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Super Nebulous 4 Feat. Hungrybox, Westballz, Hax, The Moon, and More + Smash Sisters!

Will Hungybox lose at Super Nebulous 4?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Not A Chance!

    Votes: 39 84.8%

  • Total voters
Set to be streamed live from NebuluousGaming on Hitbox.tv, Super Nebulous 4 looks to be quite the Melee spectacular. This one day event is set to take place March 26th and the event has proven so popular that it reached its cap, the waitlist to get in had to be closed, and spectators cannot enter the venue. New York really knows how to host a tournament and big names like Hungrybox, Westballz, Hax, and more are set to attend with a Smash Sisters event to boot. With a unique ruleset and tournament format as well as massive talent in attendance Super Nebulous 4 is the Melee tournament to watch this weekend. Here is everything you need to know about the event!

Three Powerhouse Picks

"I am Hungrybox. I'm here to win." words straight from the mouth of this Melee God after his recent victory at Battle of the Five Gods. He was able to get through all of the other gods and all coming challengers to win his first tournament with all five Gods present and take home $13,000. Hungrybox looks like the favorite to win with this massive wave of momentum behind him, a wave that "will never end" in his own words. Can anyone take down this True God of Smash?

The most likely hopeful is Westballz but unfortunately at Battle of the Five Gods Hungrybox was the one who came out on top and currently Hungrybox has a winning record against Westballz. Westballz has had his fair share of wins against the Gods and does have a famous 3-2 over Hungrybox at MVG Sandstorm last year. However, as the saying goes, "Westballz can defeat anyone, but anyone can defeat Westballz." If his performance is top notch we may get to see this matchup yet again but there are other big names in the way of him reaching it.

One of those players is Hax. Recently he has made his comeback to the scene once again after a second indefinite hiatus due to issues with insomnia placing an impressive 3rd place at Shots Fired 2. This once Falcon main turned technical Fox player can break though many brackets but might still be shaking off the rust. Is he set to make his comeback in a big way at Super Nebulous 4?

The Undercards

This tournament is set to see many interesting bouts not just within those top three players mentioned as these players duke it out in hopes of coming home with the grand prize. Not everyone can be a powerhouse but these are the players rising up the ranks aspiring to be. One of these players is Clash Tournament's own The Moon who actually eliminated and outplaced Hax at Shots Fired 2. He has been making a slow climb up the ranks up two points from last year's SSBMRank and is currently the highest ranked solo Marth main in the world. However, he has previous been upset in bracket by those playing low tier characters and two people will be attending who could cause issue. Qerb, a Game and Watch main, and Phish-It, a Donkey Kong main, have both personally done this to him previously and will be attending the event. Add in Green Ranger's Donkey Kong and the low tiers will have a time to shine.

This isn't the end of the big names attending either. Both Swedish Delight and Slox will be at the event, the doubles partners famous for taking two sets off Hungrybox and Axe to eliminate them from doubles at Genesis 3. Professor Pro recently placed 4th at Shots Fired 2 and if he can get through these other big names and Hax who eliminated him, could see himself going deep into bracket. Put Kira, dizzkidboogie, Crush, and Captain Smuckers into the mix and Super Nebulous 4 looks to be quite the cocktail of big talent.

Smash Sisters

Emily "emilywaves" Sun will be hosting the Smash Sisters side event at Super Nebulous four and quite a few ladies have signed up to show off their Melee skills on live stream.Thirteen women have signed up including Satan and Lyric who will be bringing their strong Sheik play to the event and Moko who plans to use Peach. The full list of all thirteen competitors includes emilywaves, Masha, Mizuki, Moko, Satan, Sailor Mercury, Jabberwock, sad dad, Lyric, zeccet, n0id, Jempanda, and WhiteWind.

A Dairing Format And Ruleset

While not the first regional to ever attempt this, Super Nebulous 4 looks to be one the first high profile events to use a frozen form of Pokemon Stadium in tournament. This will make it so that when the stage is chosen, there will be no stage transformations during play. This will not be done using 20XX TE however, but by using the Nebulous codeset which "is a very minimal codeset suited for tournaments." This codeset makes for neutral starts, has no need for a memory card, and adds in stage striking.

The frozen stage will be available as a counterpick just as the regular Pokemon Stadium is. TIt will be interesting to see how this ends up affecting the stage picking process, matchups, and what kinds of feedback top players attending will have for the ruleset.

Another interesting quality of Super Nebulous four is how it will handle pools. For the singles side of the event, one round of round robin pools will be split into two waves, with each pool feeding into one of four double elimination brackets. These brackets are the Pro, Intermediate, Amateur, and Buster brackets respectively. This will give players of all skill levels a chance to compete for glory and a bit of spotlight.

Once again the event is set to take place on March 26th and will be streamed by NebuluousGaming on Hitbox.tv. A special thank you to the Hitbox.tv blog for some of the information provided in this article. More information is available on its Smashboards event post. Excited to see some epic Melee? Tell us in the comments below and don't forget to tune in on Saturday to catch the action!


I hope frozen pokemon stadium is standard by end of the year, and that slowly other wack stages can be fixed and playable.
Frozen Stadium could be nice, not sure if scene will accept Non-Vanilla stages or tweaks to stages but this will be interesting to watch.
Well I'm just someone who writes the articles, but Smash Sisters events are starting to become a thing at a lot of majors and ALL women are accepted :)
Awesomeness :D I mean if someone argued otherwise, I figured I'd say something unorthodox. Actually I'll say it anyway, if anyone wants to hear it or is secretly lurking out there disagreeing with the value that everyone should be accepted. And because I really want to put this out there. Its not directed at anyone!

While I think it would be non-progressive and outcasting and overall disappointing saddening thing if trans women weren't accepted, I think I understand the point of view that only cis women should compete.

So here's my short argument/debate/essay/getting this off my chest thingy if anyone wants to disagree, or to just read it to hear an opinion, or whatever (just please source me if you're gonna quote this! Otherwise its like plagarizing, yo) its not directed at or against anyone! Well my opinion clashes but I'm not mad at anyone or against anyone.

Smash Sisters is awesome. For one, its bringing women to the community. And the community still needs a feminine presence if you ask me. Too much BO (kidding! mostly...but hey, I'm still not at or against you, you do you, i just won't stand so close, k? ;P and maybe you don't want me to stand close cuz im a ****** XP ok don't pity me though, im not gollum and you're not frodo. if you are Frodo, HMU!) And again I like the idea of Smash Sisters, a lot! Especially because its a chance for me to be accepted and part of something, tbh.(...and people who tend to smell nicer. OK now im done) But hey, who doesn't want to see how women stack up to men, right? Well.

I mean, I imagine Smash Sisters is attractive to gamers who want to see girls play and compare them to men. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Since our culture is binary and sees the genders as more different than they/we are, it does reinforce non-factual stereotypes, of which are created because we often rely on social interaction to form many of our beliefs (often without realizing it, I reckon) and we further tend to compare men to women without realizing it (in my opinion and in my experience interacting with people, especially men, at least in my opinion). So besides my obvious argument that all women should be accepted because I am a woman too (see my numbered out argument below), I see the opposing side. I mean, I used to have a "male" brain, right? At least, people might see it that way. And hey, I know that the fun thing is proving peoples' opinions wrong, so I'm all for showing that women can compete with men!

My argument, layed out, is that, for 1: male and female gamers don't have any discernible differences in terms of skill/talent, or attributes therein. I mean, maybe on average men have faster reaction times and women have more emotional understanding. Maybe. I have no idea if those are averages, they're just what came to mind at first.

2: If we do have any differences, they may be socially caused, and we attribute them to genetics. People say women are more emotional...but boys are taught to repress emotions. In my experience, from taking hormones, I do tend to cry easier. But only by a little bit. I also tend to be less angry and prone to rage quitting. I also am not as driven to win as I used to be. But even that is just my own personal experience, and one person should not be what data is based off of. Because what if my changes are from me accepting myself more than just the different hormone levels?

3: Concerning trans women and genetic women differences: Just because I was fated with XY chromosomes, that doesn't mean anything else about me is necessarily male. Even neurologists and psychologists have a difficult time pinpointing the gender differences in the brain, AFAIK. My opinion is that even though I have a male body, my brain is decidedly more female, if not completely. But again, we are more similar than different. Its not like one gender has a brain part that the other doesn't. We're all made from the same sperm and egg, people! Not literally the same but we're all hoomans! In fact, genitals are just physical differences literally only caused by hormone levels pre-natally (if you're interested in learning more, look up sexual differentiation, all fetuses start out identical...and we have tails!). Furthermore, even if the brain parts are slightly different, this goes to counter that: there have been studies that show trans women's brains reacting similarly to cis women's in MRI scans.

4: Acknowledging the other side: I do think there are some male attributes that I have, due to being socialized for 21 years as one. But I hated every (conscious, waking) minute of that socialization. So if women are put down by the patriarchy, then the confusion, denial, ostracization, and etc that happens to trans women by at least part of society, ought to amount to some sort of similar perspective--that is, having the brain of a woman and the body of a man would make us interpret things in a female way while being taught in a male way. So I don't think there's any distinct male advantage I'd have if I was competing against other women.

5: If I do have some sort of male advantage that I don't see (you can point it out, I might debate with you if I disagree though), then I also have the disadvantage of not being socialized around women and as a woman, because society didn't see me as one (shaping how people treat me instantly. From my experience being androgynous, one of if not the first thing people do when interacting with me is to try and determine my gender, so their brain can click into the heuristics and behaviours aligning with my identity in their eyes), and I was too shy to speak up, at risk of being put down and denied and shunned and shamed etc (again no pity please, I don't want to rhetorically persuade you). This could mean I wouldn't understand the intricacies, subtleties, nuances, what have you, of the way women interact and further, compete, as well as most cis women do.

Conclusion thing:

Its frustrating enough that non esports are segregated (physical differences is a decent point but idk, my opinion on that is complicated but i understand the segregation for the most part) BUT

ESPORTS SHOULD NEVER BE SEGREGATED. HUZZAH! (don't huzzah with me unless you're staying individually fully aware, I get frightened at the thought of the mob mentality, fyi.)

So yeah!
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