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Stuck at home


Smash Rookie
Oct 11, 2014
I'd like to get more into Smash 4, but I don't have any friends who play it, and I don't feel super safe going to local events by myself (there aren't any more in my area this month anyway). I'm kind of stuck as to how to enjoy the game and improve at it. Are online tournaments sufficient? My Wii U is literally right next to my router and it's a very solid connection but I usually get some kind of lag when playing For Glory, and it's hard to improve that way. Lag makes it difficult to know what I'm doing wrong.

What should I do?


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Smashladder is a good place to train, in my opinion. There are plenty of people playing there, of varying skill levels. If you choose to fight someone not far from you, there won't even be that much lag in the match. And, unlike your typical For Glory player, it feels like people there use more efficient ways of routing internet rather than sticking a wire and an telephone cable onto a potato and calling it a router, so even if you fight someoen far away, as long as you have good internet, the match is still entirely playable. You can also chat to other players while in and out of matches.
Training mode is also a good place to train, but in my opinion, only if you have a defined goal. Set the AI to level 6, get a flat stage like FD, Battlefield or any Omega stage, set their behaviour to "Attack" and then try training something specific like shorthop-to-Uair, or strings after throws, or etc. It's how I train when my friends are unavaiable or not present.
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