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Stopping my losing streak online


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
I posted in the Fox Social a little while back for feedback with a replay, but never really got any.

Anyway, how can I stop my losing streak on FF, or online for that matter, as well as becoming less reliant on items? (probably 95& of my wins are because items saved my rear end). I understand losing can be used as a learning experience, but when I'm losing up to 30 matches back-to-back on For Fun nevertheless, what am I doing wrong? Sometimes I won't get one KO, sometimes I'll get a KO and have it taken away as fast as it came, or sometimes my aim will be so terrible I miss the opportunity to get a KO a opponent did in free for all.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Well if you're playing with items I don't see the problem winning with items, but I do understand why it may feel "scrubby."

Does FF have a 1v1 or is it always FFA? Honestly if you're trying to win, I'd probably move on over to FG.


Smash Cadet
May 30, 2015
I think your problem is the fact that you are playing for fun, I mean if you want to play that mode go on ahead but you aren't going to get a good gauge of skill on ff. I mean due to items the better player could easily lose. I would really suggest switching to for glory (which isn't that much better to be honest) and then you can learn to play without item. But really just play a lot to get better. I mean you might lose a lot but just play more, read some general playing strategies on smashboards and watch a bit of pro stuff. That will help a lot.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2014
Saying "move to For Glory" doesn't help, but accepting that For Fun means there's a huge Mario Party-esque element of random chance and Sakurai's Wild Ride™ might.
Because of this, you're more likely to die to luck than to anything preventable by skill. Many players get fed up with this and refuse to masochistically subject themselves to a situation they ultimately have less control over.

That said, certain characters are much better when aided by items. Villager can actually hold an inventory of 2 items (one in the hand, one in the pocket) and do very well in FF.
Rosalina is amazing in For Glory, as well as in For Fun, due to her Gravitational Pull's ability to defend against items and claim them for her own.

If it isn't a skill-related or luck-based losing streak, it may be physiological. Take care of your body and clear your head. Sleep regularly and adequately. Eat well. Stay hydrated. These things have an immense impact on cognitive performance of all kinds. Chances are, your losing streaks can be mitigated by these things.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
Well if you're playing with items I don't see the problem winning with items, but I do understand why it may feel "scrubby."

Does FF have a 1v1 or is it always FFA? Honestly if you're trying to win, I'd probably move on over to FG.
FF doesn't have a 1v1 feature, also 2v2 or FFA. I wish there was a 1v1. maybe then I could practice my tech in a more friendly environment. At least at the start.

I went into FG once, got 2 bodied (although it seemed like I had the upper hand at first) and left. Put my hands up and said, "Yep, its back to FF until I get better."

I've seen some fighters in FF who are good at spot dodging and perfect shielding, For Fun is just the title though, as I'm more serious-minded. I find the vacancy of items has helped me work on my defense better. Sometimes, I can end up being the punching bag, gathering the most damage at the start of a match.

I could go over many things that contribute (such as avoiding some stages altogether, like Pyrosphere), but that would be counter-productive.

I do seem to have a problem with characters like Shulk, Sonic, Ganondorf, and Capt Falcon to a certain extent.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
Just because you lost twice on FG doesn't mean you should quit. Try it again today and you may be surprised.
I actually did have kind of a winning streak today on FF. Once or twice without using items.

Its progress I guess.

Also, anyone who has played Smash as long as I have knows Smash most likely, unless you're playing in solo mode, will agitate more than it will entertain....at least at first. But most of the time, it agitates. I find I work best in the morning more than any other time of day.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
You were playing "For Fun" mode, weren't you? Why do you care so much about winning and losing. It's just for fun, which is meant to **** around and such.

EDIT: Plus, it doesn't record your wins and losses like For Glory does.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
There have been a lot of good responses in this thread already, so what I might have to add may not be all that new.

Firstly, playing For Fun isn't going to help you become less reliant on items. On top of that Free-For-Alls are generally a lot tougher (at least in my opinion) than 1V1s or 2V2s given there's more chaos on the field and the fact you have so much more to focus on. You have to avoid getting KOed more as well as trying to get a KO yourself before someone takes it first, so it's not always the easiest.

Next, it is For Fun. You shouldn't put so much emphasis on losing while playing a mode that is literally called For Fun.

As others mentioned it's pretty luck based to begin with. You don't know how many times I had a Starman spawn right on top of someone to save their butts at the last moment, or a bomb spawned right on me while I was in the middle of an attack I couldn't stop. I know losing isn't fun especially when you lose just about constantly on some days; however you really shouldn't beat yourself up over it. Everyone loses, and it's all part of the Gaming experience. There's no escaping it especially when you play Online against other players.

If you're truly wanting advice and truly wanting to get better without going into For Glory, then go to this thread right here.

Seriously, the people I have found there are really nice and willing to give advice when you ask for it, plus some of them are actually very good and offer up tough challenges. This will be your first step to improving. If you refuse to because you feel like you may get bodied, or if you give up because you lose a lot then I'm afraid I can't help you. You can't get over these hurdles unless you make an attempt to.
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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
There have been a lot of good responses in this thread already, so what I might have to add may not be all that new.

Firstly, playing For Fun isn't going to help you become less reliant on items. On top of that Free-For-Alls are generally a lot tougher (at least in my opinion) than 1V1s or 2V2s given there's more chaos on the field and the fact you have so much more to focus on. You have to avoid getting KOed more as well as trying to get a KO yourself before someone takes it first, so it's not always the easiest.

Next, it is For Fun. You shouldn't put so much emphasis on losing while playing a mode that is literally called For Fun.

As others mentioned it's pretty luck based to begin with. You don't know how many times I had a Starman spawn right on top of someone to save their butts at the last moment, or a bomb spawned right on me while I was in the middle of an attack I couldn't stop. I know losing isn't fun especially when you lose just about constantly on some days; however you really shouldn't beat yourself up over it. Everyone loses, and it's all part of the Gaming experience. There's no escaping it especially when you play Online against other players.

If you're truly wanting advice and truly wanting to get better without going into For Glory, then go to this thread right here.

Seriously, the people I have found there are really nice and willing to give advice when you ask for it, plus some of them are actually very good and offer up tough challenges. This will be your first step to improving. If you refuse to because you feel like you may get bodied, or if you give up because you lose a lot then I'm afraid I can't help you. You can't get over these hurdles unless you make an attempt to.
The title, "For Fun" is more of a misnomer if anything. It was probably given that title to separate it from the zero-handicap world of For Glory.. Studies have shown the brain, particularly with negative experiences over positive ones, has the tendency to remember the negatives over the positives. Sometimes in the handle I'll put, "REALLY?" sometimes followed by "PATHETIC" but I don't go any further than that. Most of the time I won't do even that, but Smash is one of those games where it can toy with your emotions.
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