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Hashire Kazemeijin

Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Distant Planet. [A.K.A. Hesperia]
My friend is a Lucario user, and the way he uses him makes for an interesting match. I have no trouble winning the overall battle, but the fights themselves he usually outperforms me, even tho his abilities are adequate at best. [In Melee he could not defeat a lvl 9 CPU]. He outranges me, swats down any Pikmin I throw at him with Force Palm or a standard attack combo, and should any get through, they are promptly shed with a single use of Lucario's D-Smash or Aura Sphere. Should I rush him I can do a decent 30-50% dmg before he bats me away with Force Palm point-blank. Should he rush me, he usually gets a good hit with Force Palm seeing as it cannot be shield-grabbed at point-blank range. He usually can't KO me unless he gets off an Aura Storm or a well timed Force Palm, or I'm careless nd get nailed with a smash attack or Aura Sphere at high dmg. Even tho I beat him 98.63% of the time, are there any tips yu could send my way to make sure I don't risk being utterly defeated?

On a different note, I have a hell of a time beating good Marth, Wolf, Pit, or Wario users. Marth kills off any Pikmin with a powerful range, Wolf is aggressive and really puts the pressure on, Pit uses multi-hit attacks to kill off Pikmin while they are still in line, and Wario is just too erratic to predict and 76.24% of the time his DAir beats out my U-Smash and/or UAir.

Any suggesstions are appreciated.


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
I also have problems with Pit, but I try to play the range game despite his arrows. I wind up just throwing pikmen rapidly while making sure to keep a few on hand at all times. If he goes in for a charge i either fsmash pretty easily or if he likes to use that sword twirl I try to roll through in time and grab because of oli's nice reach. Pretty easy to mess that up and get caught in the annoyingly long twirl... but its a simple remedy to back up and grab also

good luck working out the oli kinks... i know my friends have me on my toes : /


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
I don't see how the hell he can outrange you. Just keep jumping over his blast and throwing Pikmin at him. When he tries to knock them off with one of his pathetically slow melee attacks, start approaching. Lather, rinse, repeat until you're close enough that you can make an aerial approach and start beating him up in close-range combat. Just take advantage of how much slower all of his attacks are than yours; you can outrange him to get in and then you can keep him juggled pretty easily because his only downward attacks can't outrange your Pikmin and are slow enough to be countered by an air-dodge -> Fair.

Hashire Kazemeijin

Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Distant Planet. [A.K.A. Hesperia]
While I agree that once Lucario is airborne, he is as good as dead as long as I don't mess up the range on UAir. But it is a bit difficult to constantly dodge Force Palm after Force Palm. It is true that I can advance while he sheds Pikmin, but it's hard to latch any on when he spams Force Palm while advancing, as it knocks them down while moving closer. I can use standing dodge to avoid the energy version of the attack, but as each one advances him, he eventually gets point blank and uses the grab version. Air dodging allows me to dodge one or two, but not a stream of them. And rolling towards him gets me hit in the back of the head.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2008
Wichita, Kansas
With Lucario, I suggest being defensive and using your smash attacks to get him airborne, using your up air. Still be careful though, his d-air stops his falling pretty much and can make hitting him rather tricky. As a Wolf and Olimar player, I can't give you much advice. I suck against Wolf's and own Olimars... not much I can help you with there... As for Wario. Be highly defensive as he has some powerful moves. If your up air isnt working, stay on the ground or DI to the left or right a bit and use a f/b-air. His moves have lag that you can punish pretty well. As for Pit, I can't help, i don't know him enough


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
Oh, people are spamming Force Palm? Yeah, Remian was a ******* and tried that halfway through our battle because he had no clue what else to do. Just throw your Pikmin at the right time and you should be able to hit him anyway. Bring a Purple to the second slot, wait, then spam Pikmin; he'll start Force Palm -spamming to deflect your Pikmin, killing the first one that latches on to him, but the Purple will then knock him back and all the rest will start latching on. Lather, rinse, repeat, until either he stops the idiotic tactic or his damage gets so high that you can just grab him and pwn him.

In fact, yeah, Oli's grab range is really the best way to counter an attack like a Force Palm.


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2008
Basically all I do when i play my friend who uses Lucario, is spam my Pikmin. He gets extremely mad, because he is usually a defensive player, and uses neutral B (aura sphere), but I can deal massive damage to him with Pikmin. So... when he gets tired of the pikmin, he rushes me, and I merely dodge and do DownSmash, or any of other of Olimars moves, and just combo the heck out of him.

Lucario (in my opinion) is actually bad against Olimar. I 3 stocked my friend that uses lucario twice in a row.

Hashire Kazemeijin

Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Distant Planet. [A.K.A. Hesperia]
I'm starting to hate Marth more and more. And I already hated him to begin with.

My friend uses Marth's F-Smash a lot, but he doesn't spam it enough to be predictable [I.E. Shield Grab], but uses it enough to be a consistent stream of damage and a way to push me back, as well as make me unsure when to attack him at a time my Pikmin won't be chopped in half.

Any tips for this scenario?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
In all of my Marth battles, I noticed that I tend to grab very, very often. Even during moments when Marth approaches me with a forward-air, I still grab, and it works. I tend to stay on the ground more often, too. When attacking Marth with a forward-air, it seems like Marth's sword can easily counter Olimar. Whenever I charge and forward-air Marth, it's like a fly being swatted, and Olimar is the fly. My point is, I try to stay rooted on the ground and seldom jump, against a Marth. I don't know if that helps.

Hashire Kazemeijin

Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Distant Planet. [A.K.A. Hesperia]
I think I need a more diverse offense now. My Lucario using friend is getting closer and closer to achieving a fair victory against me. Each match we have, his strategy improves as he knows what I'm going to do. He refuses to use Aura Sphere unless he's in my face or I'm recovering [w00t for Whistle Armor on that one], because he knows I use Pikmin to absorb it. Unless it's a White, he generally ignores any Pikmin latched onto him because he knows I use them as a diversion tactic and I rarely have more than 2 on him at a time. He uses Double Team as an offensive attack because he knows he can use it freely with a Pikmin attached to him, but without killing the Pikmin, thus letting him rattle off Double Team after Double Team if he so chooses [he doesn't, thankfully.]. Worst of all, the Olimar combo [F-B, grab, D-Throw, U-Smash, U-Air x2, Up-B] is generally useless because instead of trying to counterattack me in air, he immediately air dodges after the throw, rending the follow up attacks useless unless he's at 0%. At 0 I can still hit it as he doesn't get knocked back enough to dodge. But 1% and up, it's no good. Thankfully he hasn't discovered edge hogging yet, but if he ever does, I'm possibly in trouble. Any new strategies floating out there that could help me in my possible predicament?
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