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Sumting Sumting Maifa | Game Over


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
yeah, but it also says

So, I think objectivity might be thrown out the window.
That is fair, the ops lately have been interesting.
Um... it's right here.
I have no idea how I missed that when I just checked the Op
Probably posted as a red herring. I think that's there to deter us from breaking the game via roles, and focus on individual play.
You think lower power is a miss direction?

How so?


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
My apologies, I saw a separate category for town lean and null to town lean and assumed null to scum lean meant nullscum
Yeah I had the former separate because I felt the slots in null to town didn’t deserve a null reading or a full town one, but my bottom listings didn’t have anyone that stuck out like that.


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
I just... I really don't have many thoughts, other then being suspicious of Sabrar, and Pythag didn't have a great opener.
You're only going to learn how to play by actually playing. Pick one post that you like or don't like. Talk about something specific that you find suspicious or good in it.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm talking about what Pythag pointed out. The 'trust me' part. I agree that objectivity should be thrown out the window. I'll be taking a break from thread, I'll be back later tonight. Watching Game of Thrones and playing a scrim in Splatoon 2. I'll have my reads list ready. Xivii Xivii I expect you to have yours ready too.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
3DS has a unique roll, which could easily be verified and basically confirm town (My assumption is that it'd be way too powerful a scum role).
Suppose for a moment that Ninja has the role he described. How is it too powerful for scum? The Shadow cannot provide any useful reads to Ninja because Ninja already knows who is scum. The only advantage he can give lies in the perception of town, i.e. town believes that the power must be townie..


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
Sabrar, it would be ricidulously op because I could bring in another scum player for a day. That's really stupidly overpowered.

For town, it's not that OP.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2020
These highlights seem odd to me. Seems like an unwarranted defense of Sabrar while exaggerating the content of the posts, and puts them in a town lean which seems like a stronger indicator than "null town". I'm finding it hard to believe anyone has that strong of a town feeling out of Sabrar's play. I'd have half a mind to say these two would be scummates together.

Then there's his read on me. He almost copies my own summary of my play style. Keeps me town lean to try and keep me around. Like, what does it even mean that I'd normally be null scum, but some posts seem townie? What's the "normal" being referenced?

The reads on Triss and 3ds seem like low hanging lynch fruit. The general consensus seems Triss is newbie townie, meaning new to the format. So there's overemphasis on total experience rather than format experience. 3DS has a unique roll, which could easily be verified and basically confirm town (My assumption is that it'd be way too powerful a scum role). I think it's unwarranted to push for a lynch here this early on 3DS, or Triss for that matter.
I'll be going in paragraph order to address this

First, town read is a strong feeling of town, ton lean is their play has been leaning towards that of town, and null town is while not a lot sticks out on either side they feel a bit more town than a true null. And I do have what I would consider good enough for a town lean on Sabrar.

I dont know where you get that I keep you as town lean since you are in the null category meaning I can't place you in either side. Yes I close to copied your summary of yourself since everyone seemed to agree with it and I haven't played with you before. The normal referred to is usually I put people who have a scummy meta in nullscum until they've proven strongly otherwise, you felt more null.

Where are you getting this general consensus? I've only seen laser guy say something about triss being newbie really.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Sabrar, it would be ricidulously op because I could bring in another scum player for a day. That's really stupidly overpowered.

For town, it's not that OP.
and once per game, at any time, I can have said person be able to talk in the game, at the cost of losing him forever when the next night phase starts
If he is able to vote, then yes, it is OP for scum, but your earlier words didn't give me that impression. Bringing in another scum is only strong if we actually believe them, which goes back to the perception issue.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2020
Yeah I had the former separate because I felt the slots in null to town didn’t deserve a null reading or a full town one, but my bottom listings didn’t have anyone that stuck out like that.
I understand now, having one scum lean is better than having one null scum since stleast now I get you are more convinced about your one scum suspicion and bumps you up to null for me.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2020
In Quarantine
Probably posted as a red herring. I think that's there to deter us from breaking the game via roles, and focus on individual play.
The setup is explicitly labeled as non-******* and the OP says the mod will not lie or attempt to deceive us in any way. Your interpretation here feels like you have a lot more information about the setup than I do.

Town lean on pythag.

Vote: Ranmaru


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
3ds- first off, outside of the whole shadow business his play has been very weird. But taking the whole shadow business into account it makes 0 sense. Beanies what sabrar has already pointed out that being able to choose anyone would be ridiculous and makes way more sense to not be the truth, besides the host mentioned their were no unnaoncued mentors. If 3ds was town and had a town shadow they should be posting as much as possible and getting more reads out from both them and their shadow. This would give town a huge boost but instead they have stayed in the shadows and mainly been defensive while only commenting on triss and Pythag in small ways. Atleast the Pythag part had some reasoning but the thing on triss was just him saying a few times lay of Triss without really giving any reasoning even when asked.
I get all this, but really I don't see why a scum team would risk this. As pointed out the "shadow" seems to be a more experiences player, why would a scum team with an experienced player risk causing a big deal about a scum team member with all this?

This would give town a huge boost but instead they have stayed in the shadows
heh stayed in the shadows, nice.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2020
I think its definitely a risky play but one that could secure a, no offense, but ninja seems a bit more inexperienced and securing him an easier in with town could be worth the risk.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Welcome Spak. Why are you pushing Laser, I don't see you explain that when voting him.
I said in the paragraph above the post that I've been falling on the opposite side of the fence on a lot of things he's brought up (and I thought the fact that he didn't really have anything on Z25, said you looked scummy and they weren't actively hunting town, then went after him rather than you was odd). He says he'll have a read list up by end-of-phase, though, so I'm hoping that the

His whole issue with Boom also seems off (since it seems like he was trying to make a pressure vote look at the end of RVS look like trying to hammer a scum). The only post that I think is fair to complain about is where LaserGuy's #207 making a comment about Boom's #98 (since it seems more like a call-to-action rather than straight pressure), but aside from that I'm not seeing it. Maybe it's just because I don't have the meta justification for it (as I'm seeing some other players citing), but people do try to switch up their Mafia play to remain unpredictable; unless it's an established tactic from scum!Boom, I'd think that they would try to more closely emulate their townie play than being the first to bite.

Only scum!Boom motivation I could think of is to use this interaction as a distancing strategy for himself and scum!Triss after realizing that someone would bite on the claim (knowing they could play off of the noob angle to clear Triss in the end, and Boom could get off with only a little heat at the moment through claiming a pressure vote), but Triss' reactions seem too immediate poorly strategized for forum Mafia for me to believe that they're coordinating with anyone before posting (which does not necessarily mean that they're town since I know a lot of people with a more hands-off approach concerning scumteam communication, but makes the only non-noob scum!Boom rationalle I can think of unlikely). It just seems like a high-risk play without much payoff that makes Boom look worse on a scum!Triss flip (since it'll look like a started bus, and then backing out once they realized an ally could survive) for backing off and claiming it's just pressure.

I guess it's all dependent on how you view the pressure vote claim, but I still think that Laser's stance of essentially stating he shouldn't have been pushing one of town's two only conversation points doesn't make sense for a townie that is trying to figure out the game. At this point, town!Triss is scum's best friend since they're a confirmed VT (so there's no reason to kill them, bar a fakeclaim), and scum!Triss is scum's worst enemy (since they left such a paper trail on people's opinions and interactions with the slot, unless scum is coasting). Laser's impression of Triss as noob town is believable, but I don't necessarily agree with Laser's assessment in #291 of fitting the regular patter necessarily making it true (they could've easily fakeclaimed VT D1 as Mafia if they think D1 claims are standard practice in this format, and the fact that they used the term VT indicates they've played a couple of games; this doesn't even qualify as a standard case).


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Suppose for a moment that Ninja has the role he described. How is it too powerful for scum? The Shadow cannot provide any useful reads to Ninja because Ninja already knows who is scum. The only advantage he can give lies in the perception of town, i.e. town believes that the power must be townie..
I suppose "too powerful" was bad wording. My thought process is that it essentially increases the brain power of a group by 1, and, if the the role description is to be trusted, someone gets to come in and posts something and suffer no consequences as they aren't actually in the game. The actual player just loses the ability to talk to them. The perception of town, as you mentioned, is also a powerful side effect. Can I be certain it's a town role? No. But I'd be really hard pressed to believe it wasn't.


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
...shouldn't have entered in when i'm busy with finals.

Ah whatever. Tomorrow I'm done with those so I should be able to post a lot more.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
...Is there really no way to make the insert quotes function save across multiple pages? I feel like I need to have a notepad doc open to keep all this stuff if I'm out for half a day...

Ok in order of things that I can actually find:

BoomFrog BoomFrog Lots of roles might fake claim D1 in the games I've had experience with (played or watched) if the threat of mafia nightkilling them that night (or a few nights thereafter) is enough that they feel the need to, OR if they're scum and want to have some kind of record of consistency to fall back on. Not claiming at all or claiming your actual role can make you seem susp/a target for either sides' killing roles. To the point where the semi-current meta/meme in ToS is to claim medium (or soft-claim veteran) day 1 to discourage being killed, as medium in that game still functions despite being dead, and has a perception of being a night 1 kill magnet regardless of interaction.
-Spies are encouraged to claim D2 so that people can't just use knowledge from the previous days later on to claim it.
-There is always at least one guaranteed Town Protective role (assuming it's not a weird role list), so jailers will claim D1 or 2 under the assurance that either the TP claims will protect them as the most important town, or get lynched as maf or troll players.
-Vigilantes will shoot suspicious people to confirm themselves, but otherwise usually not reveal unless a witch finds and controls them.
-Retributionists (bring back one dead townie per game) will usually only claim on the stand, or right after using their ability. They're also blamed as the biggest reason maf loses if they exist.
-Quite a few people will simply not speak more than once or twice so as not to draw attention to themselves, sometimes this draws attention anyway but it's very common for doctors and bodyguards.
This meta changes about once a month or so as people take advantage or stop using it, but it's an interesting evolution certainly.
ToS's ranked scene is also currently a mess with a lot of people leaving as soon as they get a mafia role though, so there's a lot of call to have things updated in terms of power levels and such. Winning as maf is generally considered to be rare if not practically impossible, depending on rank.

Ok that's ToS, now imagine twice to three times the power (and abilities) for EVERY ROLE, and you have Throne of Lies.
ToL doesn't seem to have a overly specific meta purely due to how confusing it is. That's slowly changing but it's not set in stone by any means. It also starts with only 2 "wolves", but they can change the teams of "townies" over the course of the game to keep their numbers up.

Mindnight might as well be this kind of setup, but without kills (instead fighting for "data nodes" ala capture the flag to some degree) and on a much shorter time scale. Think the only major meta there is that hackers don't normally hack the first node.

LaserGuy LaserGuy Was waiting for the questions to be polite. No that is not a detour or smokescreen, that is simply ingrained habit from years of gaming in nonsense salt mines like League.

.....And now I'm not remembering which the last one was. Please let me know if I missed anything.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I said in the paragraph above the post that I've been falling on the opposite side of the fence on a lot of things he's brought up (and I thought the fact that he didn't really have anything on Z25, said you looked scummy and they weren't actively hunting town, then went after him rather than you was odd). He says he'll have a read list up by end-of-phase, though, so I'm hoping that the

His whole issue with Boom also seems off (since it seems like he was trying to make a pressure vote look at the end of RVS look like trying to hammer a scum). The only post that I think is fair to complain about is where LaserGuy's #207 making a comment about Boom's #98 (since it seems more like a call-to-action rather than straight pressure), but aside from that I'm not seeing it. Maybe it's just because I don't have the meta justification for it (as I'm seeing some other players citing), but people do try to switch up their Mafia play to remain unpredictable; unless it's an established tactic from scum!Boom, I'd think that they would try to more closely emulate their townie play than being the first to bite.

Only scum!Boom motivation I could think of is to use this interaction as a distancing strategy for himself and scum!Triss after realizing that someone would bite on the claim (knowing they could play off of the noob angle to clear Triss in the end, and Boom could get off with only a little heat at the moment through claiming a pressure vote), but Triss' reactions seem too immediate poorly strategized for forum Mafia for me to believe that they're coordinating with anyone before posting (which does not necessarily mean that they're town since I know a lot of people with a more hands-off approach concerning scumteam communication, but makes the only non-noob scum!Boom rationalle I can think of unlikely). It just seems like a high-risk play without much payoff that makes Boom look worse on a scum!Triss flip (since it'll look like a started bus, and then backing out once they realized an ally could survive) for backing off and claiming it's just pressure.

I guess it's all dependent on how you view the pressure vote claim, but I still think that Laser's stance of essentially stating he shouldn't have been pushing one of town's two only conversation points doesn't make sense for a townie that is trying to figure out the game. At this point, town!Triss is scum's best friend since they're a confirmed VT (so there's no reason to kill them, bar a fakeclaim), and scum!Triss is scum's worst enemy (since they left such a paper trail on people's opinions and interactions with the slot, unless scum is coasting). Laser's impression of Triss as noob town is believable, but I don't necessarily agree with Laser's assessment in #291 of fitting the regular patter necessarily making it true (they could've easily fakeclaimed VT D1 as Mafia if they think D1 claims are standard practice in this format, and the fact that they used the term VT indicates they've played a couple of games; this doesn't even qualify as a standard case).
If triss is using a fake claim I could see it be a bomb style kill maybe to bait scum. But that would be unlikely imo, as I doubt scum would target vanilla anyway, but back in the day golden had fun with shenanigans like that when in a bomb role.

I think you bring good points to both sides. The other thing that is odd with that is their sudden shift to Ran voting. Doesn’t really feel like Ran has tmi in that scenario when each player could technically view their role or claimed roles( I.E, the shadow) as stronger or weaker then setup implies. Plus I think Ran is familiar with Osie and their home site so speculating on a few hidden factors doesn’t sound as farfetch’d as Laser tried to portray it.

I will have to try and re read that whole situation later with these points in mind


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
The setup is explicitly labeled as non-******* and the OP says the mod will not lie or attempt to deceive us in any way. Your interpretation here feels like you have a lot more information about the setup than I do.
Agreed. The strange two in one role is either a new thing that was made for this game mode, something that hasn't been seen often enough for people here to know of it (and therefore not appear on the communities common roles list), confusion, or a lie.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
...Is there really no way to make the insert quotes function save across multiple pages? I feel like I need to have a notepad doc open to keep all this stuff if I'm out for half a day...

Ok in order of things that I can actually find:

BoomFrog BoomFrog Lots of roles might fake claim D1 in the games I've had experience with (played or watched) if the threat of mafia nightkilling them that night (or a few nights thereafter) is enough that they feel the need to, OR if they're scum and want to have some kind of record of consistency to fall back on. Not claiming at all or claiming your actual role can make you seem susp/a target for either sides' killing roles. To the point where the semi-current meta/meme in ToS is to claim medium (or soft-claim veteran) day 1 to discourage being killed, as medium in that game still functions despite being dead, and has a perception of being a night 1 kill magnet regardless of interaction.
-Spies are encouraged to claim D2 so that people can't just use knowledge from the previous days later on to claim it.
-There is always at least one guaranteed Town Protective role (assuming it's not a weird role list), so jailers will claim D1 or 2 under the assurance that either the TP claims will protect them as the most important town, or get lynched as maf or troll players.
-Vigilantes will shoot suspicious people to confirm themselves, but otherwise usually not reveal unless a witch finds and controls them.
-Retributionists (bring back one dead townie per game) will usually only claim on the stand, or right after using their ability. They're also blamed as the biggest reason maf loses if they exist.
-Quite a few people will simply not speak more than once or twice so as not to draw attention to themselves, sometimes this draws attention anyway but it's very common for doctors and bodyguards.
This meta changes about once a month or so as people take advantage or stop using it, but it's an interesting evolution certainly.
ToS's ranked scene is also currently a mess with a lot of people leaving as soon as they get a mafia role though, so there's a lot of call to have things updated in terms of power levels and such. Winning as maf is generally considered to be rare if not practically impossible, depending on rank.

Ok that's ToS, now imagine twice to three times the power (and abilities) for EVERY ROLE, and you have Throne of Lies.
ToL doesn't seem to have a overly specific meta purely due to how confusing it is. That's slowly changing but it's not set in stone by any means. It also starts with only 2 "wolves", but they can change the teams of "townies" over the course of the game to keep their numbers up.

Mindnight might as well be this kind of setup, but without kills (instead fighting for "data nodes" ala capture the flag to some degree) and on a much shorter time scale. Think the only major meta there is that hackers don't normally hack the first node.

LaserGuy LaserGuy Was waiting for the questions to be polite. No that is not a detour or smokescreen, that is simply ingrained habit from years of gaming in nonsense salt mines like League.

.....And now I'm not remembering which the last one was. Please let me know if I missed anything.
As long as you don’t click insert quotes at the bottom when formatting a post, they should all stay there throughout each page.


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
Agreed. The strange two in one role is either a new thing that was made for this game mode, something that hasn't been seen often enough for people here to know of it (and therefore not appear on the communities common roles list), confusion, or a lie.
Forum mafia is to ToS like D&D homebrew campaign is to a computer RPG. Based on how... whimsical our mod seems to be I would bet that a large portion of the powers in this game are at least a unique twist on standard powers or even wholly made up. That's why claiming D1 doesn't work so well. There is a lot the mafia doesn't know about the setup, but they can fake it better if they know what kind of powers town has. The best way to catch mafia in claims is to wait until D3 or D4 and make the suspicious people claim first. Then they don't have anyone to copy, and it's much easier to catch them in a lie if, for example, they claim to have done X but someone else later claims tracker and they saw Y. But if we all claim D1 then the would know if we do or don't have a tracker. Also, certain town roles should lie when claiming D1 as you pointed out which muddies the waters, but if we wait until D3 then we can have a policy that everyone should tell the full truth. Then we know anyone caught in a lie is scum.

See ya say this, but they don't. XD
My limited experience has been that if you open different pages in different tabs it gets messed up, but if you use one tab to go page by page it works. I think if you reload it should get all the saved quotes too, but I'm not sure.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2020
Aight, I'll test it out next sleep cycle then. If it still doesn't work I'll probably need to poke a tech-minded moderator and figure out what script controls it or something.


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
Vote: 3DSNinja

The logistics of this role are impossible. The role can work if the mod has preemptively agreed with someone outside of the game to be the Shadow. It does not work if Ninja can pick anyone, because there is absolutely no guarantee that the person will agree to it. Then you either have the option of 'discarding' the role, making it Vanilla, or you could have the option for Ninja to name a second person. Rinse and repeat.
There is simply no way an experienced mod would setup a role that is outside his control.

As a second point, since roles have been assigned randomly, it is mightily convenient that the player most in need of a mentor would receive the (probably) only role that has one. 6.25% chance to be precise. I like those odds.
Okay. How do you reconcile me being right about how the mod would not create such a role (we can skip the low chance part) and Ninja actually being able to do what he claimed? You said you 'mostly agree'. Why not fully?
I'm going have to meta read the mod a bit which is always murky business, but I think Ossie is ambitious (evidence: trying to pull such a large game together) whimsical (evidence: I had to post a relevant picture for my confirmation that I understood my role) and has a lack of "thinking things all the way through" (evidence: they posted a public response to a spoilered message in the oasis greenroom). Therefore I believe that such a mod could create such a role even though it could blow up and be a disaster. It's exciting and strange but it's not actually powerful so it's a good role from that perspective. And I assume "anyone" means "anyone who has a smashboards account, is willing to participate in decisive games, and is not currently signed up". That's a much much smaller list. And they could have had a backup plan with an alternate similar power if they couldn't get a volunteer to agree. The logistics aren't impossible, they are simply risky. Some people have a bigger appetite for risk then you do.

Yes this role is absurdly appropriate for 3DSNinja, but although the chance of this specific absurdity is low, the chance that their would be some sort of absurdity isn't nearly as low.

And I would place the odds of Ninja false claiming such an absurd role to be lower then 6.25% anyway.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2020
Votecount 1.6

It's sad that nobody answers their phones nowadays. It makes it more difficult to reconnect with people. And with an increased chance of people being in a bad situation, it's particularly sorrowful when one can't reach an old friend. I don't want to lose more people.
Trisscar (1) - Malakandra
Pythag (2) - 3DSNinja, Xivii
BoomFrog (1) - Trisscar
Deadbananas (2) - Jackrito, Handorin
Handorin (1) - BoomFrog
LaserGuy (1) - Spak
3DSNinja (2) - Sabrar, Deadbananas
Ranmaru (1) - LaserGuy

Not voting: Bessie, LogicoftheVI, Z25, Pythag, Ranmaru

With 16 players alive, it takes 9 to lynch by majority.

Day 1 Lynch Deadline will be Friday, May 22nd, at 5 PM PST.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2020
A few people havent really left and impression on me which probably has more to do with me than them in this instance.
I'll have more time for this tonight (in about 12 hours or so)

Here's a little about those who have stood out.
3dsninja - genuine tone and a claim I dont feel comes from mafia.
Bessie - I'm not really sure what I like about thia slot but I can say im not getting scum vibes from them. While okm town lean/reading them it's not from page 1 like Xi.
Jackrito - I usually like to take my time reading jack. I respect his scum game and feel he is underappreciated town on our homesite. Here without back reading I would say he feels pretty consistent.
Laser - is giving me good vibes. Then asking 3is about their role is what made me rethink me rolefish attacks.

Z and xi havent left much impression which is weird to me given they are the ones I played with previously here.
Z's read on me is on point but I'm not sure if it's a legit read or a prettied up tmi?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2020
LogicoftheVI LogicoftheVI Who is scum? Why are you catching up in bursts, rather than in one go so you can play in the present?
Time is why.
Since the thread opened I'd say I've had about 3-4 hours that I've been able to put into the game.
I work 10-14 hours, I have about 30min-1hr immediately after work, then dinner and family time, after that maybe another 20 to 30 minutes for mafia then bed.
I also try to read and post something in the morning before work as well.
So I'm kind of always behind.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
This makes me laugh and sad at the same time. I missed you Zen and I’m happy to be here too. You may be seeing a few more exkcdians in future games.

....I'mma be honest, my filters are destroyed by the sheer amount of people just asking for clarification on reads. Normally in games I've seen and played in that's a time wasting tactic, so everyone seems susp in that regard. The entire system here has much less info than I'm used to going around, it's weird.
Kinda what I was trying to point out earlier. Forum mafia is probably different than what you’re used to, and what is standard in RL mafia might not be optimal play here. There’s even differences between communities. On xkcd, we loved discussing the setup and most people put their setup spec in one of their opening posts. When we hosted a joint game with DGames, the people from this site considered it a waste of time and/or scummy. And I’ve already discussed a bit the differences in voting habits between our two sites. So what pinged me about you was your overconfidence in your tactic, and you justifying scumreading people off it without reevaluating your own actions and surroundings. In other words, its like you looking for an excuse to scum read someone.

That's the most ridiculous thing ever.

Why would I pull off something that insane off, and why would I try to go that risky?
Hmmm. I’m always suspicious of “would I do that if I were scum?” posts. Especially from experienced players (who you claim is advising you). See also #348, #355.

So it seems the dichotomy is they're scum or we can confirm town with the shadow posting, but the earlier that happens, the quicker we lose a confirmed town overnight barring a possible doc save. Would you rather lynch them today, or keep them on the back noose?
No. We can confirm 3DSNinja has a mentor. Another poster coming in and saying “oh yeah Ninja’s town” confirms nothing. Only a mod post, in mod voice, in a non-******* game (which this is), confirms town. Can you really not think of other possibilities?

My bad, I hadn't seen your #311 when I posted. Then I'll just say, I find this an ridiculous plan from a hypothetical scum team, and that scenario is even less likely then 3ds getting a perfect power by chance. What is the mafia's plan here? 3ds has proven that he doesn't have the wherewithal to pull off a complicated scam. No mafia mate would trust him with pulling off such a bizarre claim. And he's promised to pull sometime outside the game into thread sometime around D3. If he can't do that then he's prepared his own noose with zero reason. Therefore it's very likely he really can perform such a ridiculous feat. I am very confident that you are wrong and should reconsider.
Like really? I will say that I can think of two people who might try a crazy gambit as mafia. And by odd coincidence, both of them are playing this game. Woof?

The reason I'm not being super active... is because I did that last game, and I got lynched. P
My shadow said the reason they ain't providing a reads list is because there's far too many nulls.
Well not trying to discourage you here but why did you want to play if you don’t want to play? The towniest thing a town player can do is post their thoughts and opinions, and interact with others. And I know this may not make logical sense but a townie's job as town is not to stay alive, it is to help town. And regarding too many nulls, if you read through this game or probably any game, people get suspicious of reads lists that are too full of nulls. So if your shadow can’t help you out, who do YOU think is townie or scummy, and why?

I don't know. I certainly wouldn't do it but I'm aware that most people don't play like me.
Really I would have never guessed. :smirk:


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I don't mind Day 1 claims. In fact, I would prefer that everyone but me always claim Day 1. Power Roles just obscure who scum is.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I 100% believe 3DS's claim considering the quote from Wisp. Also, it now makes sense why he claimed to be able to chat with Wisp in the last game. He was experiencing temporal displacement.

I don't agree that the role makes him town. But his play/tone is similar enough to Oasis that I think he most likely is. If anything, he's not a day 1 lynch, especially on the reasoning that his claim is fake since it is provable. Also, if he's town, the obscurity of it may be threatening enough to mafia for them to take him out.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

Don't Lynch:


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
BTW if BoomFrog is alive by the end of D3 and hasn't lynched scum yet, lynch him 100% of the time. I don't care if you have a cop clear on him or what. Lynch him.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Zen: Why did you vote me early game? What's the order of your Lynch / Not lynch list?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I'd prefer bananas. Hando second. The others I'm not sure. I think just lynching in that group is a solid start. I voted you because you were playing like scum.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Thank you Zen. Now can you also tell me why you have been disengaged with the thread?
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