wave dashing is a definate glitch, the movements your character does while you preform it is enough to prove that..
Nope. If it were a glitch it'd probably cause some game errors. its quite miraculous that a glitch would work 100% of the time and interchange with the ''non glitch'' moveset of the character.
Its just sliding, and airdodging into the ground causes it. Wavelanding was known about by the people that developed the game (See debug menu in AR, ''Land fall special)
and wavedashing is the same thing.
It was most definatly not an intentional technique, and I see why people think its a glitch, but its just a really smart way to use the airdodge.
It doesn't matter if it's a glitch... Even if you can prove a discovered advanced technique is a glitch, advanced players are going to use it anyway.
Um depends on how broken it is. The ice climbers freeze glitch is broken because it freezes the other guy for as long as you want and you can just rack up his damage if you have equal stocks and let the timer run out.
Things like wavedashing can be spammed and immediatly destroyed. Aka : wavedashing into someones move. It doesnt make you invincible, its really hard to use properly.