrecking havoc at the smaller villages of Hyrule. Our Hero of Time, the boy Link, is missing from our lands in this time of great need! Please, you must help us in this crisis, we have exhausted all other options. I beseach you, send help!
-From the Princess of the Kingdom of Hyrule,
Your Friend, Princess Zelda"

Mario jumps unto the back of Yoshi, who immediately sets off towards the genera direction of Hyrule. Luigi takes off his cap, waving at his brother as he leaves.

"Bye Bye"

As he does so, he suddenly gets a frightened look on his face. Mario pulls a U-turn on Yoshi and they charge the younger brother, Mario pulling on Luigi as they perform a second U-turn, Yoshi toting both Mario and an unwilling Luigi towards the Kingdom of Hyrule.

SSE Level 2 - Head to Hyrule!
Play as: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi
New option! Third player is now available!
Goal: Make it to Death Mountain!

This level plays much like the last, except the open plateau slowly changes scenes over to a colder, mountain climate as the level visibly goes higher up.

About half-way through the level, Mario, Yoshi, and Luigi enter a cave where the rest of the level takes place, as they fight through not only Bowser's spread-out squads, but some enemies of a more Hylian nature.

Quick cutscene
As Mario and his crew move straight up by a rock, propelled by force of lava underneath, they trio hop off as the Rock locks into place at an open hole in the top. Magma seeps up around the cracks as Luigi hastens to remove himself from the danger, but Mario pays attention to a small form nearby. As Mario gets closer, the figure suddenly turns around, revealing the first Primid of the game. As it registers Mario's size, it suddenly makes a weird Nose. The camera focuses on Mario, whom the player can see Luigi cowering behind his brother, peering over his shoulder. Suddenly, Shadow bugs climb up over and unto the summit of the mountain, and begin to take shape.

SSE Battle 1
Play as: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi
Goal: Defeat the enemies

The Battle takes place against the normal Primids, and slowly spawns harder enemies, ending with two Fire Primids and a Shadyas(or however you spell it).

Mushroom Border

As Yoshi hip-drops the final Primid, the camera shifts around Mario sending a few Fireballs into the core of the Shadyas. As the creature falls, Luigi cheers for victory. Only for a moment, as he soon point behind Mario in a frightened fashion, revealing a second Shadyas. As Mari turns to block himself, an arrow pierces through the core of the creature as it falls. Link dives into the scene, and pulling out a second arrow, uses his magic to create a Light Arrow and destroys the Shadyas with it. Mario breathes a sigh of relief as Link wipes sweat off his brow, apparently having just reached the top of the summit. As Link and Mario apparently converse, Yoshi idles near the edge of the summit, looking at the last few retreating shadow bugs as they escape down the summit. A small burp exhales a few more bugs for comedic effect.

The camera shifts over to Mario, whom is just handing over the letter to Link. The Hero of Time quickly scans the letter, and with an audible gasp, thanks Mario for the letter and turns and runs down the mountain. Mario turns to his Brother and his friend, and they quickly jump and run down after him - even Luigi.

SSE Level 3
Play as: Mario, Link, Luigi, Yoshi
New Option! Play with all four controllers!
Goal: Get to Kakariko!

A generally short level to introduce Primids and normal Hylian enemies into normal stages. Death Mountain music plays as they four character occupy the screen at once. While the screen primarily focuses on the first player, it most definetely does not leave out the other players, and stretches out to an acceptable distance. The screen centers and has a slight favoring towards Player one. This level would probably be well known for it's vast amount of bottomless pits and health draining lava, but the game will not end if the first player bites the big one. The level only needs one player to reach the bottom.

Kakariko Villiage

Link and the others enter the quiet town of Kakariko from the Mountain entrance. At least, it should be quiet. With the return of Ganon, the Bulbin army has become excited and are currently raiding the village. Mario is first to hop down, followed by Yoshi. Link takes a moment to view the scene before launching two arrows, and then hoping down as well, sword drawn.

Luigi takes a moment, looking over the scene in fright. Closing his eyes, the plumber takes a deep breath, gulps, and is then scared by a Goron who decides to survey the scene. Luigi falls down and lands on his head, and as he pops out and looks up, He is surrounded by Mario, Link, and Yoshi as the Bulbin army closes in on their squad.

SSE Battle 2
Play as: Mario, Link, Luigi, Yoshi
Goal: Destroy the Bulbin offensive!

This battle plays out much like the last. Defeat all the enemies.

King Bulbin

As the bulbins groan and twitch around the heroes. Luigi makes Kung-Fu like gestures towards the downed enemies. Yoshi even takes a moment to kick one to make sure it's staying down. Link unsheathes his sword as Mario approaches with him. They exit the town and start to cross the Bridge of Eldin. Luigi and Yoshi take notice as the giant King Bulbin on his 'hog approach from the other side.

SSE Boss Battle 2
Play as: Mario, Link, Luigi, Yoshi
Goal: Defeat King Bulbin and his boar!
Bosses: King Bulbin, Boar, two bulbins that respawn at timed intervals.
Stage: Bridge of Eldin
Special conditions: Normal Brawl Physics apply - getting knocked off the stage will kill you.

Bulbin is a powerful boss, swinging his gigantic spiked club around as if it were nothing. The boar itself is an enemy with it's power tusks and high charging speed. For the first part of the boss, they attack together, charging and swinging the club around. But when either of them reach 1/2 life, Bulbin dismounts and the battle gets more hectic. Very doable with one person, but very fun with four players. The boar continues to rush by, dealing major damage with it's tusks. However, it is a bit mindless and pretty predictable, so it's the easier target. Yoshi may have a problem with it, however, as it is a very open to straight projectiles.

Bulbin, however, is a beast. He swings his club around and sends any smasher it connects with a far distance. This is not exactly easy to dodge either, and seems to trigger when you complete a laggy attack(Smash attacks, actually). He also supports a fairly quick punch and moves around with large jumps.

The stage does not, however, open up to the pit below, so do not worry about that. Take note that the sides of the bridge are infested with remnants of the Bulbin army, and any smashed near or hit to far into them will take damage or be instantly defeated.

Assault on Hyrule Castle

To Be Continued... (Shortly?)
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