Ok, I've been checking other topics on this board and other message boards to gather up everything I can about the Wi-Fi mode. Unfortunately, it sound even more nerfed than I could have imagined. Here's what I've gathered:
"With Anyone mode"
-2 minute time matches required; no stock option
-item switch available
-conflicting reports of 2 v 2 or free for all only. No word on whether or not, if there is 2 v 2, if you can choose whose team you're on.
"With Friends"
-as customizable as a local match, meaning items, stock, time, etc.
-friend codes obviously
-no word on whether the phrases you can say are censored, word limits, etc.
"Multi-Man" and other modes
-haven't really been paying attention because I don't care, but if you know anything post nd I will edit.
I could be wrong on anything because a lot of the stuff I was reading was from yesterday and early this morning; don't know if it's just speculation or panic. It looks to be for sure though that there is no stock option for "with anyone."
"With Anyone mode"
-2 minute time matches required; no stock option
-item switch available
-conflicting reports of 2 v 2 or free for all only. No word on whether or not, if there is 2 v 2, if you can choose whose team you're on.
"With Friends"
-as customizable as a local match, meaning items, stock, time, etc.
-friend codes obviously
-no word on whether the phrases you can say are censored, word limits, etc.
"Multi-Man" and other modes
-haven't really been paying attention because I don't care, but if you know anything post nd I will edit.
I could be wrong on anything because a lot of the stuff I was reading was from yesterday and early this morning; don't know if it's just speculation or panic. It looks to be for sure though that there is no stock option for "with anyone."