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Stop Complaining

May 30, 2015
Hello guys my name is Atlas Fury. I main R.O.B/Captain Falcon. I would like to say im very good at the game.I have seen alot of people complaining about cheap tactics and combos and such on for glory and other things. This really bothers me as in this game I feel nothing is cheap in any way whatsoever and if people abuse certain things that their mains have, its not cheap its using their options. You may find it annoying but its how they win.

I used to hate toon link and link for just tossing boomerangs and bombs but without them how are they supposed to fight? Their grabs are slow the majority of their air attacks are slow and they really need their projectiles to survive. If you can't get past it then it's your fault not their's learn and adapt to punish. For example I use R.O.B's laser to make them apporach then punish.

I personally have a 73% for glory w/l ratio with ness and about 80% with R.O.B I honeslty don't care as it does not mean anything at all. 80% of people there are trash and I don't improve. Most of them have the same patterns and rinse and repeat so much I can get by by spaming laser and pk fire. I don't do this all the time as it's not fun for both players (in my case anyways) so instead of doing this with pk fire, laser and gyro and ruining the experience with these players I mix it up a bit an see what they do differnet. If they don't learn and are still stubborn I countinue my tatics. I have about 400+ games.

If you ever have trouble with these characthers. Pick them up do the same thing learn what people to the punish them and then copy. Alternatively learn what to do to punish yourself or pick up a good counter characther. Like I did.

Edit: I have now dropped Ness for Falcon not that it matters.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
Well, my main Palutena can beat any character in the right hands, so... :p

On topic, I agree that there are no real cheap tactics in smash that aren't shared in any other fighting game like camping, and solutions to those have long since been determined. Yeah, they can be annoying as hell, but if you spend enough time in the game, you'll eventually get used to and learn how to counter it, even if it means not challenging it at all. My guess is that people see a strat they don't like, want to be able to stop it immediately, find out they can't, and then go off and talk about how "OP" or "cheap" said strategy is. What they don't understand is that some of these tactics can't be figured out in a few matches. You need to play multiple people, learn the tells of different set ups and moves that lead into those situations, and experiment different ways to play around them. That could be through challenging it (Palutena), evading it (Palutena), or not bothering trying to approach at all and wait it out (UKnoWho).

If I lose a match, either I don't know the matchup well enough, the strategies and setups of my opponent or their character well enough, or I'm emotionally compromised D: Good flexibility on your part can be shown when you get 2-stocked match 1, take a stock match 2, and win in match 3.

On a side note, I do think some people in the forums are generally mean in their responses to those who complain about something. It's not hard to tell them to keep playing, they'll get better. You're not gonna see astronomical results in one day.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
That is right just play to win and if that results in degenerate gameplay then it is probably the game's fault for not being well suited for competitive play.

Actually I see being called cheap as a compliment because it probably means that I am better than the one who called me cheap and that he cares about that. In fact, I think that calling people cheap is often used as an excuse by sore losers for why they keep losing even though they are supposedly better than the people who are owning them.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2015
Something might be called cheap if it is basically an easy to perform tactic that yields pretty big results, although these are usually things that can be avoided my experimented players or at the very least easier to avoid falling into.
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